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Messages - andersonpem

Pages: [1]
Hey trysomething! Let me ask you a couple of questions.
Let's keep your example that I bought the domain "".
- For connecting to my local server, I must have a public IP addess, right?
- In my domain register service I have to point one of the records to my public IP, I suppose. Which? MX for mail?
- Can I also have a small information public page on the site or a web mail client also hosted on my zentyal?
Thanks very much for the valuable information. I'm still a beginner.
And sorry for my english.  ;D

Directory and Authentication / Re: Password changing from PHP
« on: February 28, 2016, 08:38:12 am »
I am also looking for a solution for this issue. We want to integrate our intranet in such way the user can change his password through our web intranet, which is PHP-based.  ;D

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