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Messages - Accu

Pages: [1]
Directory and Authentication / Static DNS isn't working with Samba
« on: March 09, 2018, 03:09:02 pm »

I had Zentyal 5.0.10 deployed with DHCP, DNS and Domain Controller.

I configured fixed Hosts on the DHCP module with dynamic registration on the DNS part, static DNS entries on the DNS module and the Domain Controller ist deactivated.
- In this scenario Zentyal created within Bind the correct forward and reverse zone under /var/lib/bind/ ...
- Name resolution was working (via nslookup checked)

When I enable the Domain Controller the DNS resolution (forward) was ONLY working for registered WIN machines
- Zentyal created only the BIND link AND the reverse zone (under /var/lib/bind)
- The forward zone isn't created under /etc/bind/named.conf.local nor /var/lib/bind

It seems there is a bug in the "*.mas" file and the zone file creation procedure

According this procedure the Samba Bind9 Backend Link is only add to named conf and
no replacement of the domain zone.

Does somebody have the same issue?


German / Re: Firewall blockiert Verbindungen in Zentyal 5.0
« on: March 09, 2018, 02:49:39 pm »

sehe hier mal nach. Bei mir hat es geholfen

Installation and Upgrades / Postfix CAPath Missing
« on: February 05, 2011, 08:23:37 pm »

I had some problems with my e-mail "smarthost" and the original zentyal configuration.

Postfix need the "smtp_tls_CApath = /etc/ssl/certs/" variable in the main.cfg .

How can I add this to zentyal? I tried this in "/usr/share/ebox/strubs/mail/"
under CertFile issue but it don't go to the in the /etc/posftix/ folder.


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