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Topics - jsalamero

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Hi all Zentyal community members,

we have just started a serie of posts on Zentyal development, check it out the first one on!

We will be glad to help anyone willing to contribute new features on Zentyal.


Hi fellow Zentyal users and Ubuntu Community,

Zentyal development team is happy to announce the availability of some
of our modules in the official Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty" repositories.

The included module versions on this release are:

libebox 2.0.8-0ubuntu1
ebox 2.0.16-0ubuntu1
ebox-services 2.0.1-0ubuntu1
ebox-objects 2.0.1-0ubuntu1
ebox-ntp 2.0.2-0ubuntu1
ebox-ca 2.0.4-0ubuntu1
ebox-network 2.0.9-0ubuntu1
ebox-firewall 2.0.2-0ubuntu1
ebox-dns 2.0.2-0ubuntu1
ebox-dhcp 2.0.3-0ubuntu1
ebox-squid 2.0.4-0ubuntu1
ebox-openvpn 2.0.8-0ubuntu1
ebox-samba 2.0.8-0ubuntu1
ebox-printers 2.0.3-0ubuntu1
ebox-usersandgroups 2.0.11-0ubuntu1

To install Zentyal on Natty just run:

sudo apt-get install ebox ebox-network (... all the desired modules)

With these packaging efforts we want to confirm our commitment to the
Ubuntu community, give non LTS releases users the chance to still use
Zentyal on their servers and keep the software updated during the
way from Lucid LTS to the next LTS release.

We would like to remind you that the Zentyal official releases are always
based on the latest Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support, 5 years) release,
currently Ubuntu Lucid and these releases include the full set of available

Thanks to the Zentyal community and the Ubuntu community for providing
such friendly and warm environment where to develop this project, we
are waiting for your feedback and we are open to all kinds of contributions!

Installation and Upgrades / New Beta Testing forum!
« on: June 22, 2010, 05:39:24 pm »
Hi eBox community members,

we are pleased to announce a new forum intended to share the feedback on eBox beta releases. Our current beta release is eBox 1.5.x, based on Lucid 10.04, which eventually will become 2.0. Beta releases are always odd numbered, like 1.3.x was.

Beta testing is really important to follow eBox development, squashing bugs and with your feedback, help us making eBox better.

Also I would like to welcome our new moderator, Oceanwatcher, a community member who has volunteered to help taking care of the forum. We really appreciate all your contributions, thank you very much.

News and Announcements / Mail and file sharing issues with antivirus
« on: April 16, 2010, 04:43:14 pm »
Hi all,

some of you are reporting that mail services or Samba file sharing stopped working yesterday 15 April 2010. This happens only if you have antivirus enabled. Clam Antivirus has disabled all installations older than 0.95: .

To fix this issue make sure you have your system updated which is a general security recommendation.

First, check that you have these lines in your /etc/apt/souces.list:

Code: [Select]
deb hardy-updates main restricted
deb hardy-updates universe
deb hardy-updates multiverse
deb hardy-security main restricted
deb hardy-security universe
deb hardy-security multiverse

To upgrade only Clam AV:

Code: [Select]
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-base clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam libclamav6

To upgrade all your system (use with caution):

Code: [Select]
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

Or you can also use  Software Management module on the eBox interface.

To check you upgraded successfully to 0.95, you should get an output similar to this one:

Code: [Select]
$ dpkg -l | grep clam
ii  clamav                                0.95.3+dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.04~hardy2.3 anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line i
ii  clamav-base                           0.95.3+dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.04~hardy2.3 anti-virus utility for Unix - base package
ii  clamav-daemon                         0.95.3+dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.04~hardy2.3 anti-virus utility for Unix - scanner daemon
ii  clamav-freshclam                      0.95.3+dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.04~hardy2.3 anti-virus utility for Unix - virus database
ii  libclamav6                            0.95.3+dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.04~hardy2.3 anti-virus utility for Unix - library

News and Announcements / eBox kernel packages available
« on: December 07, 2009, 01:03:48 pm »
It's been a demand from our community to provide kernel packages for both i386 and amd64. On top of that linux-headers where required to build any other kernel modules on eBox and they were not available.

We have been working on properly packaging the kernel from Ubuntu server LTS 8.04 with eBox specific patches (only l7filter at the moment) so we can offer i386 and amd64 versions with the headers needed to build other modules. We also have packaged the DAHDI modules needed for ebox-asterisk.

The packages are available from my PPA and we would like some feedback from you before they are pushed for the next stable release. To test them add to your sources.list:

Code: [Select]
deb hardy main
deb-src hardy main

and install the kernel, headers and dahdi modules according to your needs:

Code: [Select]
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-25-ebox linux-headers-2.6.24-25-ebox dahdi-modules-2.6.24-25-ebox

News and Announcements / New RADIUS module available for eBox 1.2
« on: November 23, 2009, 11:53:59 am »
We have released a new RADIUS module available for eBox 1.2, which will be also available for 1.3 very soon. Give it a try and give us feedback so we can push it on the next stable release !

More details and screenshot on my blog post.

Installation and Upgrades / Where do you run eBox on ?
« on: October 15, 2009, 03:36:38 pm »
Some of you often ask us which hardware is the best choice for running eBox, and we usually say if it runs Ubuntu Linux, then whatever fullfills your needs.

We would like to listen from you, which hardware did you choose for your scenario ?

For example, on eBox HQ we have a HP Proliant DL120 as firewall and router, vpn server, file and printer sharing.

It's also interesting if you can share with us how many users you have behind your eBox.


I've setup the infraestructure to generate and upload eBox Virtual Machine Snapshots. Virtual Machine images are generated from eBox trunk snapshots. This is the way to test latest bleeding edge development and help us to squash bugs and improve features and usability. You can find hard disk images for QEMU/KVM, VMware and VirtualBox on Images will be updated weekly. This is the default configuration:

  • System user: ebox/ebox
  • eBox webui passwd: (empty)
  • IP address:
  • Gateway and DNS server:

I hope you find it useful. Enjoy !

Installation and Upgrades / eBox backup and restore how-to
« on: May 27, 2009, 03:24:21 pm »
hi ebox fans,

i've created two documents on how to backup and restore an ebox system. they are intended to be part of a bigger one on how to deploy and maintain and ebox host which is not finished yet:

there is also a thrid one on how to resize ebox partitions (when using LVM):

i'd like you to review then and get some feedback: suggestions, testing or even contribute back changes or improvements.

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