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Messages - kamerom

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / Re: DHCP + Virtual Interfaces
« on: September 04, 2015, 07:22:22 pm »
I added the subnet addresses manually in /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/dhcp/subnet.mas but still not worked.

The DHCP doesn't lease the subnet addresses.

Some Tip?!

Portuguese / Re: liberar
« on: September 02, 2015, 02:43:30 am »

Qual versão do Zentyal você está usando? Estou tentando configurar o WPAD com o 4.1 e não estou conseguindo. Teria como mostrar um passo-a-passo do que fazer?



If I use the proxy explicitly (Transparent mode off) the Bandwidth Throttling works as expected, including via FTP. But if I enable Transparent Mode the Bandwidth Throttling doesn't work, even in HTTP.


The Bandwidth Throttling doesn't work on Transparent mode?!

At least here it doesn't. :(

Some tip?!

Installation and Upgrades / Re: DHCP + Virtual Interfaces
« on: August 28, 2015, 08:25:47 pm »
I can do what I want manually, without the Zentyal, by changing the dhcpd.conf. I think the Zentyal could also afford it.

The problem when using VLAN is that it is necessary that the switches are compatible - which is not my case.

Anyway, tks!

This is bad!
Unfortunately I need this functionality.

Edit: Any tip on how to manually add a subnet to dhcpd.conf? I tried to add on /stubs/subnet.mas but no success.

Anyway, thank you.

Portuguese / DHCP + Interface Virtual
« on: August 27, 2015, 03:07:34 pm »

Tentei ajuda no fórum internacional mas ainda não obtive retorno então estou tentando por aqui. O que ocorre é o seguinte:

Defini uma Interface Virtual para a eth1 (Menu Network > Interfaces > Virtual Interfaces) e agora gostaria de fazer com que o DHCP entregasse um endereço fixo para um Objeto já definido (Menu DHCP > Interfaces > Configuration > Fixed Address).

O problema é que as Interfaces Virtuais simplesmente não aparecem na opção do DHCP (Menu DHCP > Interfaces) - o que acontece normalmente com as interfaces reais e mesmo as VLANs.

Alguma sugestão?

Desde já agradeço qualquer ajuda.


First, I saw some of your posts and I like to say, great job!!!

Next, if you can help me I would appreciate: How can I use DHCP with Virtual Interfaces in Zentyal 4.1?!

Apparently it needs to change the file zentyal/main/dhcp/src/EBox/Model/ to show virtual interfaces.

Some idea?!

Edit: The problem already has mentioned here -


Installation and Upgrades / DHCP + Virtual Interfaces
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:11:20 pm »

I'm using Zentyal 4.1 and a question arose: how to configure DHCP in a Virtual Interface?


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