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Messages - avnir

Pages: [1]
Hi doncamilo

I have 4(!) domain controllers at the moment. I'll explain...
Originally had 1 Samba on ubuntu pdc and another Samba on ubuntu bdc. Wanted to retire them, so installed one Zentyal (5.1) and added as an additional domain controller. Left it like that for about a year. Now installed another Zentyal (6.0), and once both Zentyal operating correctly, plan to retire the original Samba domain controllers.

No, not using email or jabber modules. Only modules active are Network, Firewall, DNS, Logs, NTP, Domain Controller and File Sharing. Essentially using as AD server, LDAP, and DNS forwarding.

Any clue as to how to fix this?
I'm getting the same error on Zentyal 6.0 and 5.1

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