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Topics - foeke

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / Server not reachable
« on: September 02, 2024, 09:39:17 am »
One of the servers running 7.0 is not reachable.
Can't open the shares, can't ssh, can't open the web console.
It is pingable. But it takes a whole while before it starts.
Internet still works. Full bandwidth.
And OVPN is also still working fine.
When I try to connect with Putty, it takes a while before it asks for the username. Then even longer for the password.
Just once I could log in, and I tried to restart the firewall first. But that didn't happen. I don't know if it started that processes.
Any suggestions?

Since this morning both paid servers stopped the DNS service. As soon as I tries to restart them, the webservice stopped (504 Gateway Time-out).

I tried to restart one server but that failed to reboot

[FAILED] Failed to start Bind Domain name server

And booting stops after [OK] Started time and date service.

The other server is still running but not working since you can’t restart the DNS and without DNS you can’t even access your fileshares.

restarting the dns using the command line didn’t work (it just halts indefinitely after the sudo zs dns restart ) same with restarting the firewall or webgui.

I've opened a ticket but I now have two customers down, so all help is appreciated.

Directory and Authentication / random filesharing behaviour
« on: October 29, 2023, 11:20:52 am »
I am installing a 7.1 Zentyal server as DC and gateway. About 30 users en a dozen shares. The clients are all freshly installed updated Win 10 pro.
I first configured the groups and then assigned the users to the groups and the groups to the shares.
This normally is pretty straight forward.
But now I have the weirdest behavior that some clients can't access the shares, even if I assign them to the user.
It seems so random. It is user related as far as I can find. (same computer, logged in on a different account can access said share, same user on an other computer still can't access the share. But since it is so random, it might be a coincidence) )
So the clients are joining the domain just fine (except one account that could log in, but after login got the message the user couldn't be logged in properly and should try to log out and in again).
They see the server and the shares but when I open them, you get the popup for other credentials, or Windows can't even find the share anymore but it is still in the list on the client.
I made some shares again in an other name, and that worked most of the times. Some shares just work as expected.
So one user can open the share, some don't. Even thought the accounts are set up exactly the same as far as I can tell.
Some possible red herrings
1. Under windows the shares seem about 90Gb even though I installed the server on a 8Tb disk and I choose "use whole disk".
2. During the install I wanted to make a share with guest access then I got the message I needed to enable the guest user.
Then I went to said guest user, and the disable option was marked but greyed out.
I went back to the share to disable the guest access, but the share still has guest access and I still see the message that I need to enable the guestuser.

I don't even know where I should start looking.
Is there some maximum amount of users to a share?
And what is supposed to happen when you have the default 500Mb limit and want to access a 7Gb share?
Any feedback where I should start would help.
Thanks in advance.

Installation and Upgrades / PPPoE with static IP
« on: October 28, 2023, 02:51:57 pm »
I wanted to replace a server with a zentyal one. The internet connection is over PPPoE but it doen not have DHCP.
How would I set the static IP and subnet/gateway in the PPPoE connection?
Cheers, Foeke

Since this update, the users that want to work from home on their (Win10) workplace, get this error.
"The remote computer that your trying to connect to requires NLA but your windows domain controller cannot be contacted to perform NLA". If you switch off the mandatory NLA in the advanced rdp settings in Windows, they can log in over rdp again.
Removing the KB would also work I guess.
But why is the DC not available for NLA anymore?
It's running Zentyal 7.

Installation and Upgrades / Zentyal 8
« on: June 21, 2023, 10:43:11 am »
I can't find any information other then someone on GitHub saying 8.0 will be released last May.
But I don't believe that happened.
I just came from ClearOS which is pretty much dead for over a year now, and development stopped around 2019. Other then the CEO that keeps on saying everything is fine. Even though they fired the only support guy a long time ago, and security patches stopped coming for even longer.
Bottom line, I am getting pretty wary when new releases are not being released.
Does anybody a timeline or any other information?

Other modules / Backup feature disables control panel
« on: April 19, 2023, 02:37:37 pm »
I was busy configuring the backup using rsync  to an other location.
As soon as I saved the settings the whole module became unavailable. Taking the whole front end with it.
Everything keeps on working. Meaning internet connections/ samba etc.
But I can't reach the x.x.x.x:8443 dashboard. It just keeps on loading until I get an 504 error message.
After like an hour everything is back up again. I can log in, see every module, except when I click on the backup module the whole site is down again for an hour.
I can still log in with putty. CPU load is next to zero. Just like the I/O (using iotop).
Any thoughts what can be up?

Installation and Upgrades / saving webadmin module stuck on 100%
« on: January 30, 2023, 01:28:33 pm »
I just started using Zentyal and used to use ClearOS (CentOS based Zentyal like distibution).
I installed a fresh 7.0 on a customers server. Everything worked, until I was configuring the OVPN certificates/connections. I did that before on the exact same server for a test run.
When saving, you get the popup with how many things need to be changed/updated. The last part is the "saving webadmin module" and then it gets stuck when it looks like it's done.
If I refresh the page, the changes are undone and I need to save the changes again. (to no avail)
The dashboard did say some modules required a restart, so I did that. But that didn't solve the "saving webadmin module" issue.
I did find I was not the only one with this issue.
But I can't believe this has not been solved half a year later.

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