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Messages - dguttierrez

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Webmail user preferences - not working
« on: November 02, 2015, 02:14:57 pm »
OK, now I have found, that if I change locale in preferences or at logins screen to English then everything is ok.

Because my default WebBrowser locale is SI (Slovenian), I have found in log files next error:

Nov 02 14:11:01 sogod [14755]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for language: Slovenian
Nov 02 14:11:01 sogod [14760]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for language: Slovenian

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Webmail user preferences - not working
« on: November 02, 2015, 07:52:56 am »
I have the same error when I login into SOGo web interface. This is on Zentyal 4.2.

-- Davor


After upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1, antivirus and mail filter has been removed. OK, no problem with this. But when I make upgrade there is antivirus and mail filter back. So my question is, will mail filter and antivirus be in next version or not?

Best Regards,

-- Davor Guttierrez

Now I can ping tun1 IP address from the client on the other side. But tun1 address is how can I ping real address on the other side?

Are you talking about:

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE

but on which interface? Eth0 is internet connection, eth1 is LAN, now I have changed from TAP to TUN. Now both servers can ping each other and also all other hosts. But host on other LAN can't ping server on other side.


I have Zentyal Site 2 Site OpenVPN. Server machines sees each other without any problems. But client machines on each side doesn't see internet. On each server I have advertise route of other LAN. Where can be problem? When I disable VPN Client, then client machines which are Windows 7 sees internet without any problems?

Best Regards,

-- Davor


I have Zentyal as Additional controller. Now primary Windows server is dead. What is procedure to make Zentyal Primary controller for domain.

Best Regards,

-- Davor

Tnx for that. It works great on Windows 2003 SBS.

-- Davor

Today I have send my error and slapcat output to this ticket.

-- Davor

Are they talking about this ticket: or this one and this is total new  >:(


-- Davor

I have tested a lot of options and nothing works. Today I will try the same with Windows 2008 server.

-- Davor

I have same problem on two Windows 2003 SBS - Zentyal 3 setup. One of them is total new for testing purposes.

Does this works?

-- Davor

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