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Messages - Exilewolf

Pages: [1]

Will give it a crack and update here once done.

Can we please have an answer to this question, I have also seen this pop up a bit.. I would also like to know what is going on here.

Linking related = topic,30506

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Problems: Zentyal On Hyper-V
« on: January 13, 2017, 07:07:00 pm »
I am also getting the . I too am getting the "/dev/sda1: clean..." message.  This is really annoying. I can run the latest Ubuntu no issues so can this please be looked into.

Also it looks like there is another thread running where users are also having the same issue. topic,30547

So do we have an answer for this, I have also found that 5.0 is not supported on the newer version of Hyper-V in 2016 server or Windows 10.

Can this please be resolved.

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