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Messages - netwarrior

Pages: [1]
Spanish / Re: DHCP Rangos o Ambitos
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:44:28 pm »
En mi caso las VLANs van a quedar siempre tal cual y los rangos en las mismas también. Bueno, si en tu caso el entorno es variable tendrías dos opciones:

  • Modificar la interfaz gráfica de Zentyal editando los archivos en /usr/share/perl5/EBox , para esto debes tener conocimientos de programación y nociones de PERL.
  • Podrías simplemente crear una interfaz gráfica aparte con PHP (o el lenguaje web que domines) y Apache y a través de ella modificar de manera gráfica los contenidos de /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/dhcp/dhcp.conf.mas

 ::) Espero haber sido de ayuda.


Spanish / Re: INFO ZENTYAL 3.5
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:40:57 pm »
Hola klausneil

Por ahora, el módulo ha sido removido de forma permanente. La solución es definir grupos de protocolo basados en puertos.

Por ejemplo: navegación web => TCP: 80, 443, 8080-8083 (algunas páginas o proxies usan estos puertos)


News and Announcements / Re: Zentyal 4.0 Roadmap Published!
« on: August 02, 2014, 08:06:08 pm »
IMHO  ::) I can say that looking to Zentyal website and the features they present the North they are taking is to push the Communications and Office Servers while dropping modules from System, Infrastructure and Gateway/UTM.

So as Gary pointed lets make a list of all dropped module since lets say version 2.2 and after having a full list make some polls to see what modules are the ones the community wanna see back, maybe only 50% of them will get many votes, and after those results we gotta make one last poll to see how many of us will be committed to maintain those "wishlist" modules, in the end we may have only 25% of the modules from our original list but we'll be sure those are the modules the community voted for and that we will have people involved to maintain them.


As faustotex said. Check your DHCP settings, be sure to add your domain in the section CORE->Network->DNS and in CORE->General->Hostname and Domain.

In the DNS module make sure you have the same domain as in the subsections I just pointed you. Also make sure inside the DNS module you have valid NameServers values, in your case I guess there must be only one which should be the same name as your server hostname.

Also, make sure your DNS settings given by DHCP are not being overridden by some HOSTS Win file or some weird config in your ethernet connection.

Finally, check your /etc/network/interfaces configuration if you see any line like dns-namaservers X.Y.Z.W get rid of them because when using Zentyal there is no need to insert such kind of configurations in this file.


Forgive me because I'm kinda new to this proxy tuning stuff. But only editing the external conf file and restarting the service (module) is enough in Zentyal 3.0+ ?

I'm asking that because on some other forums, not zentyal related, they had to recompile the package since squid only accepts UFS out of the box.

Spanish / Re: DHCP Rangos o Ambitos
« on: August 01, 2014, 06:01:18 pm »
Hola gaaz,

Para empezar podrías aclararnos un poco la topología de tu red? Tienes a Zentyal como Gateway Server? o como Infraestructure Server?

En mi caso lo uso de Gateway directamente conectado a un switch core (que funciona como DHCP relay) y al principio tenía el inconveniente de crear rangos DHCP para las VLANS manejadas por el switch core, ya que solo me dejaba crear rangos para la red directamente conectada a la interfaz. Pero lo que hice fue crear un DHCP stub usando el stub del archivo de configuración.

Code: [Select]
sudo nano /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/dhcp/dhcp.conf.mas
Para una mejor referencia del trabajo con stubs te envió este link. Espero sea de ayuda.

Saludos desde Perú!

Spanish / Re: error DNS zentyal 3.4
« on: August 01, 2014, 05:47:49 pm »
Hola Walter,

Al parecer puedes tener una IP duplicada en tu dominio, fijate en el modulo DNS dentro de los NameServers derrepente tienes dos registros con las mismas IPs. Para una mayor referencia revisa el archivo de logs de Zentyal dado que en el popup de guardar cambios no sale toda la información que necesitas.

Code: [Select]
sudo nano /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log
Saludos desde Perú!

Spanish / Re: Bloquer facebook, twitter y youtube
« on: August 01, 2014, 05:42:31 pm »
Hola Willy!

Dado que el proxy transparente no bloquea las conexiones al puerto 443, lo que estás intentando hacer es a nivel de iptables y a pesar que no soy experto en ese tema, se que iptables le pertenece al modulo de firewall.

Para que los cambios que quieres realizar sean permanentes debes crear un archivo del tipo hook. Este link te puede ayudar a conseguir lo que necesitas Yo he creado uno para el modulo DNS. Si tienes alguna otra consulta me avisas.

Por otro lado, si lo que deseas es bloquear esas redes sociales para todos tus perfiles de usuarios, una manera más facil seria instalando el modulo DNS y bloquearlas a ese nivel.

Saludos desde Perú!

News and Announcements / Re: Zentyal 4.0 Roadmap Published!
« on: August 01, 2014, 05:23:24 pm »
Hi Everyone!
Straight to the point. I've been a Zentyal user for just some months but I also came to this ship because it was a UTM/Gateway and a fully Linux modular solution. Having said that, as many of you have pointed it was a little disappointment when I saw the 3.5 roadmap and I was hoping that some module were coming back (BWMonitor) but now I with the 4.0 roadmap I see more modules being dropped. I have deployed 3 zentyal servers as UTM/Gateway solution for a government organization in my country 8) and they were very pleased because it cut them lots of cost, but now I'll have to think how to maintain the dropped modules.
I'm new to the forum but I've been reading posts since my first day using Zentyal and I decided to join the conversation because I feel like we can together find a feasible way to maintain some of those modules and maybe add new ones focusing on a UTM/Gateway Zentyal version as someone pointed.
I would like to see some kind of documentation on how to modify the GUI since I couldn't find one yet, I have already made some modifications to fit my needs but it took me sometime to figure them out and I'm sure modifying other module may be harder.

Greetings from Peru!

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