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Messages - matias-holder

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 21, 2011, 10:00:59 pm »
1. if you dont want use  credentials users, why not use transparent mode ?
2. if someone unset proxy in web browser, are you sur you continue block http ?

because we dont want to put something between some machines and internet(is not my decision)
The idea is to remove the default gateway in the host machines so if they remove the proxy configuration in the browser they wouldnt have internet at all(tested and it worked this way)
Can i create a transparent proxy that only some computers use and others conect directly to the router?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:23:04 pm »
i dont have any group, i have to create one? . i dont want to transfer the active directory users to the zentyal because it wouldnt work(like i said the employees dont use their credential to log on)

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:54:57 pm »
Yes , i did this things, i have my pc with the proxy configured that have the port 8080(set it in zentyal) and with this i have internet(the proxy is working) if i put in http proxy general to always deny i dont have internet (it works) but if i want to restrict only some sites it doesnt works. i Readed this docs.
I dont want to use the groups because a lot of employees dont use their credentials to log on(use ubuntu) so i think that it wouldnt work, i only want to that all the machines that are conected to the proxy(manually configured) cant enter to facebook, hotmail ,and some other pages. The others machines will conect without the proxy and have to access the internet without restriction.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:37:35 pm »
my gateway is windows 2003. I dont want transparent proxy like i said. i want to manually configure the machines that will have the internet restricted. The idea is that the zentyal only works for this purpose. Can i do this with zentyal?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:25:27 pm »
I check the ip adress of my pc and is the same that i put in an object of zentyal(cmd ip config in windows ).
I have a windows 2003 server and i reserve this ip for this pc with him mac adress in the dhcp server.
I chek again and i have the transparent proxy activated(the checkbox).

In the profile(filter profile default) i select content filter threshold in very strict and in domain filtering i add some pages for testing like a newspaper from argentina that is http (not https) that should block.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 21, 2011, 07:27:20 pm »
Well, i create an object with my pc being a  member with its mac and ip adress, then create an object policy that says to filter and use the filter profile where i put some pages to be block. i check the http proxy general and it has the transparent proxy activated and is set to filter. The filter isnt working, i can acces to the pages that is supossed to be block.
The firewall packet filter do something in the internet filter? in the beginning the proxy dont work (the pc that have the proxy configured cant acces to the internet)and i change some firewall rules(create rules in filtering rules from external networks to zentyal that is set to acept any service from any source) and if i try to delete this rule the proxy stop working(dont have internet in the host machine)

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 21, 2011, 04:49:15 pm »
I am adding the mac adress and the zentyal says that i input a invalid value for Mac address(in adding a new member for a object) , i try to put with out - and with (i try 001cbf174f4d and 00-1C-BF-17-4F-4d). When i put the sub net adress in 24 (i have a class c internal ip, says that i can only use mac adresses with hosts, when i put the sub net in 32 (with my internal ip for one machine for testing appear the message that the input value for mac adress is invalid.
Thank you for your patience.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 21, 2011, 03:23:13 pm »
i do exactly the same thing and it works. But you need to register 2 objects with static IP.

For exemple Object : Adminmachine => save 5 IP of your 5 machine
                             Usermachine => save 10 IP of your 10 machine user
Dont use Space in object name

after go in http proxy and use like that :

Hello Matias,

To use Http proxy in transparent mode just with default profile :

1/ Create different objet For example A = Full Acces  ;  B = Filter
2/ Configure the defaut profile with your filter
3/ Enable transparent mode, and Filter in Proxy => General
4/ Go to Proxy => Objects Strategy, and set Always allow for Object A.

That's all

Keep in mind, https page won't block

Thank you but i did this, i create an object called lan that have my other pc(that have dhcp but take the ip that have at this moment, the dhcp can be a problem?)
And you say to use transparent proxy, is this necesary? i was thinking that i will configure manually the proxy to the machines that will be limited in web navigation and the others that have full acces dont need the proxy.
when you say 2/ Configure the defaut profile with your filter, you mean to go to object policy and create new object policies?
Thank you

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:55:05 pm »
I have 15 computer, all use ubuntu i a windows 2003 server network, i want to block some urls like facebook, hotmail, etc on 10 machines and let the another five to use internet without restrictions, the idea is to configure a zentyal proxy server in the machines that will be restricted(this is working) and with zentyal block some pages(this not), now i only can or block all the pages or allow everything, the option filter isnt working
Thank you very much

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Proxy filter
« on: July 18, 2011, 09:22:08 pm »
Thank you for your help but it didnt works, if this mean something i have to add that we think to use this server only for this purpose, it only have one network card and is conected after a switch like all the host computers

Installation and Upgrades / Proxy filter
« on: July 18, 2011, 07:48:05 pm »
Hello,  my name is Matias and I'm recently in the Linux community, I am very excited about creating a server Zentyal and I have some problems. where I work i have  to perform filtering of web pages for employees ,as are few computers we have in mind this:
Create a proxy server, and   block certain pages , we do not need to create distinction to who we filter, the emplyees that will have  configured the proxy will all be blocked with the same pages and who that dont have proxy will use internet without restrctrions.
I formatted a machine with Zentyal, configure the proxy, I test it  and it is working. Then when trying to filter the pages, first i try  without creating objects and simply went to filter profiles, there I put the list of blocked domains and http proxy check the option to filter. on another PC with the proxy set i test it and had free access . Then I tried to put in general (in http proxy) that denies all, coming to the PC configured with the proxy appears entirely blocked. I also tried creating an object and assigning that object a policy object which takes the treacherous filter created with the option of filtering but still not working. In short I can not find a way in which only certain pages are blocked, look for tutorials and understand that I am following the same procedure except that the end does not work. if it matters i am avoiding to  creat groups in zentyal and relate this to our domain server 2003 server, I understand that even so it should work.
If someone could help I would greatly appreciate.
pd Sorry for the bad english

Spanish / Filtrado con proxy
« on: July 18, 2011, 07:36:02 pm »
Hola, que tal , mi nombre es Matias y estoy hace poco en la comunidad linux, me encuentro muy entusiasmado con crear un servidor Zentyal y se me han presentado algunos problemas, donde trabajo me pidieron que realize un filtrado de paginas web para los empleados, como son pocas computadoras la idea es la siguiente:
Crear un servidor proxy, y en el mismo establecer un bloquedo de ciertas paginas, no necesito distincion en que le bloqueo a quien, simplemente los que le configuro el proxy van a estar todos con las mismas paginas bloqueadas y los que no tengan proxy que naveguen sin restricciones.
Lo que ya hize fue formatear una maquina con zentyal, le configure el proxy que lo probe y ya esta funcionando.  Luego al intentar  filtrar las paginas, probe primero sin crear objetos y simplemente fui a filter profiles , ahi le puse la lista de los dominios bloqueado y en http proxy marque la opcion de filtrar, en otra pc con el proxy configurado probe y tenia acceso sin restricciones.  Luego probe de poner en general (dentro de http proxy) que deniegue todo, al entrar con la pc configurada con el proxy aparece todo bloqueado. Tambien probe creando un objeto y asignandole a ese objeto una politica de objeto en la cual tome el perfir de filtrado creado y con la opcion de filtrar pero sigue sin funcionar. En definitiva no puedo encontrar una forma en la cual solo esten bloqueadas ciertas paginas, busque tutoriales y entiendo que estoy siguiendo el mismo procedimiento solo que al final no funciona. Lo que no hago ya que deseo evitar es el crear grupos y relacionar este servidor a nuestro dominio 2003 server, entiendo que aun asi esto tendria que funcionar.
Si alguien podria ayudarme lo agradeceria mucho.

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