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Topics - havacuban

Pages: [1] 2

Tenia dos zentyal sincronizados uno primario y el otro secundario , pero tuve que cambiar la ip del primario y le puse la nueva  ip de sincronización en el secundario , y me asegure que en el secundario y primario respondan por dns a la nueva ip y lo hacen .
cuando intento sincronizar en el secundario  " IP del servidor DNS del dominio " en la sección dominio me da error que no puede conectar porque manteniente la ip anterior o ip que no existe
"el controlador de dominio especificado no es alcanzable"
alguna forma de decirle al dns o samba que tome la nueva ip ?
pd :los zentyal son version 8.0.3
gracias y saludos


Please help me to solve the following error DNS EXTERNAL updating 7.0.9 to 7.1

# bash -x /usr/share/zentyal/release-upgrade
+ SOURCES=/etc/apt/sources.list
+ UPGRADE_FILE=/var/lib/zentyal/.upgrade-finished
++ lsb_release -c
++ awk '{print $2}'
+ CURCODE=focal
+ DSTCODE=focal
++ dpkg -l
++ grep zentyal-core
++ awk '{print $3}'
++ cut -d. -f1
++ dpkg -l
++ grep zentyal-core
++ awk '{print $3}'
++ cut -d. -f2
++ wget --quiet -O -
++ cut -d. -f1
++ wget --quiet -O -
++ cut -d. -f2
+ CURRV=7.0
+ DESTV=7.1
+ IPS_KEY_ID=D7F87B2966EB736F
+ RED='\033[0;31m'
+ GREEN='\033[0;32m'
+ YELLOW='\033[1;33m'
+ NC='\033[0m'
++ tput bold
+ BOLD=''
++ tput sgr0
+ NORM=''
+ echo

+ echo -e '\033[0;32m Doing some initial checks...\033[0m'
 Doing some initial checks...
+ echo

+ [[ 0 -eq 1 ]]
+ prepareUpgrade
+ checkifupgrade
+ echo -e '\033[0;32m - Checking if there is a Zentyal upgrade available...\033[0m'
 - Checking if there is a Zentyal upgrade available...
+ [[ -z 7 ]]
+ [[ -z 1 ]]
+ echo -e '\033[0;32m...OK\033[0m'
+ echo

+ checkZentyalVersion
+ echo -e '\033[0;32m - Checking the version of Zentyal...\033[0m'
 - Checking the version of Zentyal...
+ '[' 7 -gt 7 ']'
+ '[' 7 -gt 7 ']'
+ '[' 0 -gt 1 ']'
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ echo -e '\033[0;32m...OK\033[0m'
+ echo

+ checkUbuntuVersion
+ echo -e '\033[0;32m - Checking the version of Ubuntu...\033[0m'
 - Checking the version of Ubuntu...
+ '[' focal '!=' focal ']'
+ echo -e '\033[0;32m...OK\033[0m'
+ echo

+ checkIfCommercial
+ echo -e '\033[0;32m - Checking if the server is a Commercial edition...\033[0m'
 - Checking if the server is a Commercial edition...
+ '[' -f /var/lib/zentyal/.commercial-edition ']'
+ echo -e '\033[1;33m   Zentyal Development edition\033[0m'
   Zentyal Development edition
+ echo -e '\033[0;32m...OK\033[0m'
+ echo

+ checkInternetAccess
+ echo -e '\033[0;32m - Checking if there external DNS resolution...\033[0m'
 - Checking if there external DNS resolution...
+ wget -T 15 -q --spider
+ '[' 8 -ne 0 ']'
+ echo -e '\033[0;31m   Your server does not have external DNS resolution...\033[0m'
  Your server does not have external DNS resolution...
+ exit 130


Non-authoritative answer:
Address: 2607:f8b0:4008:80a::200e

ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=112 time=51.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=112 time=51.9 ms


Installation and Upgrades / Error output: kinit: Password incorrect
« on: January 27, 2022, 04:32:22 pm »
hello community

I have the following error. where could I look to correct it,

## DNS Errors on log file

Error output: kinit: Password incorrect

2021/12/23 09:37:19 ERROR> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - root command kinit -k -t /var/lib/samba/private/dns.keytab dns-zentyalplc failed.
Error output: kinit: Password incorrect

Exit value: 1 at root command kinit -k -t /var/lib/samba/private/dns.keytab dns-zentyalplc failed.
Error output: kinit: Password incorrect

Installation and Upgrades / error samba
« on: April 23, 2021, 04:14:49 pm »
Hello Community

Zentyal 7.0.3.

I have the following error to the restart the samba module sought in the forum and I have not been able to solve the problem
 * Restarting Zentyal module: samba                                                                                                          [fail]
root@zentyalplc:/# tail -f /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log
2021/04/23 10:10:53 ERROR> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Error restarting service: Could not get ticket: could not acquire credentials using an initial credentials context: Preauthentication failed
2021/04/23 10:10:53 ERROR> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Could not get ticket: could not acquire credentials using an initial credentials context: Preauthentication failed
 at Could not get ticket: could not acquire credentials using an initial credentials context: Preauthentication failed
 at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Module/ line 971
EBox::Module::Service::restartService('EBox::Samba=HASH(0x5591da249d60)', 'restartModules', 1) called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Util/ line 121
eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Util/ line 119
EBox::Util::Init::moduleAction('samba', 'restartService', 'restart') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Util/ line 247
EBox::Util::Init::moduleRestart('samba') called at /usr/bin/zs line 62
main::main at /usr/bin/zs line 82
2021/04/23 10:10:55 INFO> EBox::Samba::SyncDaemon::run - Samba sync daemon started

Spanish / error al restart samba
« on: April 23, 2021, 04:12:33 pm »
hola comunidad
zentyal 7.0.3
tengo el siguiente error al restart el modulo samba .he buscado en el forum y no he podido solucionar el problema

* Restarting Zentyal module: samba                                                                                                          [fail]
root@zentyalplc:/# tail -f /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log
2021/04/23 10:10:53 ERROR> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Error restarting service: Could not get ticket: could not acquire credentials using an initial credentials context: Preauthentication failed
2021/04/23 10:10:53 ERROR> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Could not get ticket: could not acquire credentials using an initial credentials context: Preauthentication failed
 at Could not get ticket: could not acquire credentials using an initial credentials context: Preauthentication failed
 at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Module/ line 971
EBox::Module::Service::restartService('EBox::Samba=HASH(0x5591da249d60)', 'restartModules', 1) called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Util/ line 121
eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Util/ line 119
EBox::Util::Init::moduleAction('samba', 'restartService', 'restart') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Util/ line 247
EBox::Util::Init::moduleRestart('samba') called at /usr/bin/zs line 62
main::main at /usr/bin/zs line 82
2021/04/23 10:10:55 INFO> EBox::Samba::SyncDaemon::run - Samba sync daemon started

le agradesco su ayuda

I have problems with the Mail to Restart Module Service gives me the following error after upgrade 6 to 7
zentyal 7.0.3
module mail 7.0.1
zentyal pdc

 error * Restarting Zentyal module: mail                                                                                                                               [fail]
Error en la creaci�n de entrada de LDAP: The request contains a value which does not meet with certain constraints.
This result can be returned as a consequence of

 * The request was to add or modify a user password, and the password fails to
meet the criteria the server is configured to check. This could be that the
password is too short, or a recognizable word (e.g. it matches one of the
attributes in the users entry) or it matches a previous password used by
the same user.

 * The request is a bind request to a user account that has been locked
.<br/> Operation parameters:'add []
Best regards, havacuban

The issue was the rIDNextRID in samba update.
just modified that value whit
ldbedit -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb CN="RID Set"
and restart samba-ad-dc service

Installation and Upgrades / error proxy upgrade 6.2 to 7
« on: March 26, 2021, 11:06:25 pm »
I have the following error in the log output
zentyal 7.0.3
HTTP Proxy 7.0.2
 Additional Controller of an existing domain

* Restarting Zentyal module: squid                                                                                [fail]
root command samba-tool group addmembers 'Domain Admins' zentyal-squid-zentyalplcb failed.
Error output: ldb_wrap open of secrets.ldb
 string_to_sid: SID zentyal-squid-zentyalplcb is not in a valid format
 ERROR(ldb): Failed to add members "zentyal-squid-zentyalplcb" to group "Domain Admins" - Attribute member already exists for target GUID e77c12ea-511e-4e12-977b-811024e77d75
   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/samba/netcmd/", line 245, in run
     samdb.add_remove_group_members(groupname, groupmembers,
   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/samba/", line 320, in add_remove_group_members
   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/samba/", line 241, in modify_ldif
     self.modify(msg, controls)

Command output: .
Exit value: 255

Spanish / Problemas con el dasboard
« on: December 18, 2019, 05:17:12 pm »
hola comunidad

Tengo un problema después de actulizar el zentyal-core 6.1.2 no puedo abrir mi dasboard , me da el siguiente error 504 gateway time-out
revisando he modificado algunos parámetros en nginx pero sin resultados .
alguien me pude dar alguna pista para buscar ?


Spanish / error en update
« on: December 12, 2019, 07:25:58 pm »
hola comunidad

Estoy teniendo este error a partir de hoy en mis server 6.1

root@zentyalvmb:/home/administrador# apt update
Des:1 6.1 InRelease [7449 B]               
Des:2 6.1/main i386 Packages [5207 B]             
Err:2 6.1/main i386 Packages                 
  File has unexpected size (5193 != 5207). Mirror sync in progress? [IP: 80]
  Hashes of expected file:
   - Filesize:5207 [weak]
   - SHA256:bedeb164b7c4d04e35802b0b6e9965e876a5f1721a39bb2de73d0e4eccc533d6
   - SHA1:23082496c9a26eb0d8b555089c46aaa52c61faf8 [weak]
   - MD5Sum:6959f008ab19ef6abaf44863b13696b0 [weak]
  Release file created at: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 12:07:14 +0000
Des:3 bionic-security InRelease [88,7 kB]     
Obj:4 bionic InRelease                                                   
Des:5 6.1/main amd64 Packages [5207 B]                                                     
Err:5 6.1/main amd64 Packages                                               
Des:6 bionic-updates InRelease [88,7 kB]             
Des:7 bionic-backports InRelease [74,6 kB]
Des:8 bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages [816 kB]
Des:9 bionic-updates/main i386 Packages [625 kB]
Des:10 bionic-updates/main Translation-en [288 kB]
Des:11 bionic-updates/universe i386 Packages [997 kB]
Des:12 bionic-updates/universe amd64 Packages [1033 kB]
Des:13 bionic-updates/universe Translation-en [319 kB]
Descargados 4337 kB en 6s (786 kB/s)   
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
E: Fallo al obtener  File has unexpected size (5193 != 5207). Mirror sync in progress? [IP: 80]
   Hashes of expected file:
    - Filesize:5207 [weak]
    - SHA256:bedeb164b7c4d04e35802b0b6e9965e876a5f1721a39bb2de73d0e4eccc533d6
    - SHA1:23082496c9a26eb0d8b555089c46aaa52c61faf8 [weak]
    - MD5Sum:6959f008ab19ef6abaf44863b13696b0 [weak]
   Release file created at: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 12:07:14 +0000
E: Fallo al obtener 
E: No se han podido descargar algunos archivos de índice, se han omitido, o se han utilizado unos antiguos en su lugar.

Alguien tiene el mismo problema , alguna solución

Spanish / zentyal update zentyal- core 6.0.2
« on: November 25, 2019, 09:55:00 pm »

Después de actualizar el paquete de zentyal-core 6.0.2. sin errores , no me levanta el Dashboard en el navegador ,se queda la conexión en espera y muere por tiempo. he revisado  el zentyal.log no reporta error . si el zs webadmin intento restart se queda en standby y en el syslog ni siquiera un rastro de error. los servicios de dns, correo, dhcp, squid todos levantado sin problemas.

alguna ayuda para ver como resuelvo ver el dasboard


Email and Groupware / sogo login error
« on: April 25, 2019, 02:15:42 am »
I need help

I have sogo version 4.0.2 on a zentyal 6.0, I'm failing login sogo. in the log I have the following error
Apr 24 18:44:03 sogod [10865]: SOGoRootPage Login from '' for user 'ebe' might not have worked - password policy: 65535
grace: -1 expire: -1 bound: 0
Apr 24 18:44:03 sogod [10865]: 'POST / SOGo / connect HTTP / 1.1' 403 34/67 0.167 - - 0
2019-04-24 18: 44: 12.313 sogod [10865: 10865] ERROR (- [NGLdapSearchResultEnumerator nextObject]): does not support result references yet.

I thank their help
Thank you

Spanish / zentyal4.0 secundario
« on: November 20, 2014, 05:14:54 pm »
Hola comunidad

Tengo un zentyal 4.0 como secundario de un  zentyal PDC 3.0 (primario) , se sincronizaron bien , es decir veo los usuarios en el secundario y cuando hay un cambio de usuario o grupo se replican bien
El problema es que a partir de unir el secundario varios usuarios que normalmente estan unidos al dominio primario le esta fallando la autentificacion , si apago la pc que tiene el secundario entonces  se conectan correctamente.Me da la impresión como si el secundario también quedara como controlador primario.

alguna idea?


Installation and Upgrades / migrating zarafa-openchange
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:40:45 pm »
hello community

Tried to migrate the mailboxes of zarafa with zentyal 3.0 to the new zentyal 4.0 and following the instruciones of the tutorial of the wiki https: // wiki/Migrating_mailboxes_from_Zarafa_to_Dovecot/OpenChange it gives me an error that I have not just solved.

when I come to the step sigueinte:
root@zentyalpl: ~/mailmigration * python ../python-zarafa/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File '../python-zarafa/', line 66, in <modulates>
    main ()
  File '../python-zarafa/', line 56, in main
    for user in s.users (remote False):
  File '/root/python-zarafa/zarafa / __ init ', line 473, in users
    except MAPIErrorNoSupport:
NameError: global yam ' MAPIErrorNoSupport ' is not defined

an observation
__ init this file was modified 8 days ago by the place https: // ye, it can have relation with the previous error.


Spanish / migracion zarafa-openchage
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:48:20 pm »
hola comunidad

tengo la version 3.0.32 y quiero migrar mis buzones zarafa a la version 4.0 openchange he seguido todo el tutorial que esta en la wiki pero me da el siguiente error :

root@zentyalpl:~/mailmigration# python ../python-zarafa/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../python-zarafa/", line 66, in <module>
  File "../python-zarafa/", line 56, in main
    for user in s.users(remote=False):
  File "/root/python-zarafa/zarafa/", line 473, in users
    except MAPIErrorNoSupport:
NameError: global name 'MAPIErrorNoSupport' is not defined
donde puede estar el error
saludos y gracias de antemano

Spanish / error con ldap
« on: June 16, 2014, 07:39:57 pm »
hola comunidad

tuve un problema con el fluido eléctrico y mi server se reseetio y ahora no levanta varios servicios que dependen del ldap
restablecí una copia anterior de /etc/ldap y /etec/ldap.conf pero sigue el problema

alguien me sugiere por donde buscar el problema?

en el log

2014/06/16 13:19:02 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: users
2014/06/16 13:19:02 ERROR> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - Couldn't connect to LDAP server ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi, retrying
2014/06/16 13:19:04 ERROR> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - Couldn't connect to LDAP server ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi, retrying
2014/06/16 13:19:05 ERROR> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - Couldn't connect to LDAP server ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi, retrying
2014/06/16 13:19:07 ERROR> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - Couldn't connect to LDAP server ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi, retrying
2014/06/16 13:19:08 DEBUG> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - FATAL: Couldn't connect to LDAP server: ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi
2014/06/16 13:20:45 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Restarting service for module: users
2014/06/16 13:20:46 ERROR> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - Couldn't connect to LDAP server ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi, retrying
2014/06/16 13:20:47 ERROR> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - Couldn't connect to LDAP server ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi, retrying
2014/06/16 13:20:48 ERROR> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - Couldn't connect to LDAP server ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi, retrying
2014/06/16 13:20:50 ERROR> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - Couldn't connect to LDAP server ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi, retrying
2014/06/16 13:20:51 DEBUG> EBox::Ldap::safeConnect - FATAL: Couldn't connect to LDAP server: ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi
2014/06/16 13:20:51 ERROR> EBox::Module::Service::__ANON__ - Error restarting service: FATAL: Couldn't connect to LDAP server: ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fslapd%2fldapi

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