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Messages - BerT666

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German / Re: Kann nicht auf Server zugreifen :(
« on: August 20, 2015, 09:43:11 am »

netstat sieht schon mal gut aus (Port 8443 offen, Samba und diverse andere notwendigen Dienste laufen).

ist dein eth0 (erste Netzwerkkarte) auf dynamic oder static gesetzt?

Meine Server konfiguriere ich immer statisch (ist einfacher, wenn DHCP mal wieder nicht mitspielt)...
Frage zum Hintergrund:
Hast du am Router DHCP deaktiviert, bevor oder nachdem am Server DHCP aktiviert wurde?
Meiner Erfahrung nach ist es besser, erst komplett zu deaktivieren und dann am jeweiligen Device zu aktivieren...

Was mich wundert ist, dass du nichtmal vom localhost auf die Admin GUI kommst...

Solltest du aus dem K / BN 'ner Raum kommen kann man sich ggf mal treffen, dass macht einiges einfacher...

An sonsten schau mal in /var/log/syslog und in der Logdatei von nginx (Pfad kenn ich leider nicht auswendig) nach Auffälligkeiten...



German / Re: Kann nicht auf Server zugreifen :(
« on: August 19, 2015, 01:14:14 pm »

ich tippe mal, dass da etwas bei der Konfig der Netzwerkkarten daneben gegangen ist...

Kannst du dich (lokal) auf dem Server anmelden?
Wenn ja, schau bitte mal mit ifconfig, wie die Netzkonfiguration ist und poste dies.
Auch hilfreich wäre die ausgabe von "netstat -tulpen" (zeigt dir u.a. die genutzten Ports).

Lässt du den Server "auf einem Blech" laufen, oder ist er virtualisiert? Wenn zweites der Fall ist, könnte die Ursache auch hier liegen...

Read U


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Mail - Queue management error
« on: July 10, 2015, 09:50:46 am »
can you perform a mailq at the command prompt (root/sudo)?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Mail - Queue management error
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:46:28 am »
Can you post a screener with the complete Error?

especially line 240 ;-)

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal - message type is relay
« on: July 09, 2015, 02:42:07 pm »

sorry, since I do not do White / Blacklisting on Zentyal, I cannot help you (did not find a fast way via the Zentyal Dashboard)...

I think I have seen something like this in the past, but I am not sure where / in which version of Zentyal...



coule it be that your (Zentyal) Firewall blocks the Update?
Have you tried to test with deactivated Firewall?

I had many issues regarding to the Zentyal Firewall. Since I use a Sophos UTM, I do the firewalling there and leave the Zentyal-Firewall deactivated.
By now it is running without issues (and the UTM blocks far more unwanted traffic than the Zantyal FW)...



Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal - message type is relay
« on: July 07, 2015, 01:45:17 pm »

I suggest a good Firewall for this.

I am using a sophos UTM 120 and it is a good deal (especially as I got this device as a "Self-Learning-Platform" from my boss) ;-).

Most Business Firewalls have an option for a Spam-Filter, so just look if you have this option ;-)




my first guess would be that there is something wrong with the DNS.... (or a Firewall issue).
Can you do nslookup for the Update Servers?
How is your setup?
Zentyal as a Gateway, behind a Firewall, ...

Kind regards


I have nearly the same...
My old Zentyal Server (with OpenChange) makes more and more Problems so I tried to set up a second zentyal box to move everything to the new one.

Added new node to AD => OK (sync is done)
Moved all FSMO Roles to the new Box => OK
Tried to set up additional Openchange => the Dropdown Menu (New / additional) has vanished (do not know since when) and it is not possible to add a second Openchange.

Regarding to the Wiki, it is possible to deploy additional OpenChange server (and move Mailboxes).

When has this feature vanished?

Kind regards


just try the following from a windows command shell (Outlook needs to be closed)

Outlook.exe /resetfoldernames

Start Outlook => the Folder Names are renamed.

I have only one Zentyal node.
It is a VM under XenServer 6.2 (all Updates applied); Xen-Tools installed.

I hope this helps to find the source...

Installation and Upgrades / Re: SOGo - free/busy isn't showing
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:52:06 pm »
after Quick-Testing:
Updated to 4.0 (no pending updates left) => internal Server Error (Webadmin)
Webadmin gefixt.

Like described: copied Mailboxes, deleted Mailboxes, create new mailbox (same Name) copied back Mailbox, chown =>
I have an emty Mailbox.

Since my window for administrative task was going to end restored snapshot taken before update.

Will try again by the end of this week.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: SOGo - free/busy isn't showing
« on: November 17, 2014, 11:58:12 am »
Hi, I have seen these Notes, but "my" error also occurx when I update to the latest 3.5 Update-level...
I think I will give it a try by the End of this week :-) afterwards I will report succsess / failure.

Kind regards


Installation and Upgrades / Re: SOGo - free/busy isn't showing
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:09:54 pm »
Whenever I try to update my Zentyal box (3.5) I get the same result.
Plus that all my shared contacts / Calendars disappear...

So it seems to be a bug

Quote from post:
Removing that only hides the real error, it's not a proper fix.

Call me old fashioned, but I want a fix, not only "hide" the error

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