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Messages - -pekr-

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Ah, I might have mixed several things. I now can see I can add an for particular user, in user Account setting. What is Mail/Virtual mail domain/Virtual domain alias good for then? Probably a different thing? I define several domains there (= simply which domains I want to receive my emails for), but what's their alias? Something like Or? I don't understand the difference of this section to defining alias in user section.

As for defining alias in user section, I now might miss another feature. I have alias, which I want to be forwarded to several account - a sales team - is that possible? I tried to add for user1 and user2, but it was not possible? Or should I use group somehow, an set mail alias in there?

Thanks :-)

Example is easy. Just imagine you have defined two domains:

And you want to have, and, delivered to two different accounts. When I try to add "info" as an alias for, server tells me, that such alias already does exist.


3 years ago I was investigating few options to have small linux server as an ISP. I decided to go with ClearOS, and back at the time Ubuntu with E-box lacked FTP module. While I can configure things manually here or there, my other guys can't, and I need them to use a portal.

After a server crash, I decided to reinvestigate the e-box state, and found out Zentyal. I have to say, that this time, I am really impressed. Very nice and balanced work in regards to user interface and overall consistent feel of the system!

But, as usual, I am looking at certain functionalities, and I am a bit disappointed, that some Zentyal portal sections are oversimplified. What is it good for to have a portal for easy maintance, while pushing user to do eventual manual configuration? Here's what I am missing:

1) Emails. One of the reasons why I decided to leave ClearOS is, that they don't allow email aliases to particular domains. Those aliases are shared. I was glad, that Zentyal allows to define email aliases in the particular domain sections. But - does it? No :-( And here comes my first disappointment. It is imo absolutly normal, that my customers want to have, each of them. Why virtual map is not used? If the answer is the same as with ClearOS (simply a suggestion to use only one mail domain on the server, and use tonnes of virtual machines), then my answer is - no, thank you. Don't you find it rather common, that emails like, or, are usual for websites? Each site has a different admin, so the email traffic has to be delivered to different accounts. Now how to easily overcome Zentyal limitation? And what is a reason for such a limitation to exist in the first place?

2) Webserver - once again - I miss the field to allow me to use ServerAlias directive. There are often cases of parked domain names, or simply client using more than one registered domain, which the client wants to point to its website, as an alternative. I think that this might be so commonly used scenario, that it would deserve a dedicated field in the portal form, once again to avoid the need to edit virtual host directives manually. Also - it is nice that docs describe http commands, but how usefull is that in comparison to not explain how to upload a content via FTP? ;-) Samba is really not an option here.

3) FTP. Maybe more than one question. First - why is not "Allow FTP" part of user account settings? Each user imo does not need FTP account to be available automatically? Second - ClearOS used something called FlexShare. I am not saying I will miss it, but anyway - is there an option, when I can define particular users being able to edit e.g. website content via FTP, via their user FTP account? Not a big deal, for particular websites, I can create separate FTP accounts (new users).

Please provide me with some options of how to overcome above limitations, as in generall I have really a good impression from few hours usage of Zentyal :-)

Best regards,

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