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Messages - YITD

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Thanks Christian,
We applied all updates which included one for smbd and it appeared to have resolved the issue.
Many thanks to all who contributed to this thread.
You people rock and make this product so great ! :)

Thanks for your contribution Astana,
Your guess proved fruitfull.  We did actually find the smbd process running under root to be keeping the system busy for the 90 min period.  Killing this process did actually give us immediate access to dashboard and imap services (through Zarafa) within seconds !
So the question now becomes - Why is the smbd process taking so long to do its thing (whatever it is that its doing) at startup ?

Interesting point - In our startup attempts so far we've always started Zarafa manually before the 90 min window is up so on our next attempt will try a restart 'without' manually starting zarafa to see if it too comes up after the 90 mins.

Thanks Christian
Zarafa did actually start using that command - maybe something with our Zentyal 3.2 but I promise - it did :)
Yes - had a look at zentyal and syslogs but found nothing exciting in there that could hint toward the lazyness of dashboard and imap.

We've been running zentyal successfully for just over 3 months now but hit a "show-stopper" yesterday.

On startup we manage to successfully login to the server but the dashboard dosn't come up leaving us with white browser page. Furthermore email services are not functional - we can't connect our imap clients to the server and Zarafa webmail is unavailable.

During this disfunctional period we noted the Zarafa service to be in a stopped state and managed to get it running through SSH using the command :
sudo /etc/init.d/zarafa-server start
At this point we manage to get to login to Zarafa via web browser and also manage to list all messages however outgoing emails remain in the outbox and no new emails come in.  IMAP clients remain un-connectable at this stage.

After about 90 minutes all begins to work normally. Dashboard presents the login screen and we managed to login and all functions including IMAP resume normally.

Following a restart the identical symptoms are reproduced. We repeated this exercise three times with identical results each time.

Any ideas on how to convince dashboard and IMAP to wake up on time?

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