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Installation and Upgrades / Re: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
« on: October 30, 2018, 12:01:10 pm »Try these commands,and dont forget to hold the package (see before) or you will run in the same issue again...
sudo dpkg --install --force-downgrade libapt-pkg5.0_1.2.29_amd64.deb
Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Re: Fresh System install + update + upgrade = apt destroyed in loop
« on: October 30, 2018, 11:20:44 am »
A temporary workaround is described in this thread,32403.msg109031.html#msg109031
Email and Groupware / Re: Letsencrypt and 3rd party certificates
« on: October 30, 2018, 11:11:46 am »
The script has changed to also reload nginx.
@half_life: Sorry, but i disagree in "A more permanent way to do this is to use hooks see"
After some years of Zentyal expirience I noticed that mas files and configs can change. The way I'm using/suggesting is not bound to a release but does the system part independently. If you are focused on the "right way" and can keep an eye on it every time an update occurs, then you are right
@half_life: Sorry, but i disagree in "A more permanent way to do this is to use hooks see"
After some years of Zentyal expirience I noticed that mas files and configs can change. The way I'm using/suggesting is not bound to a release but does the system part independently. If you are focused on the "right way" and can keep an eye on it every time an update occurs, then you are right
Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Re: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
« on: October 30, 2018, 08:37:54 am »
Try apt-get update
You are affected if the response is:
It occured after the last update see /var/log/apt/history.log within 5.1 (example):
Solution: This is a case which you have to fix manually by your own. Use sudo or root for execution.
(Solution from gabor.strama gives the right direction!)
In detail, put this to a bash shell with root access:
A method to hold/pin the package after downgrading using preferences (not prefrerred any more):
To clearify: Zentyal is responsible to fix this issue or the systems won't even get security updates. It's in Zentyal's hand providing information on this case and release a script to fix this issue for the installed base. Furthermore Zentyal has to include a step in the upgrade procedure from 5.1 -> 6.0 +f that removes the file /etc/apt/preferences.d/libapt again.
You are affected if the response is:
apt-get: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol _ZN9pkgSystem9LockInnerEv, version APTPKG_5.0 not defined in file with link time referenceProblem: From here on your system will never update again!
It occured after the last update see /var/log/apt/history.log within 5.1 (example):
Start-Date: 2018-10-26 20:11:39
Commandline: apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold --yes --force-yes --no-install-recommends install apt ap
Requested-By: ebox (111)
Upgrade: apt:amd64 (1.2.27, 1.2.29), apt-utils:amd64 (1.2.27, 1.2.29), apt-transport-https:amd64 (1.2.27, 1.2.29
End-Date: 2018-10-26 20:11:47
Solution: This is a case which you have to fix manually by your own. Use sudo or root for execution.
(Solution from gabor.strama gives the right direction!)
In detail, put this to a bash shell with root access:
Code: [Select]
A_VERSION=1.2.29 # see log obove
cd /var/cache/apt/archives
if [ 'x86_64' == "`uname -m`" ]; then
# on 64-Bit System use:
dpkg --install --force-all libapt-pkg5.0_${A_VERSION}_amd64.deb
# on i386 System use:
dpkg --install --force-all libapt-pkg5.0_${A_VERSION}_i386.deb
You do not need to continue here, continue and read the comment at the end from "J. A. Calvo" ->,32403.msg109058.html#msg109058A method to hold/pin the package after downgrading using preferences (not prefrerred any more):
Code: [Select]
# Prevent updates temporary
apt-mark hold libapt-pkg5.0
cat << EOT > /etc/apt/preferences.d/libapt
Package: Package: libapt-pkg5.0
Pin: release a=xenial*
Pin-Priority: 1000
Package: Package: libapt-inst2.0
Pin: release a=xenial*
Pin-Priority: 1000
apt-mark unhold libapt-pkg5.0
# test
apt upgrade
Now, only a Ubuntu xenial release will update the packages.To clearify: Zentyal is responsible to fix this issue or the systems won't even get security updates. It's in Zentyal's hand providing information on this case and release a script to fix this issue for the installed base. Furthermore Zentyal has to include a step in the upgrade procedure from 5.1 -> 6.0 +f that removes the file /etc/apt/preferences.d/libapt again.
Email and Groupware / [Solved] Re: Letsencrypt and 3rd party certificates
« on: March 08, 2018, 06:11:30 pm »
In the meantime there is a simple script solution for zentyal 5 at
The script is meant for /usr/local/sbin/ and should do what is necessary for the official services, just make it executable an run once interactive.
The script is meant for /usr/local/sbin/ and should do what is necessary for the official services, just make it executable an run once interactive.
Email and Groupware / [SOLVED] Re: Where are office messages (absence/vacation)
« on: February 10, 2018, 03:37:29 pm »
Self Reply: Seen to late -> solves the question.
@Development: This should be on by default...
@Development: This should be on by default...
Email and Groupware / Where are office messages (absence/vacation)
« on: February 10, 2018, 02:49:54 pm »
Where are the absence/vacation settings in Zentyal 5.0.1?
The original setup, shown here can not be found.
Do I have to activate it at some place (and how)?
The original setup, shown here can not be found.
Do I have to activate it at some place (and how)?
Installation and Upgrades / Missing: collected addressbook for user missing after update to 4.2.2
« on: January 22, 2017, 04:57:04 pm »
After upgrading to 4.2.2 mail user cannot set up the collected addressbook in the expected way.
Affected: Webmail Interface Settings E-Mail
When using settings -> email
The offered addressbooks are duplicated and only the addressbooks from a common group.
To be offered the users collected addressbook which still exists in the addressbooks tabs.
Affected: Webmail Interface Settings E-Mail
When using settings -> email
The offered addressbooks are duplicated and only the addressbooks from a common group.
To be offered the users collected addressbook which still exists in the addressbooks tabs.
Contributions / Tips&Tricks / Features Requests / Deploy Zentyal Setup to Thunderbird using 4.2
« on: December 23, 2016, 09:52:41 am »
Within I've started a new project to automatically deploy the Thunderbird setup as a full provisioning service.
This kind of setup is not meant for users but might be interesting to admins and devops responsible for the deployment rollout.
Testers are welcome, especially other languages than German. Help and assistance can be provided in english in a limited fashion.
This kind of setup is not meant for users but might be interesting to admins and devops responsible for the deployment rollout.
Testers are welcome, especially other languages than German. Help and assistance can be provided in english in a limited fashion.
Email and Groupware / Re: Global Shared Addressbook URL
« on: December 23, 2016, 09:47:38 am »
You may want to go to Addressbook -> Extras -> Settings and end up on the settings page Addressing (german: Adressieren below Verfassen).
Check your LDAP Directory Servers and add an entry:
Name: Zentyal Users
Serveraddress: [YOUR_OWN_SERVER_ADD/IP]
Port: 389
BindDN: CN=[YOUR Prename] [YOUR Lastname],CN=Users,DC=[YOUR_DOMAIN],DC=[YOUR_TLD]
Remark: [YOUR Prename] [YOUR Lastname] is shown in the Zentyal config editor -> Users and Computers -> Manage, see the shown name (german: Angezeigter Name)
Check your LDAP Directory Servers and add an entry:
Name: Zentyal Users
Serveraddress: [YOUR_OWN_SERVER_ADD/IP]
Port: 389
BindDN: CN=[YOUR Prename] [YOUR Lastname],CN=Users,DC=[YOUR_DOMAIN],DC=[YOUR_TLD]
Remark: [YOUR Prename] [YOUR Lastname] is shown in the Zentyal config editor -> Users and Computers -> Manage, see the shown name (german: Angezeigter Name)
Contributions / Tips&Tricks / Features Requests / [Feature request 4.2]: Linux users using cifs and softlinks & recursiveAcls
« on: May 02, 2016, 08:02:33 pm »
in EBox/ (around line 1023) the recursive ACLs are being set and can pollute zentyal.log in a mixed network (Win and LX clients), if a lx user uses softlinks (using "ln -s" would be ok though).
A lx user could be using softlinks to connect to other content on his own machine or within his mounted dirs. As the link will work on his machine everything is fine. But when it comes to new/modified permissions in the admin interface the resulting recursive task starts recurring the ACLs and thus will pollute the zentyal log for each entry not found (softlinks).
A short test within the foreach loop using somethings like "next if -l ..." should be done as you won't set any rights on a link, but on the real file instead. You do not want to set permission in this case on the real file either as it could be on another share with different permissions. if the links is a directory you should even skip of course all child entries, too.
So the right solution is to do nothing on softlinks when it comes to ACL.
This should be a very small fix.
Hope to find it soon in a 4.2 patch...
Thnx Markus
in EBox/ (around line 1023) the recursive ACLs are being set and can pollute zentyal.log in a mixed network (Win and LX clients), if a lx user uses softlinks (using "ln -s" would be ok though).
A lx user could be using softlinks to connect to other content on his own machine or within his mounted dirs. As the link will work on his machine everything is fine. But when it comes to new/modified permissions in the admin interface the resulting recursive task starts recurring the ACLs and thus will pollute the zentyal log for each entry not found (softlinks).
A short test within the foreach loop using somethings like "next if -l ..." should be done as you won't set any rights on a link, but on the real file instead. You do not want to set permission in this case on the real file either as it could be on another share with different permissions. if the links is a directory you should even skip of course all child entries, too.
So the right solution is to do nothing on softlinks when it comes to ACL.
This should be a very small fix.
Hope to find it soon in a 4.2 patch...
Thnx Markus
Installation and Upgrades / 3.4 Installation crashes - tried several disk configuration
« on: April 01, 2014, 10:15:45 pm »
In the installation process, when it comes to installing the software, short behind 23% the installation crashes. Tried on bare metal and in kvm, with raid 10, lvm, native disk (will does a lvm obviously).
The iso image was downloaded twice. The testing option for the DVD says ./install/filesystem.squashfs could not be verified with the md5-checksum. the cd-rom or this file could be damaged.
Any idea how to fix this or is zentyal-3.4-amd64.iso broken?
Thanks for input
The iso image was downloaded twice. The testing option for the DVD says ./install/filesystem.squashfs could not be verified with the md5-checksum. the cd-rom or this file could be damaged.
Any idea how to fix this or is zentyal-3.4-amd64.iso broken?
Thanks for input
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Cannot delete BR1 interface, bug or intentional ?
« on: October 10, 2013, 10:37:41 pm »
I agree with BrettonWoods, do a clean install - the rest is hobby. i'm getting off this thread. Bye
Installation and Upgrades / Re: port forwarding
« on: October 10, 2013, 02:01:26 pm »
is forwarding enabled? /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ~ 1
Installation and Upgrades / Re: port forwarding
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:36:02 am »
routing correct?