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Messages - aehimself

Pages: [1]
Spanish / Re: SOGo Webmail problema al iniciar sesion
« on: October 30, 2024, 11:56:31 am »
Check You might have the same issue.

A possible solution to this is to make SOGo functioning on both HTTP and HTTPS. To achieve this, edit /etc/zentyal/stubs/sogo/SOGo.conf-apache.mas and change the following two declarations:

  # Old: RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "443"
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "%{HTTP_PORT}e" env=HTTP_PORT

  # Old: RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" "https://%{REQUEST_HOST}e:443"
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" "%{REQUEST_SCHEME}e://%{REQUEST_HOST}e" env=REQUEST_SCHEME,REQUEST_HOST

Important, as I mentioned in the GitHub ticket: I only checked SOGo access; I did not confirm any other (e.g. ActiveSync or calendar ICS sharing) functionality.

I think the issue is with how Zentyal handles its default Apache configuration AND a long-lasting SOGo oversight. Let me explain.

In /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/sogo/SOGo.conf-apache.mas the following is set:

  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "443"
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-name" "%{HTTP_HOST}e" env=HTTP_HOST

However, if HTTP mode is enabled, SOGo still can be accessed on port 80, which won't work due to the header mismatch.

Where SOGo fails is giving us a normal error message, as mentioned here:

Once I forced HTTPS-mode only in Apache in /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/webserver/default.mas by adding

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

my seemingly stuck sessions magically started to work. As the issue came and went I don't want to say anything just yet but I finally feel like making progress... I'll return later with a verdict.

If I am right, as a solution Zentyal either should enforce SSL to SOGo in Apache (preferred) or use %{HTTP_PORT} as x-webobjects-server-port header value in the default SOGo Apache config.

Fyi, I raised a GitHub issue about this.

In the mean time let me ask - what browser did you use when you encountered the endless login loop? On the same PC, Firefox failed to log in while Chromium was successful. Firefox and Chrome were able to log in from a handheld device.

I tried to empty SOGo sessions with sudo -u sogo /usr/sbin/sogo-tool expire-sessions 1 but the login loop remained.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: zentyal 7.0.9 stop allow webadmin login
« on: September 10, 2024, 08:11:37 am »
You are probably affected by being down.
Check if the solution linked to the GitHub issue is applicable to your installation.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: is down
« on: September 09, 2024, 08:04:30 pm » experiences issues lately - as far as I remember this caused the webadmin to cease to function in 7.1. Anyway, you always can check it with a 3rd party:

Reproduction was quite easy... Install SOGo and use it :) One day it decided to throw successful logons back to the login page without any trace of errors whatsoever.

As for the subnet comment it can be disregarded... I went on vacation and used a VPN (external, not running on Zentyal) to access the server and the issue occurred immediately. After restarting the server like 2 days in row fixed it and now I can access SOGo through VPN as well. What I thought initially is that accessing it from the VPNs subnet causes it to bug, but it was only a coincidence.

Have the same issue on Zentyal 8.0.3, fresh install, not even alive yet.
I have a feeling that this has something to do with accessing SOGo from different subnets...

For the time being not even the workaround from AleSanchez works, only a reboot... and only for a limited amount of time.

Email and Groupware / Re: SOGO groupware - Upgrade
« on: May 26, 2024, 07:20:20 pm »
I would also be interested knowing this.
I experimented a lot with different distros before I chose Zentyal as the successor of my production machine but the comonent versions were a lot more up-to-date in the competitors. Would love to see some component versions brought to... 2024 :)

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