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Messages - detlefb

Pages: [1]
Hi everyone... I am also new to Ebox ( ubuntu 8.04 server + ubuntu version of ebox 0.99 plus some .100 stuff ). We are using some Samsung SCX 4200 devices, which of course do not occur as properly serviced in the cups foomatic arena. Nevertheless with the aid of many a cups forum  and the Samsung Unified Linux Printerdriver tools we got them printing and scanning while being attached to one server's usb port.

So far: Three Cheers and the like...

But now the real trouble starts: Ebox seemingly does not read/evaluate the existing beauties of an already working cupsd environment ( aka /etc/cups/printer.conf and /etc/cups/cupsd.conf ) although in the module Printers::Manage Printers::General Setting the possibility of "Enable standalone CUPS" is given. Once the solution works, could Ebox not just utilise the existing CUPS solution at the user's without its current behaviour: You must define a printer - which will not work at all, see above - and then it will kill the established CUPSd's configurations.

There will be always troublesome printers around, some even with some ppd solutions provided by not necessarily open sources, but doing their job.

What do you think?


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