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Messages - riteman

Pages: [1]
Stuart was right.

I had created the service but forgotten to add it to the packet filter section controlling access from internal network to Zentyal - now able to use Webmin from any PC on the network

I have setup webmin on my zentyal server and can acces the GUI via port 10000 on the server itself. I am however not able to access it from other PCs on my network.
The port 10000 is closed when I scan from a 2nd PC - I have set up a new service named Webmin with port 10000 but still the port is not open
Any help?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Waiting for network configuration
« on: March 18, 2012, 02:25:35 pm »
The problem with access to the Web server is solved: It seems I cannot access it via the dyndns address from inside my network. I set up a VPN connection to my company server and could then access the server.

Installation and Upgrades / Waiting for network configuration
« on: March 17, 2012, 04:12:39 pm »

I have just installed zentyal 2.3 BETA on a new PC as the boot messages did not appear on the old PC.
Now I see that the boot takes very long due to the fact that there is a message: "Waiting for network configuration" and then later "waiting another 60 seconds for network configuration" Finally boot continues with the message "continuing without full network configuration".

I use eth0 as main interface (have also installed a wlan interface) I am connected to a Buffalo WHR-HP-G300N and have set up static IP address in the router for the server - the server use DYNDNS to make sure it is accessible from the outside world (port forwarding for WEB (port 80) and FTP (port 21) also set up in th erouter). If I use checking my dyndns address I am told that ports 80 and 21 are open.

Now my 2 questions:
What is it that the server is missing during boot?
I canot access the web server from outside the local network using my dyndns address but believe to have set everything which is needed to enable that?

Any help is very much appreciated


Thanks a lot

Installation and Upgrades / No Basic Subscription in Zentyal 2.3?
« on: March 11, 2012, 10:43:19 am »
I have installed version 2.3 and am looking for Subscription under Core but it seems there is no way to sign on the server - is that on purpose due to the fact that 2.3 is not yet final?

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