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Messages - Remon

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Installation and Upgrades / Re: Virtaul Machines with Zentyal as Host
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:56:24 pm »
I would like to know if somebody runs any VM solution in parallel to Zentyal as the Host machine.

I do not understand your question.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: PXE boot
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:47:55 pm »
Hi, Basically you ask 2 things I think:

1. How to setup PXE booting with zentyal 2.2 
2. How to install windows from a PXE booted PC.

The 1st can be done and you can find guides somewhere but they are all only partly ok, and not so easy after first try.
Below is a setup to it tested and used by us with zentyal 2.2, allowing you to boot a MemTest in PXE I hope it brings you a step further.

The second one is harder and could be resolved by creating a BOOT PXE that launches the windows etc. Here is post nearly describing that process:

>>  8) Actually this guy does exactly what you want, even with the same tftp server zentyal uses:

Code: [Select]

# ###########
# SETUP TFTP BOOT Zentyal 2.2
#Install syslinux
sudo apt-get syslinux
chmod –R 777 /var/lib/tftpboot/
cp /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /var/lib/tftpboot/
mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/
nano /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default

+add in file: /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
prompt 1
default memtest86
timeout 1000

label memtest86
kernel memtest86
+end file addition

# PXE MEMTEST install and make memtest (if memtest newly released adapt the numbers!)
tar zxfv memtest86-4.0a.tar.gz
cd memtest86-4.0a/
apt-get install make gcc
mv memtest.bin /var/lib/tftpboot/memtest86

# Check the box for thin client in the DHCP menu for OWN server with path; /pxelinux.0  for the local _internal_ dhcp range or objects defined earlier in server setup.

Just to make this thread a bit more valuable, the issue was fixed indeed with below.

1. The CA certificate itself was not imported in the browser, and if it was, then in FF you still need to enable it to authorize websites.
2. When you create a from this certificate you also need to specify the intended domain name usage in the secondary field eg.
3. Link that certificate to your the webservice in the CA menu.

But for the staff/community  I have an extended question. :

- How to specify different certificates for different virtual hosts of the webservice? Or do you need to reissue one certificate with multiple DNS entries?

- How to see in Zentyal afterward which DNS entries and IPs are linked to a generated certificate ? (The values entered in the secondary field at creation)

I suspect the dynamic dns update is a job actually. There was a bug in the initial 2.2. install, no idea if its fixed but worth a try.

After install one of the job folders has a wrong setting
Code: [Select]
sudo chown ebox:ebox /var/lib/zentyal/conf/remoteservices

+reboot and setup the module again.
Let us al know if this works for you?

Installation and Upgrades / How to add PHP support to the webmodule?
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:03:41 am »
Could someone tell me the advsed method to add PHP support to the general web server module?
Is there a central config gui option, or file?  Or should I really just apt-get it on top (what is the right packahe for Zerntyal 2.2 ?)

(PS: I do not want to install zarafa to get it as dependency package)

Like i stated; i had the exact same issue as hartjed in the topic start, and indeed the registry patch helped to resolve it. Your links are usefull but basically are the same as hartjed indicated in his link. (Then I might have read the assumption to have Samba4 in the 2.2 somewhere, OK its S3 then)

Btw; if you use captive portal also you can forget using the PDC / Samba functionality out of the box, as there are some firewall rule conflicts in there now.

Although other topics report this should not be needed anymore also because of Samba4, I can confirm also you need to apply the register patch on Windows-7 clients.

Also having a dns domain configured same as the PDC domain and having the netbios name equal to the hostname of the box all seemed to help.

As Zentyal choose to use the standard ubuntu 10.04 x64 OSE packages for the 2.2 release, you can just take the zarafa ubuntu OpenSourceEdition from the site and up the packages.
You do need to re-install the ebox-zarafa package also I believe (there is a trhead in the forum mentioning that)
You can also opt to upgrade/install the community version, then you can use the outlook links as well.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Need to get Zarafa working with Outlook
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:20:25 pm »
You also should look at the /var/logs/zarafa/ logs like the server.log + licensed.log for the OL connector. dagent.log for mail incoming, and spooler.log for mail outgoing.
Default I would opt to use the https connection. 239.

no clue about the>, this might be zentyal keeping its config files in line with the settings database.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Problem with Zarafa and Zentyal
« on: October 03, 2011, 07:16:50 pm »
you should also set the log level to 6 in dagent.cfg and post the /var/logs/zarafa/dagent.log details here.

you might want to try all this without the antivirus, antispam modules. I had this running in 13 clicks without them. just mail+zarafa and dependencies. things like deomain names should be configured of course

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Virtual Machine - path for new hard disks
« on: September 27, 2011, 11:28:48 pm »
Find it in /var/lib/zentyal/<vm solution>/<namevm>/

Create the initial hdd file via the web. Then move it over to the new location. Then remove the disk from the Vm, and ADD another one with the option to specify the location. Make sure ebox user:group had all rights there.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: [SOLVE] mail forwarding
« on: September 25, 2011, 05:08:30 pm »
If you use the groupware solution (Zarafa) then you can make that a rule by the user.

Thank you, you might want to add that to the manual too.

The default behaviour for the VNC access to the VMs is by a port 5900 and up +1 for each VM in addition to  Zentyal automatically generates random passwords.

But where can I read these generates random passwords?

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