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Messages - Svein Wisnaes

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Installation and Upgrades / Lack of documentation - DNS setup
« on: February 06, 2010, 12:36:37 am »
I am trying to get up to speed as fast as possible on E-box as it looks like it will really do the job for me.

One thing I need to have running is a local DNS that will resolve one domain AND will cache as well.

I have read the documentation available (everything I could find), but the documentation is at best light. It would be nice to see some step-by-step documentation on how to set up a local DNS with caching.

Here is the info that should be in the DNS:

I have an official domain that I will use as a base. So my local domain will be

The DNS will also have a list of computers in our network - a hostlist. So I guess I will add them as hosts. And for each of them, I would like to add an alias (just the name of the computer) so I do not have to type the whole qualified address each time.

I also want to point to the server as I want to use it as a development server. How where do I add this?

Where do I add the DNS'es to forward requests to in case it is outside of our domain? Is that the normal DNS list under network?

In 1.4, the help section in DNS is missing.

When I have this running, I will try to make a screencast to explain the setup I have done and post it on YouTube.

But will ebox read my existing configuration and go on from there?

The other question is if ebox have modules for everything I have installed...?

I have been following the development of ebox for a long time, and I am considering installing it on my working server here at home.

I already have Apache, MySQL, php, Samba, proftpd, Cups, bind9 and a few other things running. The DNS server has some problems (not quite correct configured). But the rest is working pretty ok.

Has anyone tried an install like this? What could go wrong? I would guess that as long as I have physical access to the server (I have keyboard and monitor connected) I should be able to fix most problems?

I need some kind of GUI to make the administration easier and as far as I can see, it is either Webmin or ebox. I know that there are parts of ebox that I immediately will disable - no need for a firewall and a few other things. And I am tired of trying to get the DNS to work. I need it to be ok now, so I am willing to do something drastic to fix it.

Would be interesting to hear from others in the same situation. I have had ebox installed on a different server long ago to test it, but did not keep it running too long as it was on a test pc.

Installation and Upgrades / New forum - Features requests?
« on: July 09, 2008, 03:03:18 am »
I am missing a separate forum that is only aimed at feature requests. It would be good to separate this from the general support.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Torrent for eBox
« on: July 09, 2008, 03:01:17 am »
Thank you very much! This helps a lot!

The first thing I want from a server is for it to keep my data safe. Without this the server is not more trustworthy than a normal PC - maybe even less since it is going to be on all the time and used by several people at the same time...

So at least I want RAID 1 on it. As it turns out Ubuntu can do this in software, so I am going to try to set this up. Would be really nice if the eBox image came with this feature already set up and made it a little easier for all of us.

Actually, I am not trying to set up my bootdrive as RAID1, I want to additional drives to run as RAID1 and use these drives as my data drives. I guess they should be used for /usr? It is where I want all user generated data to live.

I found an article on that talks about setting up RAID1 as boot on a new install. They also link to the HOWTO.

Has anyone tried this and can tell a little bit about it?

It seems to be fairly straightforward to set up a RAID1 system. But what do I do to eventually set this as my datadrive?

Thank you for a very interesting answer! I will comment on that in the article I am writing.

Re gateway and firewall stuff - I like the idea of beeing able to choose profiles. PDC, Workgroup server, gateway, firewall... This could also be a kind of first log-on screen when you enter the web interface for the first time. Anyway - it should be explained pretty well for each choice.

I am about to add two harddrives. At the moment, I do not have any hardware raid controller. Does anyone have a good explanation on how to add these two drives to Ubuntu server, set it up with software mirroring ( I have heard it shold be possible :-)  ) and get this to show as the drive for home areas, shares, backup etc. in eBox? At the moment, I do not mind deleting the users I have and adding them again if this avoid having to fix several config files.

One thing I forgot to mention is that it does not seem eBox sync the users between Linux and Samba. I would consider this to be necessary to keep a clean system.

How do I fix the printer problem? Do anyone want to get into a dialog with me to figure out exactly what is wrong?

How do I fix the problem with two servers appearing? One of them has the name I gave, the other one is called eBox.

I appreciate any answer.

Installation and Upgrades / First install and some observations
« on: June 27, 2008, 04:52:32 am »
I managed to download eBox even with bad lines and got it installed. Here are a few initial observations:

Let me first explain how my network has been set up. We have a small network here with a router that provide the contact with the internet. This router provides DHCP, firewall, NAT, routing etc. and the only change I am planning to this in the future is to replace it with a box based on pfSense to get some more advanced options.

We all connect to a separate switch using 100Mbit cables.

During the installation of Ubuntu server, I was not asked to provide an IP address. It automatically went for DHCP. This meant I had to find out what IP address to connect to after the install. I am using Look@lan to check my network, so it was not a big problem, but not really intuitive. If it is not possible to get the installation to ask for an IP adress, it would be good to display the active address on the screen after the installation has ended.

When I started to go through the possible functions of eBox, I noticed that it had a lot of functions that I consider belong to a separate box. I do not like to put my valuable data on the same box as the firewall etc. And I have always believed that nobody can make one product that is everything to everyone. So I would prefer that eBox was focused on the server side and that everything that has to do with gateway/firewall/routing etc. was left to Smoothwall and pfSense. They are totally focused on this, so why waste time redeveloping the wheel? Let them do that and focus all development resources on the stuff they do not do! My big question here is if it is possible to uninstall these parts of eBox so that it does not appear in the menues or configurations as well as in the list for updating?

I changed from DHCP to static IP address through the webinterface. No problem at all.

During the installation of Ubuntu server, I gave my machine a name. Why does eBox add another name? When I browse for servers in the workgroup, I get two servers. There is no need for this?

Also, why is PDC the default setting for Samba? Most small businesses and homes would be better served with a default setting of Workgroup. I changed my setting to workgroup so I do not make a mess here at home.

I tried installing a printer (Brother HL-1070) that does not need a special driver under Windows XP. This was initially easy, but as I tried to add the printer on my laptop, I got into an ID conflict and could not resolve it. I created another user and was eventually allowed to add the printer, only to be told that the server did not have the right driver. So I had to choose one. Again - not a problem, just a little bit annoying. I then tried to print a test page. Nothing happened. When I checked the job queue, I got an errormessage - "an internal error related to a template". Anyone heard about this? The printer is connected through USB.

Next challenge will be to add to drives configured in RAID1 (mirroring). I can not find any menu that allow me to configure drives, so it will be interesting. Any suggestions?

In spite of the questions and problems, eBox is so far the best alternative I have seen to a home server. With some adjustments, I think this will be the ultimate tool for a home or a small business. But drop the gateway and firewall stuff.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Torrent for eBox
« on: June 25, 2008, 04:48:34 pm »
Thank you.

I have been browsing the website and cannot wait to try it out!

Installation and Upgrades / Torrent for eBox
« on: June 24, 2008, 05:29:30 pm »
I know this has been mentioned before, but there has still not been any answers for it.

The torrent protocol is far more efficient than ftp and http for downloading big files. Would it not be logical to put up a torrent as an alternative? I live in Brazil and the connection here is at times very bad. And I would love to try out eBox as I am writing a column for a newspaper in Norway. This is exactly the kind of software that I would like to write about. But first I need to try it myself.

Please put up a torrent so we can start downloading it.

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