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Messages - Ludwig

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Email and Groupware / Re: Zentyal 4+ and syncing contacts/calendars
« on: January 06, 2016, 10:24:57 pm »

I had several synchronisation issues with Zentyal (4.1) and Android calendar in the past.
Recently - as to say yesterday - I stumbled over
     "If you experience issues when synchronizing calendars on Android using CalDAV-Sync from DMFS (or any other CalDAV client), make sure you are using "WOUseRelativeURLs = YES" in your SOGo defaults."
In order to implement this setting within Zentyal, it is *not* sufficient to alter the /etc/sogo/sogo.conf configuration file though (because it is rewritten by Zentyal)...
So I did this modification within /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/openchange/sogo.conf.mas and added the line
    WOUseRelativeURLs = YES;
(Don't miss the ';' at line end!)

Furthermore for Windows Mail Clients (i.e. Windows 10 Mail and Outlook 2013), I assured, that the used protocol is Exchange/ActiveSync.

For my environment, this was the solution...

But it would be really nice, if that setting "WOUseRelativeURLs = YES;" could find it's way to Zentyal Defaults.
(** If any Zentyal stuff reads this, please treat this as a feature request **)


PS: I've set up an appointment to walk my dog with Windows 10 Mail two hours ago and was just reminded by my Android :)


got some (but much less) crashes since turning off - so "Workaround disable cache mode" obviously solves some crashes, but unfortunately not all  :(
Therefore the information regarding use of cache mode is intentially aimed to development in order to narrow bug tracking and filter open issues/requests.


Hi all,

It seems, that OpenChange does not like Outlook Exchange Cache Mode (as well as local .PST Folders) at all!
I've been struggeling for days with this issue now, but found a very easy "workaround" this evening:

Just turn off Outlook Exchange Cache mode.
This prevents Outlook from creating al locat .OST file (for offline mails) and as an effect also avoids any MAPIStore********* - operations, which seem to be the root cause of Samba-Crashes in conjunction with OpenChange.

Sure, that hint/workaround is not operable in productive environments, but it might help to narrow down the search... (I've seen at least 10 somehow related newly reported bugs at, which might be "solved" by turning off cache mode.)

Cheers and happy bug tracking,

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