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Messages - netzwurm

Pages: [1]

I am currently working on an article for Linux Magazine on Ubuntu-Server and QoS. I am thinking of including eBox and therefore I would need to do some testing asap. I don't really need a HowTo, but it would help a great deal if you could give me the location of those packages.


Will that package be using kernel or userspace layer7? I'd be glad to help with the fixing issue too if you want me to have a look at the code.


I am using ebox on my house network. Unfortunately I do need traffic shaping via layer7 for some protocols. My question is whether there is a preferred way to complement the ebox-traffic shaping with my own layer7 and integrate it with ebox. For example, if I used layer7 to mark specific traffic, can I prioritize traffic with that mark in the traffic shaping module?

My second question is related. At the moment I have to manually enter my ISP's gateway to the interface with upstream and downstream. Is it possible to use DHCP for the external interface and add something more generic to the gateway module? Something like "add whatever you get from eth1?".

All my best.

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