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Messages - pascal.bach

Pages: [1]

I would like to know if the Zentyals SMTP Filter option "Learn from the spam IMAP folders of the accounts" works in combination with the Zarafa IMAP Gateway or if this only works with dovecot IMAP.

Thanks for your help


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal ebackup runs multiple times
« on: January 09, 2011, 11:45:30 am »
After some digging around I found the source of the second backup process.

It was in the crontab of the user ebox. This probably is a leftover from an earlier version of zentyal but I don't know for sure.

To solve the problem just clear the crontab of ebox by executing:

$ sudo crontab -u ebox -r


I configured the Zentyal backup module to do a incremental backup ad 2am. Now I changed it to 1am. But the old backup is still running, this means Zentyal does two backups at the moment one at 1am and one at 2am.

I looked through the cron.d directory and there is only the job at 1am listed. I don't know where the second cronjob could come form. Any suggestions?

BTW I'm using the most recent Zentyal 2.0.13.


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