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Messages - newuser44

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I'm using ebox 0.12 on Mythbuntu 8.10 64bit.

When trying to create a new samba share with firefox 3.03, the entry field for adding the file system path disappears.  If I switch back to "Directory under ebox", the entry field re-appears.

How can I fix this without manually editing the samba config file?


This problem was fixed for me on my hardy 1.0 server (Thank you!), but I just ran into the same problem with an Intrepid install. Libebox version is 1.0i~svn13166-0.

Was this supposed too have been fixed as well?

Just in case anyone else is setting their server up similar to mine with a local linux user that has the same name as an ebox samba user...I thought I'd post my workaround.

I guess it should have been obvious but as long as I create a share outside of ebox's samba directory, I can connect to it without any permission problems using SMB4K on a linux client.  I had no problems connecting to the user's home folder shared through ebox, but any other folders created by ebox would not mount.

If anyone has any better suggestions on how to fix this, please let me know.


Well I decided to switch to my new installation which was done with the ebox 1.0 iso as I wanted to start fresh, and use the new egroupware module instead of my existing manual install of egroupware 1.2.

My previous install may have been Mythbuntu originally, and during all the setup and customization of Mythtv and Xubuntu I probably screwed too many things up.

So far, the new install (ebox only) appears to be working with the mail filter enabled. Hopefully I can avoid some of the samba permissions related problems I was having as well.

I'm going to be reinstalling the Xubuntu desktop and Mythtv in stages to this new install and I'll let you know if I encounter the same problem with the mail filter.

Thanks again for your help.

Ok, here is apt-cache policy output:

  Installed: 1.0.1-0ubuntu1~ppa1~hardy1
  Candidate: 1.0.1-0ubuntu1~ppa1~hardy1
  Version table:
 *** 1.0.1-0ubuntu1~ppa1~hardy1 0
        500 hardy/main Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

But when I try to access the bug report it says "Page not found"

HI Javi,

I updated my hosts file, and went through all the settings in the mail filter module (making and saving changes), but the problem with learnspamd still occurs.

The only way I can stop the cycle of learnspamd from terminating and respawning is to disable the mailfilter module.

Are there any other files I can check to see if things are configured directly? I just noticed someone else posted about a learnspamd problem so maybe the issue is related.


Hi Javi,

It is hard to say at this point what I used as the base install on this particular machine as I have tried a number of installs on various machines (hardy and intrepid, 32&64bit)....

...but this was most likely either your ebox 0.12 iso or Mythbuntu 8.04.

I'm currently updated to ebox 1.0.

Here is my /etc/hosts

...........................................   localhost   mythtvserver

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts


Thanks for your help.

Installation and Upgrades / ebox email filter causes high cpu usage
« on: April 07, 2009, 08:14:56 pm »
I have never been able to enable the email filter as the cpu usage goes through the roof.

I believe I read somewhere that it has to do with the lack of a FQDN. I'm still learning about DNS etc.., so excuse my ignorance, but does that mean I have to have a registered domain name resolvable over the internet to enable the filter?

As I am using the email function only as a local home network imap server that collects my mail from multiple accounts, is there a way I can fix this problem?

The syslog is showing that the learnspamd is continually terminating and respawning:

ebox.learnspamd main process (9903) terminated with status 255

Thanks for any help.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Http Proxy for local ebox web access
« on: April 07, 2009, 05:15:40 pm »
Thanks very much for the reply Javier, I figured that was the way it was setup.

I'd like to have the logging feature from the proxy for the localhost, but it's not critical to have, so I won't try to hack it as I'm sure I'll mess something up.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Http Proxy for local ebox web access
« on: April 04, 2009, 07:36:49 pm »
OK, I at least got the filter working.

In the ebox http proxy setup page it says the proxy port is 3128 (which I believe is the default setting as I don't remember changing it).

I had noticed though that when the ebox server boots it displays an error about the dansguardian port 3129 not being configured correctly.

So anyway, I changed my firefox settings to port 3129 and it now filters the local host correctly.

I guess what I'm trying to do is have the local host go through both the proxy and the filter like the lan clients.

Should I have the http proxy port setup as port 3128 in ebox, or is that wrong?


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Http Proxy for local ebox web access
« on: April 03, 2009, 05:32:15 pm »
Hi Sixstone,

That is what I originally tried, but it doesn't seem to be filtered, and there is nothing showing up in the logs.

Every other variation I tried in Firefoxes preferences cut my internet access completely.

Any other ideas I could try?


Installation and Upgrades / Http Proxy for local ebox web access
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:29:15 am »
As mentioned in my other recent thread I'm using ebox as a homeserver/gateway/apt-proxy/mythtv-pvr/xubuntu desktop PC.

As this is also a desktop PC for me, I'm trying to figure out how to configure firefox on the ebox server to use the http proxy. i have all my LAN clients working properly, but I'm not sure how to direct firefox to use the localhost proxy.

Can this be done?


I'm using ebox as a homeserver/gateway/apt-proxy/mythtv-pvr/xubuntu desktop PC.

As I use a range of different OS's as clients to connect to it, I'm trying to move all filesharing to samba instead of NFS.

The problem I have is that if I have user account in ebox, as well as a local machine user with the same name, I can only access the user's home folder over CIFS. I always get errors on linux clients if the server has both a local account and an ebox account with the same name, and I'm trying to access a shared folder (other than the user folder). 

I used to have this setup manually on a Suse server using samba and NFS, but it was a real pain to do.

I realize that I'm using ebox differently than most people, but any suggestions on making this work would be appreciated.


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Accessing Samba Shares with SMB4K
« on: April 02, 2009, 03:56:06 pm »
I think I've found an answer to my own question.

I was able to mount non-user folder shares using the manual cli method here:

The key thing here is the use of the "nounix" switch.

I then went into Smb4k and added "nounix" as an additional option under the samba mounting preferences, and now I can mount and access all shares properly on my xubuntu client pc.

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