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Messages - ITtester

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal Development or Commercial
« on: April 05, 2016, 05:32:37 am »
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I'm a bit iffy about recommending this. After a couple days of testing the development version, I must admit, I am impressed, but also disappointed at the same time. From the versions I have tested, starting from 3.5 all the way up to 4.1, from the removal of features, I am confused as to where Zentyal is actually heading.
Are they focusing on Active directory, mail and shares or are they removing them. From each version I have seen more removal of active directory options from the web login instead of added features, numerous bugs and issues and a few hours of tinkering to get things working. If it wasn't for my Windows server/AD background I would have given up on this a long while back.

Why has Zentyal not incorporated all the Active directory configuration into the web GUI, this would really make me want to dump Windows. But as it stands, I still need to use Windows to have a graphical config is disappointing. I don't see any reason to stop using Windows Server + AD.

I am happy with the features, but so far I can not recommend this in a business environment. Is there anyone in Sydney, Australia who has a functioning setup with active directory fully functioning, easily accessed and connected to multiple operating systems, Mac, Linux, Win7 & Win 10 Pro(just found out that Win 10 standard can not join domains, Mac works fine, Win 7 fine). If so, I would really love to organise for me to come and have a run through on how you set it all up and see it in action. I really want to give this another chance as I want to move away from Windows, after studying Digital Forensics, Windows is scary.

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