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Messages - techiem2

Pages: [1]
Got it!
I found this post:

Run this:
samba-tool user setexpiry administrator --noexpiry

And then run (after you've downloaded it from the wiki link above):

After some more searching I found another page on the wiki with the actual file.

However, when I run it I get:
Could not get ticket: could not acquire credentials using an initial credentials context: No ENC-TS found

I'm having the same issue.
Tonight I found this migration document on the wiki:,_Multiple_Domain_Controllers

It mentions that the group ids and such were previously in LDAP rather than SAMBA, and gives a script to fix it.
However, the script is hosted on, which appears to no longer exist.

Does anyone have this script or have an alternate link?

No it's just the computer that isn't showing (I think).
I made a 0-Domain_Computers top level OU and then Church_Computers, Classroom_Computers, Faculty_Computers, and Lab_Computers (I'm planning to make OUs under this one but I don't think I did when I was setting it up...but I won't be on site to check until late next week probably) OUs under it in RSAT.
I then moved a PC from the Computers OU to 0-Domain_Computers -> Church_Computers using RSAT.
The OU structure shows up in the web, but the computer does not.

I recently did a fresh install of Community Edition 3.4 and tonight got one of our machine rejoined to the new domain.
I installed the domain management tools and created an OU structure to sort the computers into (an OU with a few sub-OUs) and then moved the joined computer out of the default Computers OU and into the appropriate OU I'd created.
However, when I log into the Zentyal web panel and go into Computers and Users -> Manage, I see the OU structure I created but not the computer I had moved.

Is this a glitch with the system or did I do something wrong or?


Pages: [1]