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Topics - ATT1

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]

Zentyal has the option to fetch mail from external accounts, which is exactly, what I need.
* I have a local domain and a local server srv01.localdomain.local
* several local users exist: user1, user2, user3 etc.
* all of them have external mail accounts, like,

* Zentyal is supposed to regularily fetch these external mails, store them into some internal IMAP server so the users can use the internal IMAP server to read the external mail and respond to it.

Now the question: How do I tell the Zentyal server what the password is for fetching the external mail ??
I could not find a 'password' field anywhere.
Are the local users supposed to have the same login password for logging in locally as for fetching the external mail ?

Where does the Zentyal server store the passwords for fetching the external mail ?

I'm sorry, but I have a strange question. (Though I am no Linux newbie, I know I'll sound like one in this special case...)
I have installed Zentyal 3.2 - Office version. I added some users (ATT1, ATT2, ATT3).
I can change the settings of my Windows 7 client to use the Zentyal domain to log in as $username - logging in over the domain works fine.
But now the troubles start...
a) Trouble 1
On the windows client I can see the network share called :
I can enter these dirs, but I cannot make my own directory anywhere and upload files anywhere. I guess it must have to do with permissions and access rights, but afaik I did everything right...
b) Trouble 2
I can log in as Windows 7 "zentyaluser" (ATT1,2,3) but when opening Outlook2013 , Outlook says "Cannot find Exchange Server" - though kerberos, etc.etc. is clearly running. 

Any advice?

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