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Topics - gzucco

Pages: [1]
Portuguese / [Resolvido] Web admin no localhost
« on: July 25, 2014, 04:27:33 pm »
Acabei desmarcando a opção do Webadmin para https, deixando sem acesso... onde e como eu habilito ela novamente?


Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] List in Proxy
« on: June 13, 2014, 03:50:48 pm »
I created a List for Proxy, for test
After I deleted the folder [using the Nautilus] with this list, but the sistem still recocnize the archives in proxy, saying "archive present"
I rebooted the server, but this error still continues.

Wheres I can found this archives in squid in terminal? the command "whereis list " show me nothing

I use the Zentyall 3.4.6 

Portuguese / [Resolvido] Usuarios nos Logs de Proxy
« on: June 02, 2014, 02:02:39 pm »
Nos Log de Proxy tem um campo de usuários, mas no Log, não aparece nenhum
Já criei um dominio com usuarios, o que tenho que habilitar para isto funcionar


Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Internet Access Logs
« on: May 23, 2014, 02:31:38 pm »
Have any way to see the logs of accessed websites using the firewall?
That the session Maintenance> Logs> Firewall does not show me anything, try lock a website, but the don't show me if was accessed
Is there any way to do this?


Portuguese / [RESOLVIDO] Logs de Acesso a Internet
« on: May 23, 2014, 02:25:52 pm »
Tem alguma maneira de visualizar os logs de sites acessados e quanto tempo acessaram um site usando o firewall ?
Que na sessão Manutenção>Logs>Firewall não me mostra nada, nem os bloqueados...

Tem alguma maneira de fazer isso?


Pages: [1]