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Topics - piitaj

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Hi all!

I installed Zentyal 3.0.21 with Ubuntu 12.04.2. I installed the users and groups module (along with dhcp, dns, samba, and some other stuff) so I could use this server as a place to keep all user data centralized. We have a network with Jenkins, CVS, some virtual machines etc... My task is to connect as many things to ldap based authentication as i can, so I am testing on a small eeebox with above mentioned setup now.
My problem started with Jenkins. I set up Jenkins access controls to LDAP. It finds my ldap server, but it just wont authenticate. After checking my Jenkinks logs I found the following error code:  LDAP error code 1: Operation  unavailable withouth authentication. Okay, so I downloaded LDAP admin windows software to test the connection to the zentyal ldap server. I found, that i am only able to connect through gss-api authentication (guess thanks to kerberos). Unfortunately i couldnt find a kerberos authentication plugin for jenkins. Active Directory doesnt work. LDAP with simple authentication wont work. Is there a way to solve this?

With gss-api ports 389 (no ssl), 636 (ssl) works fine.
With NMap i found that there are actually 2 more open ldap ports: 3268, and 3269. What are these for? Also NMap tells me that anonymous bind on these ports is OK, but in reality i am always required to authenticate myself.

Please show me the errors of my ways :)

Thank you

Magyar / Zentyal - Jenkins
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:41:48 pm »

A következő problémám van: fel akarom fűzni a Jenkins-t a Zentyal szerveremre (ldap+kerberos). Bár a jenkins-ben van LDAP auth modul, de a Zentyal alapból nem enged autentikáció nélkül kapcsolódni az ldaphoz. Windows alól az ldap admin programmal tudtam csatlakozni a gss-api -val ssl-en keresztül, egy, a zentyal users and groups modulban létrehozott userrel (aki domain admin).
Van valakinek tapasztalata ez ügyben?


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