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Messages - wittich

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Thanks for your command, it help me to understand more the system. I did not had in mind the difference between samba and zentyal LDAP.

So I did further testing, I binded the phone to the zentyal LDAP (port 390,DN:uid=phone,ou=Users,dc=local,dc=lan) which work in principle. But I had to realize that the contact information, like telephoneNumber or homePhone, are not synchronized between the too LDAP.

At the moment I manage these information over the MS Active Dictionary so it is just more convenient to use the samba LDAP.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Connect LDAP failed - bind failed ret 49
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:20:51 am »
Hi christian, you where again right. It was on a connectivity level.

Just after I wrote my last post I figured, that there is still a problem. After some testing I found out that the Grandstream phone is just working with simple authentication/bind, so to bind it with the right user I had to call the user name over the CN.

User name: CN=Grandstream phone,CN=Users,DC=gall,DC=lan

Now I copied the settings on a second Grandstream device and its still working ;)

Thanks for the support,

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Connect LDAP failed - bind failed ret 49
« on: February 06, 2014, 10:00:02 am »
Yes, but what I read is, that olcLogLevel: Stats equals 256.
To really understand what occurs at ldap level, although this is going to be quite verbose (but useful if you understand LDAP protocol), you should set olcloglevel to 256 (then set it back to lower value once done with debug  ;))

Yes now I figured that out too.
Indeed, against Zentyal LDAP (I mean the one listening on port 390, expectation is "simple bind" as far as I understand.

But through all the testing I finally found what the problem was. The Grandstream phone couldn't resolve the server address correctly nor could the LDAP get bind via the IP address. However by pointing the Grandstream phone to server01.local.lan the LDAP responses now how it suppose to do.

Thanks again to your replies christian.

Regards Valentin

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Connect LDAP failed - bind failed ret 49
« on: February 06, 2014, 08:21:53 am »
Thanks christian! So I set up the loglevel with the following command:

Code: [Select]
ldapsearch -H ldap://server01.local.lan:390 -x -D "cn=zentyal,dc=local,dc=lan" -W -b "cn=config" -s base -LLL -W olcLoglevel

# cat newloglevel.ldif
dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcLogLevel
olcLogLevel: Stats

ldapmodify -H ldap://server01.local.lan:390 -x -D "cn=zentyal,dc=local,dc=lan" -W -f newloglevel.ldif

No I monitored the syslog. But I still get the phone connected with its users to the LDAP. I think its about the authentication method. Is my assumption right, that I can only use the zentyal and the zentyalro user with simple authentication method?

Regards Valentin

Hi there,

I have a question concerning the LDAP on my zentyal machine. I try to access from a Grandstream VoIP phone and get the error log bind failed ret 49

Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_GUI: [][][-Dbus-] sent ldapsearch signal
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_PHONE: [][] Phone dbus signal ldap_search handler
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_GUI: [][][-Dbus-] dbus signal handler for ldap_search
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][][-Dbus-] receive ldap mode 1
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][][-Dbus-] LDAP QUICK search index 0 keyword 0049
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][]LDAPManager::initForNewSearch
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][]LdapVDFree pAttrs freed
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][]LdapVDFree pDispName freed
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][]LdapVDFree record freed
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][]LdapVDFree pAttrsFlagStruct freed
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][]ldapConnect() starts
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][]ldapConnect() success ret 0
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][]ldapConnect() bind failed ret 49
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_SERVICE: [][][-Dbus-] Send ldap error msg 1623
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_PHONE: [][] Phone dbus signal ldap_error handler
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_GUI: [][][-Dbus-] dbus signal handler for ldap_error
Feb  5 10:48:40 GXP2100_GUI: [][][-Dbus-] receive ldap search error : 1623

I have the feeling that the problem is about the authentication of the phone device. I guess it just has ha simple authentication and nothing like GSS-API etc. How can I figure out where the problem is? Can anybody explain me the meaning of the bind failed, or does it simply meant that no connection could be established?

I tried already do get more information from the LDAP Logs but without success so far.

Attached the LDAP settings of the Grandsteram VoIP phone.


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