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Messages - moscoski

Pages: [1]
Explain your set up more. You don't have use exact IPs, but use IPs that indicate what public and what's private. Questions:
1) Is eth0 set to External or Internal?
2) Is eth1 set to External or Internal?
3) Is the IP of eth0 public or private?
4) Is the IP of eth1 public or private?
5) Is is your fowarder forwarding from a public IP to private IP?
6) Are you external and internal interfaces on different subnets?


1) eth0 is set to external (IP from ISP)
2) eth1 is set to internal (
3) eth0 is public
4) eth1 is manually set (this NIC work as DHCP interface) as C-Class IP
5) Yes, is providing from ISP to Internal DHCP
6) Yes, but if I access from other network (for example: home), I can open all my internal hosts

Have you understood?

Thanks for your help.

You probably need to setup the port forwarding for both your interfaces.  Also, the 'replace source address' has an effect on how some services work depending on where you are accessing them from. 

Most of my port forwarding entries have duplicates with eth1 set instead of eth0, for example.


I've tried it too, but, with no positive results.

Honestly, i'm very disappointed with Zentyal. If I turn firewall off, everything looks good.

It's a shame...

Did you take a look at my set up?,16572.msg66067.html#msg66067

Typically, every port-forwarder I've even done goes from my Zentyal gateway's external public IP to a internal private IP of another server on my LAN.

Honestly, I do not understand your situation and what you are trying to accomplish, but if you read my set up, it might help you.

yes, i've looked at your setup, but this not solve my problem.

My ports still opened (tested), but can't forward to my internal IP (running Ubuntu Server too), inside my network (can only access it from outside).

The only way is open it at iptables, but, if I do, there's no reason to use zentyal webadmin. Do you agree?

Lonniebiz, thanks for your reply.

About my eth0: Yes, is dynamic IP. But, my IP hasn't change and, even adding a port forwarding rule, zentyal can't "translate" it to my internal server (ex: zentyal assigned as and I want to redirect all external traffic to another server at, port 20000).

Another interesting point: i've tested my ports and still "opened".

Do you understand my issue? Sorry about my poor english, isn't my native language.

Thanks in advance.


I'm new in zentyal.

I've installed a brand-new ubuntu + zentyal 3.4 with follow configs:

eth0 - dhcp (wan)
eth1 - static ip + dhcp server

I've set up dyndns account and, from external network, server allow access to another IP. But, when I try to access my dyndns URL:port, i just can't access, only :80 port.

What should I do now?


Portuguese / Tentando Redirecionar uma porta para outro IP
« on: May 20, 2014, 05:00:40 pm »
Olá Pessoal!

Sou novo no zentyal, e estou tentando redirecionar um IP para acesso externo.

Coisas à saber:
1 - Tenho uma conta de DNS Dinâmico
2 - As portas já estão abertas
3 - Tenho 2 NICs (eth0 e eth1)
4 - Já tentei adicionar um redirecionamento direto ao IP

Mesmo assim, não consigo acessar o serviço externamente

O que pode ser?

Pages: [1]