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Messages - kentavzor

Pages: [1]
Russian / Re: Виртуальная машина на Zentyal
« on: December 23, 2011, 11:44:09 am »
Я пробовал установить Windows 2003. Начинается установка, потом после перезагрузки установка прекращается (либо опять копируются файлы для установки до следующего перезапуска) и ни чего не происходит. Так и не понял в чем проблема.

Russian / Re: Синхронизация с AD 2008 r2
« on: December 07, 2011, 12:34:08 pm »
zentyal-migration-tool-2.2.exe именно для миграции с Винды на зентял (чтобы полностью отказаться от microsoft и перенести все настройки)

Russian / Re: Синхронизация с AD 2008 r2
« on: December 07, 2011, 09:12:03 am »
Синхронизация Работает :) с 2008 R2
только авторизация ldap не работает, т.е. не получилось зайти на  почтовик, samba, squid на zentyale с паролями с AD.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: AD Sync Auth problems
« on: November 07, 2011, 01:51:57 pm »
A similar problem.
I sync with AD Windows 2008. Users and groups are synchronized, but it does not work for mail authentication, proxy, and public access.

I'm trying to make migration to the test server from 2.0 to 2.2.
First, getting a similar error described above (Can't call method "valueByName" on an undefined value at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 2257).
 After correction of the script migration module try again from scratch. Now I have error:
Moving apache ssl files to new name
mv: cannot stat '/etc/apache/ssl/apache.pem:: No such file or directory
Access to the Web console does not.

I have worked out! After some manipulation.
1. Created the missing files.
2. Reconnect to the Internet.
3. Alternately ran the scripts from the directory post-upgrade
4. The script 070_move_ssl_certs changed the way instead of apache apache2 since finished the received an error message.
5. Completed remainder migrate script from # purge Zentyal 2.0

Web-based interface and all is well ok!
Hope this helps someone!

YES !!!
It would be very cool to have a support site in Russian

Installation and Upgrades / AD sync & mail
« on: October 21, 2011, 11:46:43 am »
Good afternoon.
I try on a virtual machine Hiper V.
I use Zentyal 2.2. Set up a sync slave to Windows 2008 AD.
Members are well synchronized.
Install a mail server on Zentyal.
When configuring a mail client to specify a mail server, user. What password should I specify? You use to log into the system? The server does not authorize for this password. The server synchronizes the LDAP password to the account? Server reports: auth field. I understand that the server does not authorize an account. What am I doing wrong?
I am new to Linux.

Pages: [1]