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Installation and Upgrades / Re: Login webadmin zentyal 7.x
« Last post by juliocp1976 on July 19, 2024, 09:52:59 pm »
I did some investigation about the information in this issue, and the assumption appears to be true, the inaccessibility of causes the webadmin hanging and getting error 504 from nginx.

If I comment out the new version checking in the sources, then the webadmin Dashboard going to work again, without problems.


The file, which contains this version check is in /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Dashboard/CGI/
In this file (as of Zentyal 7.1.2), starting at line 267, there is a function sub _getNewVersionFromCloud, which downloads a file from with wget (system call). wget normally timeouts in 900 secs, this is far too more than nginx waits for uWSGI answer. Unfortunately, if I set a much sorter timeout for wget (-T 15), it does not help. But if I comment out the relevant lines completely (273-278 for Zentyal 7.1.2), then this check it will be breasted, and the webadmin start working.

Of course, after modifying the file, the webadmin uwsgi process need to be killed (it is likely in a stuck state already), then a zs webadmin restart needed, too.

I wrote this result in #2170, too, for reference.
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Login webadmin zentyal 7.x
« Last post by on July 19, 2024, 07:55:18 pm »
Please zentyal support or moderators, any trackbug to confirm the fail? thanks :)
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Login webadmin zentyal 7.x
« Last post by on July 19, 2024, 07:51:49 pm »
v4.2.x servers still running in labs, 0 issues, looks like a core nginx issue.

In the lab I have ISOLATED Zentyal v6 and v7 from Internet servers to test, and these servers had the same error.... ¬¬
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Login webadmin zentyal 7.x
« Last post by on July 19, 2024, 07:44:54 pm »

Code: [Select]
2024/07/19 13:16:05 [error] 2658#2658: *23 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client: 192.x0.x0.x, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "uwsgi://unix:///run/zentyal-webadmin/webadmin.sock", host: "x.x0.x.x3:xxxxx", referrer: "https://x.x0.x.x3:xxxxx/Login/Index"
2024/07/19 13:23:29 [error] 2658#2658: *41 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client: 192.x0.x0.x, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "uwsgi://unix:///run/zentyal-webadmin/webadmin.sock", host: "x.x0.x.x3:xxxxx", referrer: "https://x.x0.x.x3:xxxxx/Login/Index"
2024/07/19 13:32:36 [error] 2658#2658: *45 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client: 192.x0.x0.x, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "uwsgi://unix:///run/zentyal-webadmin/webadmin.sock", host: "x.x0.x.x3:xxxxx", referrer: "https://x.x0.x.x3:xxxxx/Login/Index"

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Login webadmin zentyal 7.x
« Last post by on July 19, 2024, 06:27:26 pm »
Same problem here, several servers v6, 7, 8.
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Login webadmin zentyal 7.x
« Last post by rubicon on July 19, 2024, 04:06:53 pm »
I have the same problem, it hangs after logging in to the web. In the logs *84 no live upstreams while connecting to upstream, client
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Login webadmin zentyal 7.x
« Last post by jrtaylor on July 19, 2024, 03:51:02 pm »
I can confirm that this happening on zentyal 8 also.
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Login webadmin zentyal 7.x
« Last post by juliocp1976 on July 19, 2024, 03:07:40 pm »
I have the same problem.

I already had this error 1 month ago on my servers, and strangely after 3 days they returned to normal access without the time-out error, I also didn't find anything related, I'm also waiting for a solution or answer that can identify this problem to resolve the situation delicate, unfortunately, if necessary, try accessing via RSAT if you need something in Zentyal.
Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Login webadmin zentyal 7.x
« Last post by cingo_5 on July 19, 2024, 02:18:02 pm »

I manage about 70 zentyal systems and from today, i can't login in every zentyal 7.x dashboard.
it return 504 Gateway Time-out from nginx

zentyal.webadmin-nginx and zentyal.webadmin-uwsgi are up and running

no problem with zentyal 8.x

the problem started for all of them this morning, and the only thing in common is version 7.x

I tried to investigate and I see that during the login phase, requests are made to a public IP so I tried to disable any traffic other than the LAN from the IP of the Zentyal machine but I still received the nginx timeout.
I finally disconnected the network cable from the machine and the console now opens...

is it possible there is something related to the crowdsrike problem?

anyone encountering the same problem?

Thank you
Spanish / Re: Resolucion DNS inversa no responde desde redes externas
« Last post by Siroco on July 18, 2024, 11:56:48 am »
Si puedes resolver consultas directas desde redes externas, y puedes resolver consultas directas e inversas desde tu red interna, en un principio se podría descartar problemas de configuración en bind o en el cortafuegos.
Una cosa que podías revisar es si tu proveedor de IP pública ha delegado correctamente sobre tu servidor la gestión de las zonas inversas. Parece común que no hagan éste paso. Aquí te dejo un enlace de un hilo donde hacen unas comprobaciones con y tiene como resultado que la zona está duplicada y por lo tanto los servidores DNS como BIND9 causarán una respuesta fallida.
Por otro lado, también te recomendaría estudiar los logs /var/log/syslog y /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log para buscar posibles problemas de tipo error, refused, etc...
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