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Topics - Jan Jacobs

Pages: [1]
Dutch / Dat is lang geleden :))
« on: October 26, 2021, 11:16:17 pm »
Mijn laatste post was in 2012/2013 :) ik kwam mijn oude zentyal boek tegen :)

Installation and Upgrades / can't get VPN to work :(
« on: April 26, 2012, 03:52:35 pm »
I have setup a VPN server, precisely following the Zentyal books and docs, but i can't get it to work :(
At first i figured it wouldf be a client problem, but ive tested it on both linux, windows and even a mac.
On windows i get the following error from the VPN client:
The firewall is complete;ly disabled on the client (for testing) and i manually added the ports on the zentyal server.
I browsed the forum a bit, but i seem to find nothing to relate to this problem?
Perhaps anyone can tell what im doing wrong?

Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 OpenVPN 2.2.0 Win32-MSVC++ [SSL] [LZO2] built on Apr 26 2011
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 WARNING: Make sure you understand the semantics of --tls-remote before using it (see the man page).
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires '--script-security 2' or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 LZO compression initialized
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1574 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 Socket Buffers: R=[8192->8192] S=[8192->8192]
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1574 D:1450 EF:42 EB:135 ET:32 EL:0 AF:3/1 ]
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 Local Options hash (VER=V4): 'd79ca330'
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): 'f7df56b8'
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
Thu Apr 26 15:45:59 2012 UDPv4 link remote:
Thu Apr 26 15:46:59 2012 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
Thu Apr 26 15:46:59 2012 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
Thu Apr 26 15:46:59 2012 TCP/UDP: Closing socket
Thu Apr 26 15:46:59 2012 SIGUSR1[soft,tls-error] received, process restarting
Thu Apr 26 15:46:59 2012 Restart pause, 2 second(s)
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 WARNING: Make sure you understand the semantics of --tls-remote before using it (see the man page).
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires '--script-security 2' or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 Re-using SSL/TLS context
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 LZO compression initialized
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1574 D:138 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 Socket Buffers: R=[8192->8192] S=[8192->8192]
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1574 D:1450 EF:42 EB:135 ET:32 EL:0 AF:3/1 ]
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 Local Options hash (VER=V4): 'd79ca330'
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): 'f7df56b8'
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 UDPv4 link local: [undef]
Thu Apr 26 15:47:01 2012 UDPv4 link remote:

Installation and Upgrades / Aibox SOHO?
« on: December 27, 2011, 05:32:06 pm »
browsing the web on my ever quest for the perfect SOHO setup, i came across a pdf file mentioning the Aibox SOHO, apearantly its a server, sold by a company that apears to be a Silver partner. (Aitire: )
Does anyone have a clue what the current status is? sadly enough, i dont speak spanish!


Installation and Upgrades / Limiting user access to one folder
« on: December 17, 2011, 01:28:26 am »
Hello All.

For one of my clients i need to figure out a way to allow their webdesign company to only have access to /var/www
preferably, i dont want them to have read access anywhere else on the system.

Now, i know how to add a user by commandline, and change the home dir, what happens if i manually add a user, without the zentyal dashboard?
Will it break anything?

and if i have this user created, is there a way to allow them access to one folder, and one folder only? nowhere else read-rights required?

Dutch / Zentyal (pre)launch party
« on: September 07, 2011, 12:09:16 pm »
is daar nou nog interresse voor? en zo ja, wie wil er heen? waar gaan we t houden?
ideen ideen ideen menschen :)

en om mezelf niet voor gek te zetten:
Wellicht is het een idee om gewoon ergens in een kroeg een borrel te doen, en ondertussen wat verhalen en ervaringen uit te wisselen?
duit kan bijv. prima op een centraal gelegen plek zoals utrecht..

Dutch / Hoe ziet jouw netwerk eruit?
« on: August 24, 2011, 08:36:03 pm »
Ik ben op dit moment voor een klant bezig zijn netwerk opnieuw op te zetten.
Huidig staan er 7 pc's, met een aantal (jaja.. zelfs dat is niet defineerbaar) laptops.
Een wirwar van besturingssystemen en printers e.d zorgt ervoor dat niemand ook maar enige zicht heeft op de situatie.

Voor de nieuwe opzet hebben we overal kabels door het gebouw gelegt, met 2 WAP's voor evt. gasten die komen "flexwerken"
Daarnaast word de partikuliere XS4ALL router vervangen door een "echte" professionele router.

Daarachter komt een switch die de kabels in het gebouw allemaal verbind, en samen voegt met Zentyal die DHCP/DNS/FILE enzo gaat regelen.

De server word een HP Proliant server, ben nog aan het bekijken welke.
de pc's worden waar nodig vervangen door HP Workstations, draaiend op Windows 7 Professional.
Deze zullen in het Zentyal domein gehangen worden om "flexwerken" mogenlijk te maken.

Ik zal eerdaags een plaatje toevoegen :)

Dus mensen, deel je netwerk setup!
En wellicht kunnen we nog wat van elkaar leren :)

Installation and Upgrades / automaticly backup headless server?
« on: October 10, 2010, 10:52:37 pm »

For a client of mine i configured a Zentyal server, it works great.

However, now i want them to switch external disks every week, and have Zentyal automaticly backup to it.
How would i do this?

i bought 2 new 1TB disks, one named BKUP_A and once named BKUP_B

the idea is that the client swaps BKUP_A with BKUP_B every even week,
then the Zentyal server automaticly backs up its data to these drives..
but how do i automaticly mount the drive, when its connected through USB?

Installation and Upgrades / mail error 554
« on: September 25, 2010, 05:06:18 pm »
Version: Zentyal 2.0
Function: mail gateway for internal home usage (5 pc's and 3 laptops)
Zentyal Module Versions: all modules are up to date

I am trying to get internal mail working, however, i keep getting a 554 error, smtp relay not allowed.

in the Objects menu, i added a new object called Internal Network
then  i added IP as a member.

then i added Internal Network to the relay policy under the Mail menu.

however.. for the life of god.. i can still not send mail through other internal members!

what have i done wrong?
i have gone through the forums, and found that many others have mail issues also, but those are mostly related to the username/password error, which i have not! (using the correct names / passwords)

also, what is the advantage of using the Zafara mail module over the "internal" module?
which one should i use?

Installation and Upgrades / modules for the user corner
« on: September 25, 2010, 04:05:35 pm »
personally, what i would like to see, is more usage of the usercorner.
make it work like some sort of intranet, with access to a wiki, a forum, a news page, you name it!

i was wondering if this could be done by writing modules? and how would one start out?
how would this be integrated into the ldap system? to create a SSO (single sign on)
then, Zentyal would be truely a powerfull SBS system!

does anyone has any idea's about this?

Installation and Upgrades / ebox-desktop
« on: September 21, 2010, 11:30:41 pm »
Hello fellow Zenty's

I recently came across this great website on my search to replace a windows NT server, preferably with something cheaper, and easily configurable.

So, i was searching, and i found Zentyal.
I tried it, and loved it!

i enbled PDC, roaming profiles, the whole bunch.. and it works! its so easy to configure, you'd almost think there's a hidden suprise waiting ;)

Anyway, i was wondering if something like roaming profiles could be done with linux.
I came across NFS, which has the advantage that its a mounted share, and writing reading would go on the fly.
the disadvantage however, is that it needs to be mounted, and if its not available, users wont have a home dir?

So, beeing a windows NT admin myself, i figured.. what if we would create some scripts, to would synchronise a local home directory, with a remote share?
That way, if a user logs on, he gets the most up-to-date profile, but when network problems accur, the user would use the local (cached, if you wish) home dir?

i found but it seems a bit out of date, and i havent found out yet if its possible using the administration pages?


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