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Messages - SamK

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I understand testing, I have built my eBox machine at least 20 times...   ... So fare most of them have been educational for me, which is one of the reasons that I started this whole process.
Off Topic
I have read your posts in other eBox threads on this forum commenting on the frustration and rewards of Linux; in general they a views which I also hold.   eBox as a Linux 'product' is very promising and attempts to simplify the construction of a 'server' in a manner which is familiar in the MS world.  In order to encourage its continued development and uptake by new users it needs to be understood.  Up to now, the support given via this forum is responsive and well informed.  The developers are to be congratulated on their efforts.

On Topic
Various (non-eBox) servers have been built based on Ubuntu 6.06-Server LTS and 8.04-Server LTS.  In both of these versions /etc/resolv.conf is overwritten each time networking or the machine is (re)started.  sixstone has advised that /etc/resolv.conf should contain references to DNS ip addresses created in eBox.  This would seem to imply that eBox has a means of providing the required addresses to /etc/resolv.conf.  In order to work with a DHCP service external to eBox, it would seem that eBox needs to add the eBox ip details to those of the external DHCP. When an external DHCP is used, the save process does not currently preserve (in /etc/resolv.conf) the changes made to DNS in eBox.

The use of a non-eBox DHCP service is likely to be widely adopted by the SME users that eBox is aimed at.  Have I misunderstood or missed the point in my unfamiliarity with eBox?  Is eBox DNS able to work with a DHCP service not provided by eBox without manually editing the underlying configuration files?

When using Network-->Diagnosis-->Name Resolution-->Domain=TESTDOM, it is unclear why the system under test does not query as advised by sixstone.  This is a default installation made from the eBox1 CD-ROM.  If querying name resolution via the web-gui expects to use where does eBox obtain the address from? (It is listed in /etc/hosts) When using a non-eBox DHCP service I cannot recall the localhost address being listed in /etc/resolv.conf with either of the versions of Ubuntu previously used.


Setting Network --> DNS to as first row, then as second row.
Added Network --> DNS to as 1st entry
Moved Network --> DNS to as 2nd entry
Moved Network --> DNS to as 3rd entry
Saved without errors

Network-->Diagnosis-->Name Resolution-->Domain=TESTDOM
Code: [Select]
; <<>> DiG 9.4.2-P2 <<>> +time=3 TESTDOM
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 8999
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0


. 5955 IN SOA 2009042301 1800 900 604800 86400

;; Query time: 52 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Apr 24 11:52:50 2009
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 100

cat /etc/resolv.conf

If there is no DHCP client running in eBox, why do you set a prepend statement in dhclient configuration?
This is the only way I could find to
  • make the ip address appear in /etc/resolv.conf
  • ensure the eBox ip address appears before the router ip address

The /etc/resolv.conf is definitely overwritten by dhclient process after acquiring the IP address. If you set your dhclient configuration not to overwrite the /etc/resolv.conf will work as well.
I am quite willing to attempt this.  Can you provide some guidance on how it is performed?  Is this overwriting happening during the eBox saving of changes?

As you may notice, eBox is querying to instead of (localhost).
This is a totally standard installation from the eBox CD-ROM, to a dedicated eBox machine no changes have been made manually to the defaults.  /etc/hosts shows:   localhost   BASE
What might account for ebox not querying localhost and how to ensure it does?  If is manually added in /etc/resolv.conf (via prepend in/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf) all is OK.

Is there any eBox interface configured as DHCP?

Why don't you change your DHCP server from router to eBox?
At present I am evaluating eBox and would prefer to leave DHCP with the router as this has been working reliably for a long time.  This will also reduce the number of new elements to be considered.

The workstations must point to eBox DNS server via /etc/resolv.conf. To do so, you may change your DHCP server configuration (currently in your router).
Thanks for this, I will investigate this later and separately to avoid the thread becomming too complicated.

In order to check if eBox DNS server is running properly, try the dig command with your configured domain.
Network-->Diagnosis-->Name Resolution-->Domain=TESTDOM
Code: [Select]
; <<>> DiG 9.4.2-P2 <<>> +time=3 TESTDOM
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 34586
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0


. 10800 IN SOA 2009042301 1800 900 604800 86400

;; Query time: 64 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Apr 24 10:32:06 2009
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 100

Network --> DNS configures your eBox /etc/resolv.conf. Take into account the first nameserver you set will be the first nameserver to query.
Does this mean that when a DNS is created in eBox and configured in Network-->DNS it should appear in /etc/resolv.conf on the eBox machine?  This does not happen on the machine under test.  Even after restarting networking or a full reboot /etc/resolv.conf only contains a single reference to (router)  and no reference to (ebox).

Hello Jeff,
DNS is working OK now, and was at the time of my previous post.  This was achieved (using a work-around) by placing an entry in /etc/resolv.conf referring to the eBox DNS.  The resolv.conf file is recreated each time networking is (re)started which thereby removes the reference to the eBox DNS.  My solution to this is to place a reference to the eBox ip address in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf.
Code: [Select]
prepend domain-name-servers;Upon network (re)start, this is then automatically written to /etc/resolv.conf and placed before the router based DNS ip address.  Other than for testing purposes, I prefer not to manually edit the files.

My question to sixstone was really asking if this was the way in which eBox is intended to work when using the web-gui via Network-->DNS.  If this is the case, it is preferreable to manually editing files and helps avoid "work-around" solutions. 

In the system under test (without the work-around), using eBox web-gui, Network-->DNS and then entering the eBox DNS and reordering the entries to place it at the head of the list, produces no change to the manner in which the system works.  The LAN workstations do not make use the eBox DNS even after pointing them locally (via /etc/resolv.conf) to the eBox ip address.  It was this lack of action that I requested be clarified; is it a known problem with the current stage of eBox development or is it related to the machine under test.

Hope this helps explain the previous post.  I really appreciate your input in this matter, many thanks.

Still no luck logging into my ebox...
Cannot offer any suggestions based on the model of your router.  Some basic connectivity checks might be worthwhile.

Establish the ip addressess of the eBox and remote machine.  If both are Linux run the command ifconfg on each of them. Also establish the ip address of the router.

From each machine ping the ip address of the other and the router.  Success indicates basic connectivity exists between them. 

Retry to login - In a web browser on the remote machine enter

The order is significance. First one will be asked firstly, if it doesn't answer. The second one is queried. I'd go for putting eBox as primary DNS server and the router as second one.
Is this intended to be conducted by Network-->DNS?  It does not happen in the test installation.  Is this a known issue with the current version of eBox or a problem with the test installation?

Change your /etc/resolv.conf to point eBox
Thanks for the advice sixstone,   
should /etc/resolv.conf contain references to to both   and    If not how would names/addressess outside the LAN be resolved?   If yes is the order in which they are listed significant?

Do I  need to configure an ip address manually in ebox or can I let the router do the work?
Using the router should be OK.  It is conventional to provide the server with a static IP Address and might be a good idea to ensure the DHCP service of the router is set up to do this.

Installation and Upgrades / Request Help Resolving LAN Names and IPs
« on: April 22, 2009, 04:48:37 pm »
Hoping to find some advice on how to get DNS working.  At this stage only resolution of names/address on the LAN is needed not registering a domain with an external provider.

DNS as provided by ISP
DHCP for LAN providing reserved/static IPs for servers and dynamic IPs for workstations

IPAddress= (static)

Dashboard reports DNS as Running
Module Status reports DNS as enabled (ticked)
DNS created Domain=TESTDOM, IPAddress=
DNS-->Hostname=Ubu810Min, IPAddress= (dynamic) Workstation on LAN
Network-->DNS reports 1st Nameserver=, 2nd Nameserver= (reordered to place eBox 1st)


lookuo TESTDOM=; <<>> DiG 9.4.2-P2 <<>> +time=3 TESTDOM
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 21267
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;TESTDOM.         IN   A

.         8679   IN   SOA   A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. NSTLD.VERISIGN-GRS.COM. 2009042200 1800 900 604800 86400

;; Query time: 16 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Apr 22 15:38:43 2009
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 100

cat /etc/resolv.conf
Is this correct? Should have been added by eBox?

Resolution via the WAN (ISP DNS) is working OK but not inside the LAN.

...I'm entering http://hostname/ebox with no luck.

It should be https://   rather than    http://
also try entering the ipaddress in place of the hostname

This matter is now resolved and was not a problem with eBox.

The problem was due to amending the hostname in /etc/hostname without making a corresponding change in /etc/hosts.  Once they were both changed to match, the matter of eBox reporting an error during saving disappeared. DNS, domain and hostnames are now reported by eBox as OK.

@ Javi
Thanks for taking the time to offer assistance with this matter, especially at a time that I presume is quite busy for you.  There might be an issue with resolving names but I will investigate this and open a separate thread if needed as the original purpose of this thread is now resolved.

On a clean install from eBox CD-ROM and applying updates available as at 21 April 2009, the following occurs when attempting to activate DNS.

Module Status-->Tick DNS to activate, save changes and confirm changes to be saved.  The save routine generates the following error message:
"Some modules reported error when saving changes. More information on the logs in /var/log/ebox   
The following modules failed while saving their changes"
No modules are listed.

Attached is /var/log/ebox/ebox.log
The following logs are 258Kb & 147Kb respectively and are over the size limit allowed for attachments.

The Dashboard shows DNS as running and Module Status shows DNS as ticked.

A Domain name of TESTDOM is added and saved without errors.
Adding a hostname generates the same error message as shown above.

Is anyone able to advise what is causing the problem and how to resolve it?

The issue of unclean unmounting of the root file system is now resolved and described below.  The manner of resolution gives rise to additional questions relating to applying updates to the installed packages.

The installation of eBox from CD-ROM creates entries in /etc/apt/sources.list which refer to security updates.  No other repository entries are listed and are by default thereby not enabled.  Manually adding the entries created by the official Ubuntu 8.04.2-Server LTS installation provides access to these missing repositories.

Using Apt to update and upgrade then provides seven upgrades:
Installing these updates immediately resolved the issue and clean unmounts were obtained.

  • How would these updates have been made available using the defaults provided by an eBox installation CD-ROM? 
    The updates originate from standard Ubuntu repositories not enabled by this installation method.
  • How is updating the installed packages conducted in a deployed/production eBox machine?

Another point of interest arose before manually adding the missing repositories.  Running apt-get update and upgrade identified an upgrade to the kernel was available and numbered 2.6.24-23-server.  Is this different from the kernel provided by the eBox CD-ROM?  The version number seems to be the same.  The update was accepted and installed and works well.

Probably if you reinstall a second time with the eBox install CD, you won't have again this file system problem.
Thanks for the suggestion, Javier.
I can report that over the last few days, the machine has been built three times from the eBox install CD and each time the problem with the unclean unmount of the root file system is present.

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