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Messages - Evadido

Pages: [1] 2
It is working now, it all was caused by the php upgrade.

Thank you very much for your help!  :)

UPS! Now I think is a problem related to the upgrade to php 5.5.3... I'll tell you when I finally get it...

Thank you!

I'm trying to make siwapp (a lamp app) work on my box.

It worked fine before the update, and now it seems to fail the mod-rewrite module. I put a typical test and seems to work, but the app now cannot resolve the rewrites.

This has something to do with nginx?



It should be a non vhost site. I see that apache2 and nginx are running simultaneously, it's normal?

Thank you

Hi jbahillo,

thank you very much for your sugestion, I tried and, after some troubles (I had to uninstall/reinstall some packages), I got it.

I have a web deployed on /var/www/myweb, what is the right way to put it to work again? I created a virtual host from the admin with the name "myweb", but it only shows the main page. When I try to access (via user/password) to the php application installed, it won't find the pages.

Thank you!

BUMP!  :'(


I just updated from 3.0 to 3.4, losing some configurations (this is another story...), and now I find that I have the "zentyal web administration" service duplicated. I want to listen to this service on another port, so I changed this on "System->General", but this changes only the port on the first service.

Now, I cannot create a new virtual host listening on the 443 port because it says that this port is in use by "Zentyal web administration" (the second service, which cannot be modified nor deleted from the interface).

How can I delete this duplicated service?

Thank you!  ;D

Hi all,

Is it possible to install a Windows domain server on a VPS using Zentyal?

How should it be configured the DNS section?

Thank you very much!!!  :D

Yes, my customer needs these messages automatically to be put on subfolders inside sent folder (or whatever one) depending on these criteria.

Mail rules are applied to incoming messages, my customer would need:

- Apply mail rules to outgoing messages too or.
- Send automatically a copy of every email to a secondary account, and then apply incoming rules on this account.

Thank you!

Hi, it doesn't sounds dumb at all, may be I haven't explained myself well. English is not my native language.

I meant that, when a message is sent from an account, and depending on some criteria (destination etc), it should be automatically put on a subfolder or another.

Thank you very much!




My customer has a Zentyal 3.0 installation and uses Zarafa. He needs to classify all sent mails from one account. I haven't found a way to do it, and a thought it could be a good idea to add a second account, and add it as BCC to all the outogoing emails from the first account, and then classify the second account's  inbox with mail rules.

Is there a way to configure this?

Thank you very much!


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Sending mail to only same domain
« on: December 17, 2012, 10:46:39 am »

Installation and Upgrades / Sending mail to only same domain
« on: December 15, 2012, 07:42:36 pm »

In my customer's installation, every user uses its own mail account. My customer wants some of them to be able only to send to mail addresses of the same domain. I've been reading about to change postfix rules and so, but I cannot find a way to do and manage this in a clean way :(

Thank you!

Installation and Upgrades / Zarafa: remove "sent in the name of"
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:07:25 am »

I'm trying to remove "sent in the name" of from the header of emails sent through an alias email, but I can't find that option. Is there a way to remove it?

Thank you very much  ;)

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