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Messages - killmasta93

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Odd issue from updating 6.2 to 7
« on: December 16, 2022, 03:08:14 pm »
solved it alt+f2

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Odd issue from updating 6.2 to 7
« on: December 16, 2022, 02:49:33 pm »
Thanks for the reply, seeing the picture it seems that zentyal you installed with webGUI, i installed it with no webGUI
i tried the following but still shows getting stuck on the sda screen

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Odd issue from updating 6.2 to 7
« on: December 08, 2022, 08:19:27 pm »
Thank you so much for the reply, currently using proxmox as my visor using novnc,
Currently i tried the below commands cant seem to get it working either, so this happens because it upgrade to tty7?

Thank you

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Odd issue from updating 6.2 to 7
« on: December 07, 2022, 06:15:15 am »
Thanks for the reply, i tried the following which you mention but nothing
the issue is that normally it shows the name of the server and shows login screen like this

Installation and Upgrades / Odd issue from updating 6.2 to 7
« on: December 05, 2022, 09:56:39 pm »
I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the issue im having, Currently updated correctly form 6.2 to 7 and checked that everything is working,
but on the Virtualmachine it does not show the login, but i can access perfectly though SSH and though the webmin
I was checking the logs and didnt find anything odd

Attaching picture

Thank you

thank you just sent the email

i tried to contact them but no response, i was reading that the support is only commercial and not community

i keep seeing logs saying dhcp-dns failed 02
PM if someone want to fix this and will get payed

thanks for the reply,
the issue is that it does not update the the IP when it changes to the DNS
im attaching picture

seems as if the dynamic DDNS script of the DHCP is not updating to the reverse zone

ex: window10-pc has an ip
then it changes the ip to
when i ping it keeps showing

also when i do a reverse lookup by ip it does not do the reverse

Anyone else has gotten this?
going insanse trying to fix this issue

Code: [Select]
r 19 18:35:46 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: cancelling transaction on zone test.local
Apr 19 18:35:49 zentyal dhcpd[3779]: DHCPREQUEST for from 54:ee:75:98:1f:c1 via eth0: unknown lease
Apr 19 18:35:49 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: starting transaction on zone test.local
Apr 19 18:35:49 zentyal named[14741]: client @0x7f0c3c11da90 update 'test.local/IN' denied
Apr 19 18:35:49 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: cancelling transaction on zone test.local
Apr 19 18:35:49 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: starting transaction on zone test.local
Apr 19 18:35:49 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: disallowing update of signer=WINDOWS10-PC\$\@TEST.LOCAL name=windows10-pc.test.local type=AAAA error=insufficient access rights
Apr 19 18:35:49 zentyal named[14741]: client @0x7f0c3c11da90 WINDOWS10-PC\$\@TEST.LOCAL: updating zone 'test.local/NONE': update failed: rejected by secure update (REFUSED)
Apr 19 18:35:49 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: cancelling transaction on zone test.local
Apr 19 18:36:40 zentyal named[14741]: resolver priming query complete
Apr 19 18:36:49 zentyal dhcpd[3779]: DHCPREQUEST for from 54:ee:75:98:1f:c1 via eth0: unknown lease
Apr 19 18:37:50 zentyal dhcpd[3779]: DHCPREQUEST for from 54:ee:75:98:1f:c1 via eth0: unknown lease
Apr 19 18:38:46 zentyal samba[1864]: [2022/04/19 18:38:46.438481,  0] ../lib/util/util_runcmd.c:327(samba_runcmd_io_handler)
Apr 19 18:38:46 zentyal samba[1864]:   /usr/sbin/samba_kcc: ldb_wrap open of secrets.ldb
Apr 19 18:38:50 zentyal dhcpd[3779]: DHCPREQUEST for from 54:ee:75:98:1f:c1 via eth0: unknown lease
Apr 19 18:39:50 zentyal dhcpd[3779]: DHCPREQUEST for from 54:ee:75:98:1f:c1 via eth0: unknown lease
Apr 19 18:40:49 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: starting transaction on zone test.local
Apr 19 18:40:49 zentyal named[14741]: client @0x7f0c3c100b70 update 'test.local/IN' denied
Apr 19 18:40:49 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: cancelling transaction on zone test.local
Apr 19 18:40:49 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: starting transaction on zone test.local
Apr 19 18:40:49 zentyal named[14741]: samba_dlz: disallowing update of signer=WINDOWS10-PC\$\@TEST.LOCAL name=windows10-pc.test.local type=AAAA error=insufficient access rights
Apr 19 18:40:49 zentyal named[14741]: client @0x7f0c3c100b70 WINDOWS10-PC\$\@TEST.LOCAL: updating zone 'test.local/NONE': update failed: rejected by secure update (REFUSED)

Directory and Authentication / Re: Dynamic DNS not working? DHCP
« on: April 19, 2022, 11:45:18 pm »
bump anyone

Directory and Authentication / Re: Dynamic DNS not working? DHCP
« on: March 14, 2022, 02:23:32 pm »
Thank you so much for the reply,
I think i realized something, as zentyal i put the mask

it only created zone 192.168.3

Code: [Select]
root@apolo:~# ls -l -h /var/lib/bind/
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  53 Dec  5 11:12 bind9-default.md5sum
-rw-r--r-- 1 bind bind 344 Mar  8 23:28 db.3.168.192

i think i need to create zones 192.168.1. and 192.168.0

in this case i would need to create manually?

Thank you

Directory and Authentication / Re: Dynamic DNS not working? DHCP
« on: March 13, 2022, 04:09:05 pm »
Thanks for the reply, i added the set -x and here is the log

Code: [Select]
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: starting transaction on zone domain.local
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: allowing update of signer=dhcpduser\@domain.LOCAL name=computer0142.domain.local tcpaddr= type=A key=3285713694.sig-apolo.domain.local/160/0
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: allowing update of signer=dhcpduser\@domain.LOCAL name=computer0142.domain.local tcpaddr= type=A key=3285713694.sig-apolo.domain.local/160/0
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: client @0x7f3a8d05e450 dhcpduser\@domain.LOCAL: updating zone 'domain.local/NONE': deleting rrset at 'computer0142.domain.local' A
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: subtracted rdataset computer0142.domain.local 'computer0142.domain.local.#0113600#011IN#011A#011192.168.0.129'
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: client @0x7f3a8d05e450 dhcpduser\@domain.LOCAL: updating zone 'domain.local/NONE': adding an RR at 'computer0142.domain.local' A
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: added rdataset computer0142.domain.local 'computer0142.domain.local.#0113600#011IN#011A#011192.168.0.129'
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: committed transaction on zone domain.local
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: Reply from update query:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id:  22250
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; flags: qr; ZONE: 1, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; ZONE SECTION:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;domain.local.#011#011#011IN#011SOA
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; TSIG PSEUDOSECTION:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: 3285713694.sig-apolo.domain.local. 0 ANY TSIG#011gss-tsig. 1647183945 300 28 BAQF//////8AAAAAPkZ2GS95H5uFZHD94B91pQ== 22250 NOERROR 0
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: + result1=0
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: + nsupdate -g -d
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: Sending update to
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: client @0x7f3a8c0e0260 domain.local: updating zone '': update failed: not authoritative for update zone (NOTAUTH)
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: Outgoing update query:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id:  38967
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; flags:; ZONE: 1, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 2, ADDITIONAL: 1
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; ZONE SECTION:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; UPDATE SECTION:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: 0#011ANY#011PTR
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: 3600 IN#011PTR#011computer0142.domain.local.
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; TSIG PSEUDOSECTION:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: 1647183945 300 16 Ydfh3gHQ+6JpafevDI/ugw== 38967 NOERROR 0
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: Reply from update query:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOTAUTH, id:  38967
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; flags: qr; ZONE: 1, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; ZONE SECTION:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: ;; TSIG PSEUDOSECTION:
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: 1647183945 300 16 bHQ2fl/tXHqapHt7WnY9Pg== 38967 NOERROR 0
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: + result2=2
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: + result=02
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: + '[' 02 '!=' 00 ']'
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: + logger 'DHCP-DNS Update failed: 02'
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo dhcpd: DHCP-DNS Update failed: 02
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo dhcpd[1206]: execute: /usr/share/zentyal-dhcp/ exit status 512
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo sh[1206]: + exit 02
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo dhcpd[1206]: DHCPREQUEST for from c8:d3:ff:a4:b8:e5 (computer0142) via eth0
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo dhcpd[1206]: DHCPACK on to c8:d3:ff:a4:b8:e5 (computer0142) via eth0
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: starting transaction on zone domain.local
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: client @0x7f3a8c010410 update 'domain.local/IN' denied
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: cancelling transaction on zone domain.local
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: starting transaction on zone domain.local
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: disallowing update of signer=computer0142\$\@domain.LOCAL name=computer0142.domain.local type=AAAA error=insufficient access rights
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: client @0x7f3a8c010410 computer0142\$\@domain.LOCAL: updating zone 'domain.local/NONE': update failed: rejected by secure update (REFUSED)
Mar 13 10:05:45 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: cancelling transaction on zone domain.local
Mar 13 10:05:55 apolo samba[2055]: [2022/03/13 10:05:55.343431,  0] ../lib/util/util_runcmd.c:327(samba_runcmd_io_handler)
Mar 13 10:05:55 apolo samba[2055]:   /usr/sbin/samba_kcc: ldb_wrap open of secrets.ldb

i then ran this to see if it has to do with app armor but nothing either

Code: [Select]
root@apolo:~# sudo egrep -i apparmor /var/log/syslog

Thank you

Directory and Authentication / Re: Dynamic DNS not working? DHCP
« on: March 11, 2022, 12:54:55 am »

Directory and Authentication / Dynamic DNS not working? DHCP
« on: March 09, 2022, 05:35:21 am »
Hi i was wondering if someone else has had this issue before,
Currently zentyal clean install 6.2
I can reverse lookup the name of the computer which gives me the ip
but if i try to put the IP in the nslookup it says cannot find

i keep seeing this on the log

Code: [Select]
execute: /usr/share/zentyal-dhcp/ exit status 512
Code: [Select]
root@apolo:~# nslookup
> computer0559

Name: computer0559.domain.local
** server can't find NXDOMAIN

and also this

Code: [Select]
Mar  8 23:28:57 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: disallowing update of signer=computer0020\$\@domain.LOCAL name=computer0020.domain.local type=AAAA error=insufficient access rights
Mar  8 23:28:57 apolo named[1632]: client @0x7f3a8c0277e0 computer0020\$\@domain.LOCAL: updating zone 'domain.local/NONE': update failed: rejected by secure update (REFUSED)

I thought it was the appamor i even tried to disable it
Code: [Select]
ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.dhcpd /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.dhcpd

and rebooted the server same issue

any ideas?

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