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Messages - Krisztián Czakó

Pages: 1 [2]
Installation and Upgrades / Re: VPN Error
« on: October 27, 2012, 09:10:21 pm »

Check if you have enabled the routing to LAN on your Zentyal server at the VPN configuration!


You can always have a look at what's happening with your sw RAID with the following command in a terminal:
Code: [Select]
cat /proc/mdstatYou'll see all your RAID arrays and assigned disks + status + progress if syncing there.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: VPN Error
« on: October 23, 2012, 10:56:52 am »
What OS do you use on the client side?
If it's Windows Vista or 7, you should run the openvpn.exe with administrator privileges to make routing work. Without this privilege, the tunnel connects, but the openvpn daemon cannot route traffic into the tunnel.

Running openvpn with administrator privileges is easy (with a user who has this right): right click on the icon, then preferences and choose the compatibility tab, where you can find (bottom) the "run as administrator" option.

Typical problam can be that you don't have DNS on your LAN. If this is the case: install a DNS server (e.g. install the DNS module of Zentyal, that's the easiest way) and add your zone (LAN domain). Add your server's name to the DNS too, so that it will point to the IP address of your server!

If you use DHCP to configure your clients's IP: configure your DHCP server to send a WINS server address to the clients. It's easy with the built in one, but should be easy with any other (e.g. a broadband router) too.

If you don't use DHCP, but configuring your clients statically, add your server's IP address as a WINS server.

Check your workgroup settings on your clients if you don't use domain. Configure the same workgroup name on your clients and your server (on Zentyal it is the domain name at the file-sharing configuration).

These are the most common problems and solutions. Your one may or may not differ ;-)


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Setting Up Group Policy
« on: October 18, 2012, 03:01:52 pm »
I recommend renaming the one you've created at installation time, but I don't know the side effects.
First, log off from the web interface!
Try this in a terminal (make a backup first!):
Check your real user id:
Code: [Select]
idIf it's really administrator, try to rename it to "myadmin":
Code: [Select]
sudo usermod -d /home/myadmin -l myadmin administrator
sudo mv /home/administrator /home/myadmin
Reboot your system immediately!
After reboot, you should be able to log in on the console and to the web interface with the new name and the old password.
I hope that the Zentyal's "Administrator" account (visible in the users list) is there and you can use it. Change the password for that user!

I hope it helps, but be aware that you can lock out yourself from your system, so make a backup!


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Setting Up Group Policy
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:40:13 am »

You're right. You shouldn't use a user name for Zentyal administration who is also a user in Zentyal itself (added on the web interface or from the AD). It's a bit strange, I know. The technical reason is that they're all real Linux users in the background handled differently. There shouldn't exist two users with the same login name (however in Linux this can happen).
Do not choose "administrator" as a user name when installing Zentyal!
I think Zentyal's installer should prevent this (but does not).


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Setting Up Group Policy
« on: October 17, 2012, 10:47:50 am »

Yes, it works.

I've done the following:
  • Installed Zentyal 3.0 + file sharing (samba) + user management + dhcp + dns
  • Be sure that your domain name (DNS, Kerberos and Windows) and your DNS zone are in sync, but I think it is in your case. If not, you (Zentyal) won't be able to provision samba and the DC won't work.
  • Use at least Windows 7 SP1 on the workstation (it may work with non SP1, I haven't tried).
  • Join that Windows to the domain!
  • Log in to Windows with a domain administrator (not with a local one). I suggest using the "Administrator" user of the domain (other Domain Admin group member may not work).
  • Install RSAT from here:
  • Run RSAT. It will identify your server and will save policies to there.
  • Note that all policy magics are stored in simple files on the server in specific directories (same on a Windows Server). This means that the user you use must have write access to these shares (these are technical shares, not shares created by you).
I hope it helps you.

Try to restart zentyal from command line: "sudo /etc/init.d/zentyal restart" and re-connect to the new port with your browser!
Note that this will restart all services as well!


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