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Portuguese / ACTIVESYNC apenas trabalha com a a conta "administrator"
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:57:15 pm »
Boa tarde,

Estou a utilizar o zentyal 3.5.3 a quase tudo funciona como suposto (DNS + PDC + openchange + fetchmail + thunderdirds + outlook 2007 + sogo).

Mas reparei que quando tento utilizar o activesync, apenas funciona com a conta "Administrator" e todas as outras contas dão o erro de "Falha de ligação ao servidor".
A mim, aparenta ser problemas de permissões mas não consegui encontrar nada ate agora. Mais alguém teve este problema e/ou sabe como o resolver?

Com os melhores Cumprimentos. Mário Machado

Any idea why only the default administrator can work with ActiveSync?
Do I need to give permitions to all users? If yes,  where can I manage that. .
If I configure the wrong info,  I get "invalid user or password" as supposed but Wen I enter the correct user info I get a "unable to connect to server".

Regards and thank you in advance.

Installation and Upgrades / 2.0 to 2.2 make me lost users
« on: February 09, 2012, 04:44:57 pm »
After the upgrade from 2.0 to 2.2 i lost like 70% of the users.
The folders still exist but not the users.
now, the problem is that i have ~150 users and i rely didn't want to recreate all those users.
is there a way to fix this?

wen i try to restore configuration or full-restore i get the error event already exists.
anyone else have the same problem or know how to solve this?

PS: wen i open "core/events" on WUI the same problem show's up.

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