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Messages - vmb

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Installation and Upgrades / Re: 3.16.0-52-generic
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:08:30 am »
Working OK now on 3.16.0-55-generic

I don't know what causes the problem that you are experiencing but I have a question for you.
Did you start with a 32-bit or 64-bit Zentyal 3.4?

Zentyal 4.2 is 64-bit which has caught quite a few people out when trying to upgrade a 32-bit installation.

Do both Zentyal servers synchronise via Active Directory?

What version of Samba are you using?

sudo samba -V

If your Samba version is less than 4.3.1 demotion and promotion doesn't work properly because two FSMO roles get left behind.
I believe this was fixed in Samba 4.3.0 .
Zentyal 4.2.1 uses 4.3.1 .

Installation and Upgrades / Re: 3.16.0-52-generic
« on: November 12, 2015, 01:26:44 pm »
I haven't made any changes to the script yet to prevent the loop. My server has updated some Zentyal modules to 4.2.1 since this fault first appeared.

I watched my server reboot after updating to kernel 3.16.0-53 and it has the same problem. The init process doesn't get to display 'Starting Zentyal Module-Network'.

As this is a development version, I am notifying the developers of this condition by posting bug reports.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: 3.16.0-52-generic
« on: November 06, 2015, 04:30:07 pm »
I have a single Zentyal 4.2 system that I got locked out of yesterday following the upgrade to this kernel. Following a reboot nothing could log in as the server just refused passwords or certs. No IMAP, no cert ssh or no login on the console. Rebooting with kernel 3.16.0-51 restores normal service so I set this as the default now with this change in /etc/default/grub

GRUB_DEFAULT="Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 3.16.0-51-generic"

To activate the change, execute
sudo update-grub

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Removing ADC from PDC
« on: October 31, 2015, 06:40:35 pm »
I'm not a Windows expert but I am fairly certain that introducing a Samba4 based ADC controller into either a Microsoft domain or Active Directory was a one-way exercise. The latest version of Samba (4.3.x) that has just arrived in Zentyal 4.2 should be possible to demote. Previous versions of Samba failed to relinquish two FSMO roles when demoting a Samba4 ADC which would either leave the directory in a mess or broken. I am about to try demoting my Zentyal 4.2 box when I get my 32-bit Debian based Samba4 ADCs up to v4.3 so will find out for myself if it is actually possible.

I think if you are trying to demote an early version of Zentyal then I think that you will probably either have to put Samba4.3 on it yourself. Perhaps it would be best to update /etc/apt/sources.list to use Zentyal4.2 repository and withhold all packages except zentyal-samba. If it's a production machine expect it to go wrong, get good backups of everything on your network that uses the domain or Active directory before attempting to remove Zentyal 3.5 . 

I am hopeful that Zentyal (OpenChange) only needs to be on a Samba4 PDC during installation so that the necessary schema extensions for 'Exchange' can be added to Active Directory. When everything has settled down and replication is working I plan to transfer the FSMO roles back to my original PDC and demote Zentyal to a member server.

I'm going to test my theory by recreating my environment with three VirtualBox VMs: PDC, BDC and Zentyal 4.1 . Has anyone else tried this already?

Installation and Upgrades / Are my Root DN credentials invalid?
« on: June 04, 2014, 03:45:07 pm »
I am trying to use various external LDAP tools to make some simple changes to objects in my LDAP tree but I keep getting 'invalid credentials' errors.

I have created a few 'Contacts' objects and I want to store a telephone number for each contact. I have been using JXplorer 3.3 to successfully browse the LDAP tree using a fully distinguished name for cn=zentyalro and querying on port 390. However, when I try to use the admin credentials for cn=zentyal in order to make changes I get an invalid credentials error. Either the ID or password or both shown on the LDAP Settings page for the Root DN is not correct or I have some other problem.

I have tried a few other LDAP tools and read only browsing is OK using the readonly DN but I cannot authenticate to make changes using the admin DN.

I also experimented setting the Zentyal firewall to allow LDAP on ports 390 and 636 as an NMAP scan shows ldapssl on 636 but this didn't work either, connection refused errors.

What am I doing wrong?

Zentyal uses a completely incompatible release schedule compared to Ubuntu.
I did find it very difficult to appreciate why Zentyal management considers this to be sensible, particularly when they are working closely with Canonical. I now completely understand why this is the case.

I can't stress it more clearly: the release policy is using a _mandatory_ Ubuntu version for a certain Zentyal version. Therefore Zentyal uses separate PPA's as repository.
This is easier to appreciate if you consider that Zentyal Community Edition is now a server appliance distribution and not a server application suite on top of Ubuntu. I guess that the last time that Zentyal could be considered a server application suite was when it was at version 2.3.21 . Interestingly, Zentyal does not appear in Ubuntu Software Center now. There is still a transitional dummy package for ebox and I guess this invokes an install of 2.3.21 .

I like the idea of Zentyal, and I like most of 3.3.9, but I don't want to be reinstalling Zentyal every three months. I don't know how long 3.3.9 will be supported with updates now that 3.4 is out. I guess that if I want stability I can either buy the commercial version of 3.5 when it ships or go back to a self built/configured system made from packages in Ubuntu LTS repos.

I only run my servers on LTS releases. I would prefer the latest release of Zentyal make it into the Ubuntu repositories before an Ubuntu freeze date and that either Canonical or Zentyal maintain that package for as long as Ubuntu supports that operating system release.

Ideally I would like to see Zentyal Community Edition packages made available to current LTS and interim releases.

In January 2016 I would like to see supported in official Ubuntu repos:-
Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS, Zentyal 3.3.9-x
Ubuntu 14.04.x LTS, Zentyal 4.5.x
Ubuntu 15.10, Zentyal 4.5.x

In May 2016...
Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS, Zentyal 3.3.9-x
Ubuntu 14.04.x LTS, Zentyal 4.6.x
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Zentyal 4.6.x

In May 2017...
Ubuntu 14.04.x LTS, Zentyal 4.6.x
Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS, Zentyal 5.2.x

I really dislike being forced on to a point release of Ubuntu and it's been enough to start me experimenting with building my own system from scratch using Ubuntu repo packages and my own custom configuration scripts.

Thanks for that. This is similar to what I did when 3.3 was on preview.

However, going back to my original point...

Zentyal 3.2 was released on 19 September 2013.

Zentyal 3.3 was released on 16 December 2013, nearly three months after Zentyal 3.2 release.

The freeze date for Ubuntu 14.04 was 21 November 2013, two months after Zentyal 3.2 release.

Canonical publicised an agreement with Zentyal on 25th June 2012.

I believe that Zentyal 2.3-2 was released on 23 July 2012.

So my conclusion is that perhaps Zentyal and Canonical got bored after Zentyal 2.3.21 made it to the repos and have decided to let it go stale. Clearly Zentyal 3.2 could have made it into Ubuntu 14.04 if the Zentyal package maintainer had updated it.

I have been testing an installation of Zentyal 3.3.9 on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS since the release of Zentyal 3.3 and to be honest I'm still undecided about using it as my main email system.

I am planning on upgrading my Ubuntu 12.04.4 servers to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS at some point soon but I was surprised to find the version of Zentyal in the Ubuntu 'Trusty' (14.04) repositories appears to be version 2.3.21 .

I thought Zentyal and Canonical had some sort of working arrangement in place. If so, it doesn't appear to be working well if neither can manage to get a recent version of Zentyal into the current LTS release. What's going on?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Windows 8.1 client
« on: April 18, 2014, 05:30:01 pm »
I don't have Windows 8.x but I have read on other forums that various consumer NAS devices are having similar problems. A workaround for some NAS appliances is to completely disable IPv6 on the Windows 8.1 PC.

This may involve having to delete the network adaptor configuration completely on the Windows 8.1 PC and rebooting it without a network connection before reinstalling the network adapter driver for IPv4 only. Obviously you will need all the network adapter driver software ready to reinstall before deleting your network adapter configuration.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Install commercial SSL CA
« on: January 09, 2014, 02:22:25 pm »
OK, so I didn't realise that my replacement certificates would be replaced when the server restarts.
I found this useful but slightly inaccurate post that put me on the right track. I made backup copies of the files that I changed and put new comments in the new versions.,17046.msg67338.html#msg67338

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