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Topics - chr05210084

Pages: [1]
Hi, How do I disallow jpeg and mp3 files in ebox shared folders?

Installation and Upgrades / Problem with eBOX network configuration
« on: December 19, 2007, 06:10:01 pm »
Hi, I have a problem with eBox network configuration, I installed nagios and zabbix on my eBox machine yesterday. After I rebooted my eBox server, my IP Address, DNS, Gateway and Route configuration was gone.   I am planning to install Nagios on my eBox machine to monitor our routers, switches and other servers. Is it fine to install Nagios on my eBox server? I am using Debian sarge and eBox 0.11. By the Way, I really love eBox, can I have a free T-Shirt too... Thank you.

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