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Installation and Upgrades / Re: file server problem Zentyal
« on: March 18, 2013, 07:15:01 pm »
Yes it is on Zentyal 3 and it was a new server install that has been working fine for the past 3 months
Installation and Upgrades / file server problem Zentyal
« on: March 18, 2013, 03:11:14 pm »
Hello guys please i am currently having this problem with my zentyal server....and i do not know how to fix keeps on giving me this error
"This file server will not allow any additional users to log on. Try to connect again later."
please can someone point me to the right direction in order for me to be able to fix it
"This file server will not allow any additional users to log on. Try to connect again later."
please can someone point me to the right direction in order for me to be able to fix it
German / Re: E-Mail Einrichtung mit Zarafa und externen Konten
« on: February 15, 2013, 03:09:54 am »
Haben Sie immer noch dieses problem oder haben Sie schon einer Lösung gefunden!?
Installation and Upgrades / Re: SOLVED - almost !: LDAP across VPN
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:40:23 pm »
Please is there anyone that has implemented Ldap on zentyal for address book on thunderbird!??
Installation and Upgrades / ldap addressbook thunderbird
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:35:12 am »
Hello please i would like to know how you configure the address book in thunderbird with the ldap on zentyal...i presently have three workers and want us to be using thunderbird to share our address book and distribution lists...
please if anyone has done this before i will really be grateful if they could list an example for me...
your input will very much be appreciated
Please do not cross post
Once is enough
please if anyone has done this before i will really be grateful if they could list an example for me...
your input will very much be appreciated
Please do not cross post
Once is enough
Installation and Upgrades / Re: SOLVED - almost !: LDAP across VPN
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:39:32 am »
Hello please i am facing the same problem u mentioned and i will like to know how you configure the address book in thunder bird with the ldap on zentyal...i presently have three workers and want us to be using thunderbird to share our address book and distribution lists...
secondly i do not seem to be able to connect with thunderbird to zentyal when using vpn u have a solution for me please!!?
your input will very much be appreciated
secondly i do not seem to be able to connect with thunderbird to zentyal when using vpn u have a solution for me please!!?
your input will very much be appreciated
Installation and Upgrades / Re: [SOLVED] Zentyal as an internal mail server - configuration options?
« on: October 01, 2012, 01:20:19 pm »
So please then what is the best way to solve this problem if i may ask.
I have been having this problem with zentyal and i don't seem to also know how to solve them.With windows small businees server just creates the internal domain and the users who connect with outlook or thunderbird just send an email to eg and instead of test@localdomain.local appearing users see can one achieve this with zentyal and when one is sending to a local address it automatical forwards it there.
I have been having this problem with zentyal and i don't seem to also know how to solve them.With windows small businees server just creates the internal domain and the users who connect with outlook or thunderbird just send an email to eg and instead of test@localdomain.local appearing users see can one achieve this with zentyal and when one is sending to a local address it automatical forwards it there.
German / Re: umwandlung von email addresse
« on: August 29, 2012, 09:52:40 pm »
Danke für die antwort.Ich werde das probieren
German / umwandlung von email addresse
« on: August 29, 2012, 04:40:43 pm »
Hallo leute,bitte ich habe dieses problem by zentyal das wenn ich zum beispiel ein email rausschicke mit tom@zob.lan
das email landet bei den anderen person als tom@zob.lan und nicht als
kann jemand mir bitte helfen ich bin sehr neu bei der implimentierung von zentyal ?
das email landet bei den anderen person als tom@zob.lan und nicht als
kann jemand mir bitte helfen ich bin sehr neu bei der implimentierung von zentyal ?
Installation and Upgrades / Re: E-mail aliases to external address
« on: June 26, 2012, 05:35:08 pm »
Please i will be grateful if someone could help me with this problem!?
Installation and Upgrades / Re: E-mail aliases to external address
« on: June 25, 2012, 11:35:52 pm »
hello guys please i know that probably someone has answered this question before but i could not find the answer so i need your help desperately.
I configured zentyal to use an internal domain of fresh.lan.
I also used the smarthost feature so that all mails going out of my zentyal box use my hosting providers ip address and a particular username account and password authentication.
my problem is that when mails are been sent to people the email address of eg....teacher@fresh.lan is been used as the sender and not an example)..Please how do i correct this do i configure zentyal so that every email from individual users on my zentyal server that is leaving the server gets the fresh.lan removed and appended....?
Thank you
I configured zentyal to use an internal domain of fresh.lan.
I also used the smarthost feature so that all mails going out of my zentyal box use my hosting providers ip address and a particular username account and password authentication.
my problem is that when mails are been sent to people the email address of eg....teacher@fresh.lan is been used as the sender and not an example)..Please how do i correct this do i configure zentyal so that every email from individual users on my zentyal server that is leaving the server gets the fresh.lan removed and appended....?
Thank you
Installation and Upgrades / Re: joining windows 7 clients to zentyal radius
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:43:51 pm »
Thank you very much for your Effort and reply.Without your help i would have not gotten a solution to my problem.
on the security type: i used wpa2 enterprise
and on the encryption type i sed AES.
other than that i followed the rest of your explanation and it worked perfectly.
Thank you again
on the security type: i used wpa2 enterprise
and on the encryption type i sed AES.
other than that i followed the rest of your explanation and it worked perfectly.
Thank you again
Installation and Upgrades / Re: joining windows 7 clients to zentyal radius
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:20:18 pm »
Thank you very much i will wait until tomorrow for the screen shots for windows 7 thank you very much!!!!!
Installation and Upgrades / Re: joining windows 7 clients to zentyal radius
« on: October 09, 2011, 06:43:56 pm »
Thank you very much.Please is there a (how to) on how to do this please because i have a project i want to implement and it is paramount that windows clients are used
Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED]joining windows 7 clients to zentyal radius
« on: October 09, 2011, 12:35:52 am »
[SOLVED]hello people i am a zentyal newbie and i am trying some new things from zentyal in my lab.i created a radius server on zentyal and the connected it to a dlink access ubuntu clients and mac clients even my ipad can wirelessly connect to my network using the radius service.BUT MY WINDOWS 7 CLIENT CANNOT LOGIN.
please can anyone help me with regards to this problem!??
please can anyone help me with regards to this problem!??
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