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Topics - ian

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Dutch / Info
« on: July 21, 2020, 10:11:54 am »

Zijn er nog Nederlandstalige gebruikers van Zentyal software actief ?
Wat zijn de ervaringen met de huidige versie ?


Installation and Upgrades / Filemanager in the graphical environment
« on: December 05, 2016, 03:44:07 pm »

In the graphical environment,  PCManFM the file manager does not allow to view CD or USB drives or to connect to an other network on yhr lan. How could this be solved ? Is there documentaion of the configuration or updating thhe file manager ? This is happend when Zentyal is installed from the ISO cd.
Installing in command mode and also install zenbuntu-desktop has not that problem in this case the options CD USB drives etc works fine.

Best regards,

Installation and Upgrades / Backup/restore
« on: December 04, 2016, 10:34:40 am »

Is there a posibility to restore a configuration backup from release 4.2 to a new server release 5.0 ?
Restoring configuration from 4.2 to 5.0 gives ab arror saying " could not restore from 4.2 ".

So this means a lot of work to upgrade from 4.2 to 5.0 when all the definitions must be re done.
Is there an other solution for configuration restoring ?


Dutch / Zentyal 5.0
« on: December 01, 2016, 03:15:17 pm »

Ik heb zentyal 5.0 met de iso cd geïnstalleerd na de installatie is er geen netwerk connectie meer, is niet te verhelpen via the administrator gui van zentyal of het aanpassen van het bestand /etc/network/interfaces.

Installeren van zentyal 5.0 in command mode geeft hetzelfde probleem.


Installation and Upgrades / intranet
« on: November 16, 2016, 02:47:51 pm »

I use to run an intranet website together with Zentyal server, it works fine the intranet website could be seen via the webbrowsers on the workstations in the lan zentyal works also fine on the werkstations. The intranet webside runs on apache2 also installed on the zentyal server.

Since the GUI of zentyal administration works with Nginx instead of apache2 , the intranet website could not more being seen on the werkstations, on the server itself the intranet website works.

Is there a problem with apache2 and Nginx for working both on the server ?

Any solutions ?


Installation and Upgrades / Zentyal 4.2 intranet and windows clients
« on: October 11, 2016, 11:03:00 am »

I have installed Zentyal 4.2, it works fine but i have twoo questions.

On the server i have installed an intranet website, on the server itself no problem when i intruduce the server name in a webbrowser the intranet website is showed and works fine. On the Windows10 client workstations in the lan environement the intranet is not showed in the webbrowsers ( the same methode works well in earlyer versions of Zentyal ). In the windows client explorer the name of the server is not showed, but i can connect virtual drives to the server via "network connect" this was also no problem in the older versions of Zentyal.

So why is the intranet website not showed in the wbrowser of the windows clients ( not in IE edge or firefox ).
Why is the name of the server not showed in de explorer of the windows clients, while all the other workstation on the lan are showed .


Installation and Upgrades / [Solved]Network card
« on: September 08, 2016, 04:39:18 pm »
I must install a new network card in the zentyal 4.2 server based on ubuntu 14.04
How can i reconfigure the network so that the new card is working and the server could be connect to the network again.

On the previous release ( 12.04 ) this could be done by editing the file:
nano /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

And delete the last two lines, afther a reboot the network is operational again.

In the release 14.04 i could not find this file, so what to do by installation with a new network card ?

Thanks for the answers and best regards,

Installation and Upgrades / Windows 8.1 client
« on: April 17, 2014, 09:17:24 pm »

I have a problem to join a Windows 8.1 Pro client to the zentyal PDC.
The Zentyal server is domain controller and DNS server for the domain.

I try to join the windows 8.1 client wit an zentyal domain administration account, but i still get the error domain not found.

Joining Windows Xp or Wo-indows 7 clients give no problem.

Best regards,

Dutch / Uitwiseling ervaringen
« on: February 09, 2014, 02:09:40 pm »

Enkele jaren geleden was er een bijeenkomst in Maastricht  met Nederlandstalige Zentyal gebruikers, georganiseerd door Robb.

Misschien is het interessant om nog eens samen te komen met een aantal geïnteresseerden voor:
- Uitwisseling van ervaring.
- Meer in detail bespreking over de laatste Zentyal versies.
- Dieper ingaan op de details van de software, meer inzicht is interessant bij de oplossing van problemen.
- Tijdelijke workarrounds totdat bepaalde bugs zijn opgelost.


Dutch / Zentyal versie 3.2
« on: February 09, 2014, 02:01:23 pm »
Hallo iedereen,

Heeft iemand ervaring met de Zentyal versie 3.2.8 geconfigureerd als domein controller - office en communicatie server ?
Een groot probleem met deze versie is bet backuppen en restoren van de configuratie, een essentieel item om deze versie als operationele server in diens te nemen.

Ik werk nog steeds met de oude versie 1.4.9, die overigens nog steeds perfect werkt, zij het dat er geen updates meer worden uitgebracht.

Ingeval van een crash is het essentieel om de configuratie terug te kunnen importeren anders moet men manueel de ganse server configuratie terug invoeren ( users - shares - groepen client pc's terug in het domein plaatsen enz. ).

Ook bij de upgrade van bvb 3.0 > 3.2 is de export en import van de configuratie belangrijk.

Het probleem is nog steeds niet opgelost door Zenyal ( ticket 7722 als opgelost afgesloten, maar terug geopend onder het nummer 115 ).

Zolang dit probleem niet is opgelost kan de versie 3.2 niet operationeel worden ingezet.

Ik begrijp niet dat men dit laat aanslepen en in de vorige versie 3.0 werkte export en import wel degelijk, zoveel verschil kan er och niet zijn met het script voor 3.2.

Spijtig voor een fantastische software.
Ik had graag overgegaan naar versie 3.2 in onze basisschool


Dutch / Post new ticket
« on: February 09, 2014, 11:47:27 am »

Hoe kan men in de nieuwe een nieuw ticket aanmaken ?
Bestaat er een uitleg voor ?


Installation and Upgrades / dns
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:37:55 pm »

Afther upgrade from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6, DNS fails toe start at boot.

In the administration GUI, DNS is even marked as running.

The command:
sudo /etc/init.d/zentyal dns restart
is succesfull executed, but at boot again DNS fails to start.

 Best regards,

Installation and Upgrades / Import/Export Configuration
« on: November 17, 2013, 05:55:34 pm »

Problem with the Import/export option of the administration GUI in the release 3.2.4
Import of a configuration file ( created with the export option of the release 3.2.4 ) results in an error:

The error is:
Some modules reported error when saving changes.
FATAL: Could not connect to the samba LDAP server:connect:file ore map does not exist.

So it means that the samba configuration is not correct restored.
In the administrator GUI the option File sharing is halted , restarting does not work.

Rebooting the server result in a long time to start the samba services, it results in an time out and go further wirh starting the other services.
samba works not correct any more, it is not possible to administrate the samba module from the administrator GUI.
it looks that there is no connection with the samba references.

Remove zentyal-samba, and reinstall the module does not help the problem it stays.
Is there workaround or temporary solution ?

I have created a ticket for this problem " ticket #7722 "

It is a critical error because the server is not reliable at that moment , in case of a disaster to rebuild a new server.

Has somone also any experiance with this problem ?

Thanks and best regards,

Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Zentyal 3.2.4 upgrade Samba4
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:58:00 pm »

Afther the upgrade of Samba4 on a zentyal office server v3.2.4, Samba works not correct anymore.
The file share service is not started at boottime, and it is not possible to restart the service from the administration GUI.

A ticket is created.

Best regards,

Installation and Upgrades / Zentyal backup/restore
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:15:58 pm »

Has some one experience with this topic ?

I have installed a new server with the Zentyal software office and infrastructure, so a file- printserver and domain controller. The release is Zentyal 3.2.4
To backup and restore the data i use the option System > backup in the administration GUI.
In the server there are two hard disks, the first one contain all the software and data the second disk is used to store the backup files the method is File system.
The backups and if needed a restore of a file or directory works perfect.

Back and restore is needed in case of a disastery , disk failure or hardware problems , so my question is:

1) Install a brand new server from scratch, software on the first harddisk now i install my second disk , containing my backup files, and mount the disk. In my opinion it must be posible to restore the backup datafiles on the second disk ( backup disk of the old server ) by the option System > backup to the new server. Then the new server must be operational with all the data ( of cource also restore the configuration ).

2) If i made a copy of the backupfiles on the backup disk to an external USB disk drive.
Now the same procedure as before, install the software on a new hard disk, install a new second hard disk format it wirh gparted and mount the disk. I set the needed references in th administration zentyal GUI options System > backup. The i copy the backup files from the USB hard disk to the new second hard disk on the server then restoring the files back on the server so that the new server is operational.

Could any one help me here or hase any one experience with this Zentyal backup system based on duplicity, or is there a better way to rebuild a new server and put the data and configuration back on the new operational server. It could be a good procedure to solve disaters with th e server hardware.

Thans anyway
Best regards,

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