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Messages - trysomething

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Email and Groupware / Re: Sieve configuration information needed.
« on: June 15, 2016, 11:34:04 pm »
So the original idea of editing the stub file is almost right, but it won't survive an upgrade.  Everything inside /usr/share/Zentyal/stubs is generated by Zentyal and any changes made to those .mas files can be overwritten by updating a module or upgrading Zentyal to a newer version.
You can however make the following 2 folders like:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/Zentyal/stubs
sudo mkdir -p /etc/Zentyal/stubs/mail

Now just copy the stub file that you edited from /usr/share/Zentyal/stubs/mail to /etc/Zentyal/stubs/mail

For those who come across this in the future Zentyal has already set the mail module to look for a script named 'default.sieve' under the directory /var/vmail - so simply using something like:
nano /var/vmail/default.sieve

and then inputting your sieve script there will work without altering a single stub file.  Once you've created the script you would want to restart the mail and openchange modules like:

sudo service Zentyal mail restart
sudo service Zentyal openchange restart

If they both say OK next to them then you're good to go, if one says failed (or both) then you've gotta go dig into your default.sieve to see where things went wrong.

1.  login to your Zentyal Web Admin Panel
2.  Navigate to Users and Computers > Manage
3.  Add a user named "ldapadmin" with the password "Ldapadmin" (or whatever you want it tobe)4.  Make this user part of the "Domain Administrators" Group
4.  Enjoy it!
Depending on how you've tweaked your Zentyal installation you may need to use "ldapadmin@zentyallocaldomain.lan (obviously change everything to fit your installation).

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Installation on Xenial Xerus 16.04
« on: June 15, 2016, 12:48:27 am »
Are you trying to put Zentyal 4.xx onto Ubuntu 15.xx?  That's not going to work, ever, no matter what, not even kind of.
Besides that, any time you install Zentyal on top of Ubuntu you CANNOT do any updates/upgrades to the Ubuntu server.  You have to install the Ubuntu server, NO UPDATES ALLOWED, then add the Zentyal repo to the sources.list.
Once you get that done you run "apt-get update" to grab all of the Zentyal stuff and then run "apt-get install Zentyal" and hope it works.
Technically you're supposed to kill pretty much every other repo in your sources.list but a couple of them get to stay, can't remember which ones are which though.
Even more technically speaking than that you're actually supposed to perform the Zentyal installation off-line, which never really works.
Yeah, I know the documentation kind of sucks about it and it's kind of sketchy getting your head wrapped around everything Zentyal, trust me I've bugged them about their documentation a million times now.
Their commercial product documentation is less helpful than this forum to be honest, but that's something I found out a long time ago.  If you don't install Zentyal from the downloaded ISO you're not going to be happy with it at all.
Good luck getting things figured out and if you do get something working please post back and let us all know how you did it!

I've just always done it all lower case:
mkdir -p /etc/Zentyal/stubs
mkdir -p /etc/Zentyal/stubs/openchange

What is your end goal here?  If it's load balancing or traffic shaping there are recommended ways of doing it.  If it's just your ISP drops out I'd say get a new ISP.  If you're on metered bandwidth and you have to jump from circuit A to circuit B to avoid overages then you're still going to have to do some pretty heavy lifting to get things working.
I might have a solution that would work for you but I really need more information on what you're trying to achieve here to give you the proper advice.

Samba, Sogo and Openchange have made HUGE leaps forward over the past year.
Zentyal is moving their web presence for commercial accounts over to a newer, better platform.
Ubuntu 15 LTS version is coming soon too.
All of that being said Zentyal is pretty close to dropping a mind blowing new version on us all.
If you were around for the 3.xx-4.xx upgrade people started getting worried back then too.  I can assure you that the silence isn't from abandonment but it's kind of like a drum roll for something super bad getting ready to happen.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Stupid Question Thread
« on: June 15, 2016, 12:16:08 am »
You are so far from asking a stupid question here - VERY good question and VERY well written.
Here's where AD and LDAP get kind of fuzzy and weird though.
If you look at your AD structure it is kind of like a tree but instead of the roots at the bottom being in charge of it the very top is where the big head honcho lives.  So then you have LDAP over on your Zentyal box, which is run by someone that can't login to the web GUI oddly enough.  The user that can sign into the web GUI is in a local admin account on your Zentyal box, not a domain member.
Then to further confuse the situation everyone you create is a domain user that can't populate or change the LDAP.
Well by now I should point out that the question may not have been stupid the answer is.
You go into your AD and create a user "LDAPadmin" or something like that you can easily remember and give it a very good, strong password.  Move that guy into the AD Admins account and move it as high up in your domain tree as possible giving it authority to all of the containers you need access to and then some.
Now go login and make the same user in Zentyals' web GUI BUT assign it to the Domain Administrators group.
Yep, that's the problem, the same user didn't have the same rights on both sides of the fence so nothing's going to work until that happens.
Before you go too deep into this though are you planning on migrating from something like Exchange or Small Business Server to Zentyal?  This won't move the AD info from old server to new server it will only allow you to manage the LDAP of your Zentyal server from your AD server.  If that's the plan then you're not going to be happy with the end result because you're not going to be able to retire the old server.  There is a method to migrate existing AD users over to Zentyal though, I don't remember exactly but there's something about it in the Wiki I think.  If you need more help with this just let me know via the forums - I'm not here all of the time but I do check in pretty regularly.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: 2 local nic
« on: June 15, 2016, 12:00:02 am »
Is this a web based app?
What port does it use?
Will people ONLY be accessing it via the LAN?
Do you have your Zentyal server setup as the primary or secondary DNS server for the clients?

First things first, go check if this works:
service Zentyal samba restart

Trying to restart Zentyal without restarting the entire machine seems to NEVER work out right.  If that fixes your issue and everything goes smooth from there then it's good to go.  I'm kind of guessing that you installed Zentyal on top of a ZUbuntu server though, if that's the case and you didn't turn off some of the default Ubuntu repositories then you're kind of stuck with a broken Samba - sorry if that's the case but unless you figure out how to downgrade to the version you had before you're not going to be able to fix it.
There is an off chance that something just didn't upgrade and it's stuck, from the terminal run:
apt-get update
apt-get -f install
You might see something about some package didn't install because of broken dependencies or something, that's cool just make note of the package name and then run:
apt-get -f install <package name here>
90% of the time that's fixed it for me when something like this happens.  Of course there's another 10% of the time it's just a gaping flaw in a beta version of something which sucks a lot.
Hopefully this sin't a production machine, but if it is and the above doesn't fix it drop a line and I'll see what else I can find for you to try.

Email and Groupware / Re: how to update to sogo 3
« on: June 09, 2016, 10:25:00 pm »
1.  Wait until Zentyal releases the upgrade
2.  Enjoy a working Zentyal server in the meantime.

Zentyal modules are built with other modules tied into their configuration.  For example the stub files in the sogo and openchange directories overwrite parts of the configuration files for Sogo because when Zentyal installs it the original config files are ownded by the Ebox user/group.  If you just go and install it as a root user then Ebox doesn't have permission to write to the config files.  Beyond that it doesn't have everything in the correct place to know what to write where.
So even though someone wants to go tinkering with different versions of existing modules it's never a good idea unless you're using a VM and you can roll back a snapshot or you have a current, working image of your TEST server - DON'T DO IT ON A PRODUCTION MACHINE.
For the record Zentyal Community Edition isn't meant for production machines anyways, but if you're going to bend that rule don't bend the other rule LoL

I'm going to guess you don't login and use the web GUI much - probably a not so good plan to keep terminal tinkering.
Which version did you upgrade from and which one did you upgrade to?
If you went from 3.xx to 4.xx and you didn't read the notes on what to do and what not to do then you're going to most likely have to reinstall a fresh copy of Zentyal.  Before you go poking anything else with a stick though I'd suggest opening up Firefox and going to the admin panel - https://yourserverip:8443/
You can login with ANY user that is a member of the sudo group.  Go into the File Sharing and see if anything looks off in there, go check out the Software Management and see if there are any updates that didn't take.
It could just be a kernel needs to be forced to install, but it could be that you didn't do a backup of your users and their data and you didn't follow the 3.xx-4.xx instructions so your Openchange and Samba are provisioned incorrectly now.

A really simple test you can run to determine if Samba and Openchange are running is run these from the terminal:
service Zentyal samba restart
service Zentyal openchange restart

If they say Failed then it's broken, if they say OK then they're not broken.
From now on and for the rest of your life ALWAYS check to see if there are instructions on version upgrades and ALWAYS make changes to Zentyal from the web GUI and not the command line.

Since you've already updated the original .mas (called stub) you can simply copy it over to /etc/Zentyal/stubs/openchange and then it will absolutely survive an upgrade.
The original stubs are all generated during Zentyal initial configuration, so the entire system is dependent upon them.  When upgrading from version to version (i.e. 4.0 to 4.2 or 3.5 to 4.0) your stub files in /usr/share/Zentyal/stubs can and will be overwritten.  If you have spent the time to customize things, and trust me now that you know about stubs you will LoL, it makes sense to just have a second location to house custom stubs.  The directories and files under /etc/Zentyal/stubs will NOT be altered, removed or altered during an upgrade.
Furthermore it is REALLY easy to do a file comparison to see what has changed between versions and find out if you even need to keep the custom stub or not.  Even more important though is that when upgrading versions - if the custom stub breaks the system you can just rename it and restart that service and the problem is fixed in 2 minutes instead of trying to find notes on what you did a long time ago, or how to recreate whatever was lost and troubleshooting for hours and hours.
Stability, connectivity and ease of use are REALLY well done in the stub file idea with Zentyal.

Email and Groupware / Send mail from multiple domains and IP's
« on: June 09, 2016, 01:30:54 am »
Greetings fellow beta testers,
I'm having an issue and I can't seem to solve it.  I have a Zentyal 4.2 box up and running with 3 different virtual domains on 3 different static public IP's on on on

I've figured out how to make a stub file using to change the SMTP header for a single domain so that my messages don't show the local domain (i.e. mydomain1.lan) as the server but the virtual domain (i.e., which works great on a single domain system.
What I'm trying to do now is get it to where sends a message and it goes out over the IP address so that the PTR matches up to the SMTP banner - which should be 220: ESMTP instead of 220: mydomain1.lan ESMTP...

I've messed around with a lot of tutorials and haven't been able to get it to work yet.  Has anyone been able to get something like this to work? 

Installation and Upgrades / Re: 2 local nic
« on: June 09, 2016, 01:22:24 am »
So you have eth0 and eth1
Did you mark one of them as external?  If you did that's going to be the problem.  The Zentyal Firewall Module really locks the external NIC down tight.
You can just go into the config for your network cards in the Zentyal GUI and uncheck the box for external and it should work.
There's also an option for port forwarding, which may be helpful in this endeavor.
Finally, if your application is using a port that is not added into the allow traffic part of your firewall then there's no way possible it's going to work.

Although this works it will NOT survive an upgrade.  Not to mention there is actually a much easier solution.
sign into any shell or ssh and give yourself sudo root by issuing:
sudo su
make 2 directories:
mkdir -p /etc/Zentyal/stubs
mkdir -p /etc/Zentyal/stubs/openchange

Now copy the system generated stub file into the openchange directory
copy /usr/share/Zentyal/stubs/openchange/apache-ocsmanager.conf.mas /etc/Zentyal/stubs/openchange/

Now edit the copied stub:
nano /etc/Zentyal/stubs/openchange/apache-ocsmanager.conf.mas

*if you hate nano use something else, I'm a nano fan myself :P
Scroll down to the part about the SSL Certificate and I just comment out the line that says:
SSLCertificateFile <% $cert %> (or something really like that
Then create the following 3 lines:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/certificate.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/keyfile.key
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/

Then I save and close it, create the directory mentioned above:
mkdir -p /etc/apache2/ssl

and upload my cert, my key file and my bundle file.

After that all you do is restart openchange:
service Zentyal openchange restart

If it says OK then you're good, if it throws an error then you'll have to restart Apache to find out where exactly the problem is:
service apache2 restart

I'm typing those 3 lines out of memory and it could be a little off.  It's the same as what is in the default SSL virtual host file in Apache2, so you can check in ther:
nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf

scroll down and find the lines for certificate file, certificate key and the root CA or the CA bundle depending on which one you've got.  Also, if your cert has a .pem extension or .cer then use that instead of .crt.
This method will survive a reboot, an upgrade of Zentyal and if you just can't get it to work then you just delete the stubb file you are editing and start over.  No system generated files are messed with, no bricking your machine and most of all it's easy as heck to remember what you put where!

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