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Topics - rs232

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / caching BBC iplayer traffic?
« on: May 17, 2011, 12:20:07 pm »
Hi all, my Internet TV had the BBC iplayer apps installed. The TV itself is using the zentyal transparent proxy and it seems to be working fine (traffic going through the zentyal). However, data doesn't seem to be cached! If I re-watch a program I can see traffic going through the WAN interface again.

How can I make zentyal caching BBC iplayer traffic?


Hello everybody :-)

I've been testing the multi gateway - load balancing function, and I can't get my head around on what algorithm has been implemented to load balance (actually load share  ;)). Initially I thought it was simple round-robin, but testing it with a:

Code: [Select]
traceroute -m 1
I get truly random first hop results. So I guess it's just "random", am I correct?


Installation and Upgrades / reverse proxy?
« on: July 08, 2010, 04:52:05 pm »
How do I set up the web proxy module to do reverse proxy?
I have multiple web services in my network hosted on different IP responding on port 443 (SSL).
As I'm natted through a single IP I can redirect 443 to max 1 host.
I was therefore thinking to use a proxy and host headers to redirect to the right internal IP based on URL.


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