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Messages - jfaria

Pages: [1]
I have a similar a similar situation but, in my case, machine almoust stop running, completly overloaded.

I was able to login (very slow) and I issue command ps -aux. It shows a lot (hundreds) of lines like this:

root     10123  0.0  0.0   4440     0 ?        Ss   07:55   0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/net cache flush
root     10125  0.0  0.0 321840     8 ?        S    07:55   0:00 /usr/bin/net cache flush

After a reboot everything seems to be ok again.

I decided to remove the CRON job and see what happens.

CRON runs net cache flush every minute. Somewher in time, there is a condition when the command hangs and doesn't complete and stay in memory (but system doesn't crash!). CRON continues to run every minute until no more memory available.

Mr. Zentyal, why do you need to flush the cache every minute? And why net cache flush hangs in memory?

Thank you.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: diskfilter writes are not supported
« on: December 29, 2015, 07:09:33 pm »
I know this post if from 2014 and we are in the end of 2015 but check this:

It's related with LVM.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Can't re-provision domain
« on: October 24, 2015, 05:34:00 pm »

Did you test this procedure ou it's just based on openchange manpage?


Portuguese / Re: removendo controlador de dominio adicional
« on: October 24, 2015, 04:43:20 pm »
Falando estritamente do samba, a ferramenta samba-tools tem algumas opções para retirar controladores do domínio.

O que eu não sei é se se pode usar essa funcionalidade no Zentyal uma vez que o samba do Zentyal é "personalizado" ao Zentyal.

No terminal corra o comando:
  sudo samba-tools domain --help

Dá para ver as opções disponíveis. Mas, volto a chamar a atenção, não sei se usar o samba-tools não vai "des-sincronizar" o Zentyal.

De qualquer forma, se descobrir, post aqui para ficarmos todos a saber :-)


Installation and Upgrades / Re: MDADM and Resource Monitoring support
« on: October 24, 2015, 03:47:34 pm »
One more here :)

PS: a Google search regarding "MDADM monitor" returns a lot of information regarding this subject but it would be nice to have the feature included in Zentyal specially the email send feature.


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Replication problems
« on: October 24, 2015, 03:14:10 pm »
I have the same problem. Until now, the only way I found to solve the problem is to reboot both servers. Then, everything works well until replication fails again after some time (days?).

At least, it will be good to have a command/script (samba-tools?) to fix the replication issue while the problem is not fixed permanently. Rebooting machines is not the way.

PS: There is a VPN between servers but I have no known problem regarding communication between sites.

Great, It also worked for me on zentyal 4.1  :) :) :).

I wonder if this file (/usr/share/zentyal/stubs/dns/named.conf.local.mas) will be re-writed by Zentyal after an upgrade or so.

Anyone to clarify this? If so, what would be the right file to declare the subnets?

note: it has nothing to do with PPTP clients, just a different subnet asking for DNS resolution.

Great, It also worked for me on zentyal 4.1  :) :) :).

I would like to know if this file (/usr/share/zentyal/stubs/dns/named.conf.local.mas) will be re-writed or not by Zentyal after an upgrade or so. Anyone to clarify this? If so, what would be the right file to declare the subnets?

Same problem here. I have a PDC and a ADC on a remote location, VPN connected and they replicate well after a reboot but fail after a randon time with the same error on samba-tool drs showrepl. I add a second ADC just to check if the problem is on the first ADC . Same behavior. Sometimes, replication work well for days and, then, for some reason it stops. If I reboot all machines, replication works again until it fails again some time later. I don't detect any other faillure but I can't consider going into prodution like this.

Não deixa de ser significativa a mudança de nome do ISO de "versão da comunidade" para "versão de desenvolvimento". Está na hora de procurar alternativas que o Zentyal que já não é aquilo que prometia ser. A continuar este caminho não vejo grande futuro para o Zentyal (o que é uma pena). Que saudades do eBox.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Replication of DC's WERR_ACCESS_DENIED
« on: December 29, 2014, 02:07:58 pm »
I have similar problems.

After a reboot, replication seems to work for some time for some servers, (not allways the same) and then stops replication (1 PDC + 3 SDC). Behavior seems to be random.
Working to find why but no luck till now.

note: there are a VPN between servers but I don't thing that is the problem because thare are replication for some time and only then it fails.

Any clues?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: I lost FTP, BACKUP and MONITORING
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:09:32 pm »
Can we buy the missing modules?

Zentyal is an open source project but I was willing to pay for backup module, for example (or is it already part of the payed version?).

I don't believe MS will remove NT Backup from their products :-)

Installation and Upgrades / Re: zentyal 4 backup solutions ?
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:33:32 pm »
By the way, this is one of the removed features I don't understand why  :(

Installation and Upgrades / Re: zentyal 4 backup solutions ?
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:28:03 pm »

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