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Messages - aetcoadmin

Pages: [1]
Other modules / Re: smbd_audit fails
« on: July 12, 2023, 07:26:28 am »
Great news!  This error seems to have finally been fixed with the latest update to Zentyal 7.0.6

Other modules / Re: smbd_audit fails
« on: December 19, 2022, 03:17:11 am »
I am seeing the same.  I recently updated 3 servers from Zentyal 6.2 to 7.0 and here is a scrubbed snippet from /var/log/syslog:

Code: [Select]
Dec 18 21:01:09 dc_name smbd_audit: DOMAIN\username|xx.xx.xx.xx|getxattr|fail (No data available)|/home/samba/shares/sharename|user.DOSATTRIB
Dec 18 21:01:09 dc_name smbd_audit: DOMAIN\username|xx.xx.xx.xx|get_dos_attributes|fail (No data available)|/home/samba/shares/sharename
Dec 18 21:01:09 dc_name smbd_audit: DOMAIN\username|xx.xx.xx.xx|create_file|fail (Is a directory)|0x100080|file|open|/home/samba/shares/sharename
Dec 18 21:01:09 dc_name smbd_audit: DOMAIN\username|xx.xx.xx.xx|getxattr|fail (No data available)|/home/samba/shares/sharename|user.DOSATTRIB
Dec 18 21:01:09 dc_name smbd_audit: DOMAIN\username|xx.xx.xx.xx|get_dos_attributes|fail (No data available)|/home/samba/shares/sharename
Dec 18 21:01:09 dc_name smbd_audit: DOMAIN\username|xx.xx.xx.xx|getxattr|fail (No data available)|/home/samba/shares/sharename|user.DOSATTRIB
Dec 18 21:01:09 dc_name smbd_audit: DOMAIN\username|xx.xx.xx.xx|get_dos_attributes|fail (No data available)|/home/samba/shares/sharename
Dec 18 21:01:09 dc_name smbd_audit: DOMAIN\username|xx.xx.xx.xx|getxattr|fail (No data available)|/home/samba/shares/sharename|user.DOSATTRIB
Dec 18 21:01:09 dc_name smbd_audit: DOMAIN\username|xx.xx.xx.xx|get_dos_attributes|fail (No data available)|/home/samba/shares/sharename

The server seems to work correctly, and I've tried a few ideas ( apt install attr and apt install xattr) but nothing I've tried has helped.

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix tihs?

Directory and Authentication / Re: Couldn't delete entry! - net cache flush
« on: November 01, 2016, 03:09:33 am »
I was having the same problem with /usr/bin/net getting hung up and not closing.  I have zabbix installed to monitor the server, and after a few days, the memory started getting full.  I started to notice this after installing btsync to sync some shares with windows computers.

Anyway, I thought about commenting out the cron.d line.  But I figure they added it for some reason (would be nice if someone from zentyal let us know why....).  So I decided to change the line to this:
Code: [Select]
nano /etc/cron.d/zentyal-samba
* * * * * root /usr/bin/timeout 50s /usr/bin/net cache flush > /dev/null

The timeout command will only allow the net command to run for a maximum of 50 seconds.  It seems to be working for me so far. 

Note: Timeout was already installed on my machine, however, you probably want to make sure it's installed on yours first.  Also, any future zentyal upgrade will probably overwrite the change...

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