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Messages - Syntax

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Installation and Upgrades / Re: Ubuntu Network share auto login script
« on: September 20, 2014, 01:46:17 am »
Yes, you can do it from Zentyal.  The logon script is in a system share "NETLOGON" and can be controlled by uploading a script file in the Zentyal web interface.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: DNS answering with wrong FQDN
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:19:31 pm »
Has anybody else experienced this?  I installed it a couple of times on a VM to test, and have the same problem every time.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: copying users from zentyal 2.2 ldap to 3.2
« on: September 15, 2014, 06:45:55 pm »
Why can't you connect to the new server?  That sounds like an issue that needs to be redressed before attempting to import LDAP

It's not my decision, I'm just a community member.  However, home folders were never, in the history of networking, created for document sharing.  That's what shared folders are for.  In 22 years as a network engineer, I've never once seen home folders used for document sharing except in a peer to peer network nightmare scenario.

Home folders are not for file sharing, they are for storing non-public information... You are looking for shared folders, which are easily created in the "file sharing" link on the admin interface.

I'm getting something similar in a specific circumstance.  If I have multiple domains configured in DNS and the first one (alphabetically) is unpopulated, then it shows Server: UnKnown.  However, if the first one is populated then it reports that zone as the one it's responding from instead of the zone it's actually part of.

It's documented in my post here:,23247.0.html

Installation and Upgrades / DNS answering with wrong FQDN
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:55:20 pm »
So, I have a 3.5 server I've newly installed.  My problem is that the server is responding to DNS queries as a member the first domain alphabetically in the DNS list, instead of the domain it is actually a member of.

In the DNS module the primary domain (let's call it primary.dom) is automatically set up.  When I add a new domain, the server responds to queries (nslookup) as if it was part of that domain instead of its own, even if I remove any mention of the server from the zone.

it looks like this:
beta.dom           <---- sorts alphabetically
primary.dom       <---- server is here as A record and name server

Server:   zentyal.beta.dom             <----- NOTE: server purports to be beta.dom instead of primary.dom
Address: x.x.x.x

Non-authoritative answer:
etc etc etc.

If I remove all records from beta.dom (and point a name server record at primary.dom) then it does the same thing but identifies as UnKnown instead of the wrong domain.

Any ideas?

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