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Messages - firemist

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / Canonical Livepatch (for Ubuntu)
« on: January 31, 2020, 04:36:11 pm »
Wondering if Livepatch is supported under the Zentyal infrastructure? If so, would the community version be appropriate (1 machine)?
Jeff B.

I was having this issue using an Amazon VPC (VPN) -- such an easy fix once I tracked it down (which only took 8 hours!).

thanks for posting.

I was also having this issue. After looking at the log file, I noticed some files were having the ACL set OK, some were errored. The files that did update had the owner:group as Administrator:adm. The errored files had userA:firemist (a Ubuntu user group) ownership. I had copied lots of files off my current server to the new Zentyal server.
Setting the ownership of all the files and directories to Administrator:adm fixed the Zentyal ACL errors. Creating a new file from userA showed ownership as "zUserB:domain users". So, it looks like ownership needs to belong to the Zentyal domain users, not any server (Ubuntu) users that may already exist on the machine.
If you need the command for this, it is:
[from root or sudo]: chown -R Administrator:adm /<shared directory>

Hope it helps.
Jeff B.

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