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Topics - lrrps

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / FTP Permissions
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:36:03 pm »
Running FTP Server for local users.

Is it possible to have two directories -- Upload/Download -- where users can:

Upload - can create folders, can upload, cannot delete, cannot download
Download - can download, cannot create folders, cannot delete


I've just installed Zentyal 3.0 and configured it exactly as I have 2.2 and 3.0r1/r2 and have found that Zarafa webaccess isn't working. When I try to login to I get a popup window asking for username and password -- not the usual Zafara login screen with username/password.

Anybody else get this error?



Seems Zafara is working well. I went into the (webconfig) Groupware>General configuration settings and unchecked every box except Spell Check and Active Sync. Must be something with the Enable Single Sign-On (Kerberos) selection

Installation and Upgrades / Read permission on web gui module
« on: August 12, 2012, 04:16:34 am »
I noticed that the web gui >Network-Service-List of Services has default services FTP, Web, Mail, SSH etc. with read permissions. Is there a way to change the read permission so I can change the default ports? I've added services within the service section, but would like to actually change/delete the default port.

I've edited the vsftpd.conf file to use a different port, but the change doesn't seem to stay.


I changed the vsftpd default port to listen_port: 4899 but it just seems to stay listen_port:21

Any help would be appreciated.


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